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Stream: lean4

Topic: unifying ⦃x y⦄ with {x y}

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 09 2022 at 13:34):

Unification is a bit less powerful here in Lean 4 than in Lean 3:

variable {α : Type}

def Symmetric (r : α  α  Prop) :=  x y⦄, r x y  r y x

example (r : α  α  Prop) (hr : Symmetric r):  {x y}, r x y  r y x := hr -- works in Lean 3, fails in Lean 4
example (r : α  α  Prop) (hr : Symmetric r):  {x y}, r x y  r y x := λ foo => hr foo -- works in Lean 4

I don't know what the desired behaviour is (i.e. whether this should work or not), but the reason it's autoport-breaking is that in core Lean 4 we have Equivalence defined with {x y} fields and in Mathlib4 we have Symmetric defined with ⦃x y⦄. I don't have any objections to putting in all the lambdas of course.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 09 2022 at 13:40):

cc: @Leonardo de Moura

Mario Carneiro (Nov 09 2022 at 13:42):

I'm torn on whether this should work. The only reason it works in lean 3 is because it doesn't do auto-implicits in the first place; if you wrote \lam _ _, hr then it wouldn't work in lean 3 either. I think @hr will work in this case

Mario Carneiro (Nov 09 2022 at 13:43):

https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/287929-mathlib4/topic/equivalence.20relations.20are.20symmetric/near/308132822 is also related

Leonardo de Moura (Nov 09 2022 at 14:14):

@Mario Carneiro Yes, the issue is due to the new implicit lambda feature in Lean 4. @hr is a good workaround.
The binder notation ⦃x y⦄ is very Lean-specific, and does not work well with the implicit lambda feature.
It would be great to collect many examples that are triggering this problem. We should discuss this issue in the next dev meeting.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC