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Stream: lean4
Topic: using indentation to resolve syntactic ambiguity
Simon Hudon (Mar 19 2022 at 23:25):
I'm building a DSL for writing context free grammars. I have the following syntactic rule and an example:
declare_syntax_cat rules
declare_syntax_cat rule
declare_syntax_cat symbol
syntax (ident <|> strLit) : symbol
syntax ident " ::= " (colGt symbol)* : rule
syntax rule* : rules
syntax(name := grammarCmd) "grammar " ident rules "end " ident : command
grammar foo
foo ::= "(" foo ")"
star ::= "." foo
-- ^
-- expected 'end'
end foo
-- invalid 'end', insufficient scopes
Clearly, the fact that I can have an identifier on either side of " ::= "
makes this grammar ambiguous so I added colGt
so that if I have a new line in the middle of a production rule, I have to indent it in order for it to be recognized as the continuation of the same rule. It doesn't seem to work that way. I also tried using notFollowedBy(" ::= ")
after ident
on the rhs of the production rule and that also doesn't work. How can I resolve this ambiguity?
Leonardo de Moura (Mar 19 2022 at 23:34):
@Simon Hudon colGt
is the way to go, but you need to use withPosition
to specify the column colGt
is going to compare.
declare_syntax_cat rules
declare_syntax_cat rule
declare_syntax_cat symbol
syntax (ident <|> str) : symbol
syntax ident withPosition(" ::= " (colGt symbol)*) : rule
syntax rule* : rules
syntax(name := grammarCmd) "grammar " ident rules "end " ident : command
| `(grammar $id1:ident $rules:rules end $id2:ident) => `(#print "hello")
grammar foo
foo ::= "(" foo ")"
star ::= "." foo
end foo
Simon Hudon (Mar 19 2022 at 23:41):
Ah! Nice! Thank you
Arthur Paulino (Mar 20 2022 at 03:20):
What does "colGt" mean? I keep reading "column greater than" in my mind but I'm not sure that makes sense
Simon Hudon (Mar 20 2022 at 03:34):
Leo just gave me the second part of this puzzle. withPosition
marks a relative position and colGt
is a match only if it appears at a column greater that the latest position recorded by withPosition
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC