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Stream: lean4

Topic: unsafe customizations

Arthur Adjedj (May 12 2023 at 13:47):

Is there any set_option that lets one turn off the positivity checker for inductive types ? I know that non-strictly-positive inductives are allowed with unsafe, but I'm wondering if Lean 4 has an option to allow you to bypass this restriction outside of unsafe.

Notification Bot (May 12 2023 at 13:48):

This topic was moved here from #lean4 > possibly unsafe customizations ? by Arthur Adjedj.

Kevin Buzzard (May 12 2023 at 15:13):

Surely no set_option will enable a possible proof of false, and presumably the point of the positivity checker is to make sure you're not going to be able to prove false.

Jason Rute (May 13 2023 at 14:39):

@Arthur Adjedj It might be helpful to give you #xy here. I think the Lean developers don't want it to be easy to having an inconsistent kernel with just a simple option setting.

Henrik Böving (May 13 2023 at 14:48):

Note that this is not just an issue with consistency in the kernel, it is also a run time issue. As soon as the strong positivity checker is disabled you can start building cyclic data structures which of course our reference counting approach to memory cannot deal with.

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 16:03):

Henrik Böving said:

Note that this is not just an issue with consistency in the kernel, it is also a run time issue. As soon as the strong positivity checker is disabled you can start building cyclic data structures which of course our reference counting approach to memory cannot deal with.

While this is true, there also exist some datatypes that are both acyclic and sound, but which are not accepted by the positivity checker. Such an example would be :

inductive Foo : Type _:=
    |  foo : HashMap Nat Foo  Foo

which doesn't get accepted, even though

inductive Foo : Type _:=
    |  foo : (Nat Foo)   Foo

Jason Rute said:

Arthur Adjedj It might be helpful to give you #xy here. I think the Lean developers don't want it to be easy to having an inconsistent kernel with just a simple option setting.

I agree that being able to cause unsoundness shouldn't be accessible, but there already are accessible sources of unsoundness, such as implemented_by, and it would be nice to allow the user to define a non-positive inductive type as a "safe" type if he knows that this wouldn't cause unsoundness.

Kevin Buzzard (May 13 2023 at 16:05):

Can you show me a proof of false using implemented_by?

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 16:06):

(This is orthogonal to this discussion, but it would also be preferable IMO for native_compute and native_decide(which are unsound) to be hidden behind an option as well)

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:08):

def foo : Nat := 0

@[implemented_by foo]
def bar : Nat := 1

example : False := by
  have : 1 = 0 := by
    show bar = foo
  simp at this

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:09):

Is native_decide supposed to be disallowed?

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 16:11):

I don't believe so, but as said previously, it should perhaps be preferable for things that can prove False to not be too easily accessible

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:12):

yeah, I agree

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:13):

Or there should at least be an option for "safe" implemented_by that takes a proof that the terms are equal (even if the proof is a sorry), and to only allow native_decide to evaluate using safe implementations.

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 16:14):

Allowing possibly unsafe features to be hidden behind options (which could perhaps give warning during type-checking) feels like a safe trade-off to me, and that's probably why such options are already available in other, more mature proof-assistants

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 16:15):

Adam Topaz said:

Or there should at least be an option for "safe" implemented_by that takes a proof that the terms are equal (even if the proof is a sorry), and to only allow native_decide to evaluate using safe implementations.

How would that work when the "implementation function" is unsafe, but the "interface" one is safe ?

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:15):

I don't know, it was just an idle thought :)

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:16):

Maybe for unsafe implementations, the proof would be forced to be a sorry.

Kyle Miller (May 13 2023 at 16:25):

native_decide is basically "take the Lean #eval being correct as an axiom". You can see if you have a theorem that (transitively) depends on it:

theorem baz : False := by
  have : 1 = 0 := by
    show bar = foo
  simp at this

#print axioms baz
-- 'baz' depends on axioms: [propext, Lean.ofReduceBool]

Kyle Miller (May 13 2023 at 16:26):

In that sense it's perfectly safe, since you should only really trust a theorem if it doesn't have Lean.ofReduceBool as an axiom.

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:26):

Okay, I feel better now :)

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:27):

But for the average user who wouldn't be bothered using #print axioms baz, maybe there should be some warning (that can be turned off with an option)?

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 16:31):

Kyle Miller said:

In that sense it's perfectly safe, since you should only really trust a theorem if it doesn't have Lean.ofReduceBool as an axiom.

Isn't the main goal of these axioms to be used to make proofs faster ? If so, what is the meaning behind having these in the first place if you shouldn't trust them ?

Kyle Miller (May 13 2023 at 16:33):

@Adam Topaz Should this have a warning too then?

axiom explosion {p : Prop} : p

example : False := explosion

The docstring for native_decide says you should be careful and mentions #print axioms.

Though maybe it'd be useful having an option that disallows adding new axioms or using native_decide. I'm thinking for Mathlib and for student homework submissions.

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:33):

yeah, teaching is exactly what I had in mind.

Adam Topaz (May 13 2023 at 16:35):

I think it's common to check for extraneous axiom commands in homework submissions. But I wouldn't think to check for uses of built-in tactics.

Kyle Miller (May 13 2023 at 16:53):

@Arthur Adjedj I think there are different levels of trust you can have in a result. I trust that the Lean kernel with no additional axioms except for Classical.choice is extremely likely to be correct. If you use native_decide, then it's on you to verify that every implemented_by is correct and that the compiler and interpreter are producing the correct result. If you show me a Lean proof without native_decide, I'll believe it if Lean accepts it. If you show me a Lean proof with native_decide, I'll have to trust you that you've done all this additional work and haven't made a mistake.

I think native_decide could be useful, and it's no worse of a situation than writing programs to calculate things to support proofs in traditional math papers.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 19:06):

I'm surprised that no one mentioned that unsafe inductive literally does what the OP requests and turns off the positivity checker:

unsafe inductive Foo : Type where
  | mk : (Foo  False)  Foo

Henrik Böving (May 13 2023 at 19:08):

Arthur Adjedj said:

Is there any set_option that lets one turn off the positivity checker for inductive types ? I know that non-strictly-positive inductives are allowed with unsafe, but I'm wondering if Lean 4 has an option to allow you to bypass this restriction outside of unsafe.

this sounded like they already knew and do specifically not want it?

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 19:08):

@Adam Topaz said:

Or there should at least be an option for "safe" implemented_by that takes a proof that the terms are equal (even if the proof is a sorry), and to only allow native_decide to evaluate using safe implementations.

This exists, it's called @[csimp]

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 19:11):

Kyle Miller said:

In that sense it's perfectly safe, since you should only really trust a theorem if it doesn't have Lean.ofReduceBool as an axiom.

I think this is a bit too strong, Lean.ofReduceBool is also not supposed to be inconsistent. The thing is, if you are using ofReduceBool then every occurrence of implemented_by or extern should be read as axiom and you should audit it for correctness

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 19:14):

If you want a safe version for unsafe inductive, then you need a design that gets that, because obviously you can't just take the unsafe off. Currently the way lean handles proving that inductives don't introduce inconsistency is the positivity checker; if you want to make an inductive which fails the positivity checker then you have to prove it is sound somehow. How do you intend to do that?

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 19:16):

One common way this is done in mathlib is to define your type as a regular def, and then prove the constructor and recursor as theorems. You can't prove the computation rule, though, and it is almost never the case that it happens to work out to a definitional equality

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:03):

Hi Mario, I'm aware of all that, what I'm saying is that the positivity checker doesn't cover all "sound" inductive definitions (and I don't expect it to !), and that as such, it would be nice to be able, for people that are confident enough in their inductive definitions and who knows what they're doing, to be able to locally disable it for some inductive types. Both Coq and Agda (with Attribute bypass_check(guard= yes) and {-# NO_POSITIVITY_CHECK #-}) respectively) have such features, and it would be desirable to have that in Lean too in my opinion.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:04):

you can axiomatize the inductive you want

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:05):

TBH I don't think it's a good idea to just have it as an option like in Coq + Agda, unless it comes with some really scary warning to never use it in production

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:06):

I'd gladly take alarming warnings over losing nice reduction rules

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:06):

that's a theory extension

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:07):

In what sense ?

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:07):

right now it's fine for unsafe inductive to do whatever it wants since it doesn't touch the kernel or the theory, but if you want this in a safe inductive then you have to modify the theory to accomodate it

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:08):

the only thing you can justify here without a theory change is something you could already do today: an axiomatization, or a def + theorems, and just make an elab which unfolds to that stuff

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:10):

again, you need to specify what you want the actual syntax of the feature to be. If it is just an option to turn off positivity checking without unsafe, that is unsound, so what is preventing things from going off the rails?

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:10):

axiom does not let you add kernel defeq rules

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:13):

Mario Carneiro said:

again, you need to specify what you want the actual syntax of the feature to be. If it is just an option to turn off positivity checking without unsafe, that is unsound, so what is preventing things from going off the rails?

Nothing would prevent it, except from the trust in the user, in the same way that axioms are dependent on the trust in the user to not axiomatise something unsound.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:16):

what would you give the kernel?

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:17):

the kernel refuses to supply you with an inductive unless you follow the rules

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:17):

The declared inductive, as well as a tag to not check positivity

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:18):

so what about external kernels? they don't have such a flag

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:18):

Is the kernel not called whatsoever on unsafe things currently ? I would have thought that the kernel simply turned off some features when checking unsafe things, not that only the elaborator checked them

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:19):

the lean kernel might get called on unsafe things, but IIRC they are not in the export

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:20):

double checked, yes the kernel has an unsafe mode and is used unconditionally

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:24):

Mario Carneiro said:

so what about external kernels? they don't have such a flag

I understand that this might not be a trivial feature, but I am just surprised at how conservative lean is with regards to these things, compared to Coq and Agda which allows many different, possibly unsafe shenanigans, to be manually turned on if an experienced user so wished to use them. An example of this is how Coq UniMath uses type-in-type in its library to have propositional resizing.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:31):

A lot of it is pushback on that whole ethos, where soundness is a far future goal (or worse, a non-goal) rather than something written up in a paper that you can point to whenever anyone asks

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:32):

it's an interactive theorem prover for cripes sakes, soundness is the value proposition

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:35):

I have still yet to see a proof of soundness of the complete coq kernel (or at least, a subset sufficient for the coq standard library), and agda is not even trying

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:36):

Mario Carneiro said:

I have still yet to see a proof of soundness of the complete coq kernel (or at least, a subset sufficient for the coq standard library), and agda is not even trying

Coq has MetaCoq, in which it proves its own soundness, and the Calculus of (Co)Inductive constructions has many different models nowadays to prove its theoretical soundness. As for Agda, it's unsound in many ways, and doesn't hide from it much

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:38):

To add to this, MetaCoq provides a verified "safe-checker", and although it is much slower than the real type-checking, I'm pretty sure it does type-check on the entire stdlib.

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:39):

If anything, I think "default" Coq is more trusted than Lean is by its users

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:39):

no, CIC means whatever you want it to mean in those papers, every single one finds some way to be less than the whole

Kevin Buzzard (May 13 2023 at 20:41):

As a mathematician I am instinctively very suspicious of a prover which can prove false. Programs crashing is not a big deal in CS, but proving false is deadly.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:41):

metacoq is the furthest along I have seen, but it's still assuming a nontrivial axiom about normalization (of course it has to assume some axiom since it is a proof in coq, but it should be something comparable to a large cardinal axiom)

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:43):

MetaCoq does assume strong normalization, yes. As a side-note, some people are currently working on extending some logical relations formalisations to prove SN on a theory ever so closer to CIC, but it's only in its beginning.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:43):

and also, is it actually usable to check the standard library / other plain coq developments? Too often people just cover the "theoretically interesting" bits and miss out on the part where 1 % N overflows when N = 2^32

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:45):

or, implementation bugs aside, stuff like modules, coinductive types, or other "fringe" features which are actually used in practice

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:46):

you can easily play a linguistic game where you say "I've proved Coq" when you mean "I've proved MLTT + inductive types" and people hear "I've proved modules + nested mutual co-inductive inductive types"

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:47):

this situation is especially bad for PCUIC because it is always changing (well, "always" is relative, but it has changed quite a bit across the various versions of Coq)

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:47):

MetaCoq has support for CoInductive/CoFix, and I remember meeting an intern that was formalizing Coq modules in MetaCoq, it might have already been merged since then, but even if not, modules aren't present at the kernel level, they only help in avoiding code duplication when writing Coq.

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:49):

Mario Carneiro said:

this situation is especially bad for PCUIC because it is always changing (well, always is relative, but it has changed quite a bit across the various versions of Coq)

Always expanding might be the right word here.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:50):

do you know whether you can plug the "safe checker" in to the coq frontend and run real stuff on it?

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:50):

The two last "fundamental" issues that differentiate between the "real" CIC behind Coq's implementation and PCUIC, as far as I know, are the guard condition, which isn't the exact same between the two because Coq tries many heuristics to accept more things, and eta-conversion.

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:51):

Mario Carneiro said:

do you know whether you can plug the "safe checker" in to the coq frontend and run real stuff on it?

You can, as far as I know, though i've never tested myself. There's a MetaCoq SafeCheck <term> command available (if you've imported the safe-checker that is, of course)

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:51):

I mean without modifying the coq code, just point at a library

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:52):

I want to know that every dependency of this term is SafeChecked

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:52):

Not that I know of, I can ask around on the coq zulip

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:54):

do you know whether metacoq supports a "semantic" model rather than one based on normalization?

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:54):

that would make it a lot easier to justify stuff like different reduction rules or eta conversion

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:55):

Mario Carneiro said:

do you know whether metacoq supports a "semantic" model rather than one based on normalization?

What do you mean by "semantic" here ?

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:55):

types are sets, elements are elements, equality is equality, defeq is also equality

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:56):

do the terms have a denotational semantics

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 20:57):

I do not know, I'm not that knowledgeable when it comes to MetaCoq, but I would believe not.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 20:57):

In lean this is a major deciding criterion for the theory, if it doesn't have a natural model then it's not ok (hence all kinds of anti-classical things are excluded)

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 21:00):

Well, yes, Lean is classical by all means and aims to be. There's nothing stopping Coq, which (appart from Coinductives) doesn't have any theoretical features Lean doesn't have, to also have a model in ZFC+ inaccessible cardinals.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 21:00):

To add to what @Kevin Buzzard said, I think mathematicians want more than simple consistency from their axiom systems, they really want a sensible semantic interpretation of the theory, otherwise how can you say you have proved e.g. brouwer's fixed point theorem and not some bastardized version of it?

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 21:01):

I mean, do you believe that Brouwer's fixed point proof in lean translates exactly to the usual ZFC one when embedding the proof though Lean's model ?

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 21:01):

the proof, maybe not, but the statement yes

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 21:03):

the lean real numbers embed to exactly the ZFC real numbers (up to isomorphism), and topological spaces, spheres, etc likewise

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 21:03):

I can understand why mathematicians like that idea then, it certainly is a desirable property

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 21:03):

But again, nothing stops Coq from being given the same exact interpretation as Lean's

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 21:04):

that would be great if someone could prove it :)

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 21:05):

I find it funny to hear coming from the other isle, where Coq "type-theorists" usually doubt Lean's soundness (though mostly in regards to its implementation, not its theory)

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 21:06):

I think there are reasonable reasons to doubt Lean's implementation correctness, having mostly to do with the fact that it is younger and has a much smaller team behind it

Henrik Böving (May 13 2023 at 21:07):

They do? The only thing I hear from Coq people is that they don't like the fact that Lean does not always have subject reduction but that is not soundness.

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 21:07):

still, we can at least say that there are no known soundness bugs (which hopefully all major ITPs should also be able to claim)

Henrik Böving (May 13 2023 at 21:08):

Mario Carneiro said:

still, we can at least say that there are no known soundness bugs (which hopefully all major ITPs should also be able to claim)

*that we didn't fix^^

Arthur Adjedj (May 13 2023 at 21:08):

(all except Agda)

Mario Carneiro (May 13 2023 at 21:09):

(and Mizar)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC