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Stream: lean4

Topic: where is better to put the type dependency info?

Gabriel gomez (Jan 25 2023 at 21:40):

Which one is better?

  inductive Pair (x: Type) (p q : x -> Type)   where
  | mk : {a: x} -> p a ->  q a -> Pair x p q


  inductive Pair2 (x: Type) (a: x) (p q : x -> Type)   where
  | mk : p a ->  q a -> Pair2 x a p q

Gabriel gomez (Jan 25 2023 at 21:45):

I suppose the difference is option 2 doesn't allow to pattern match on value (a :x) and option 1 allow us to do it.

Henrik Böving (Jan 25 2023 at 21:55):

sure you can still pattern match on it, the argument is still down in the mk as an auto implicit, it is just that the result type changed. But I don't see a reason to index a pair by this parameter value in this way from the top of my head.

Gabriel gomez (Jan 25 2023 at 22:03):

Well, I was translating bad some haskell code from the paper: http://strictlypositive.org/CJ.pdf
I fixed my translation and it's compiling at least. I'll continue checking the paper.

Kyle Miller (Jan 25 2023 at 22:30):

If I understand the very little of the paper that I read correctly, the most accurate translation would be

inductive Pair3 (x : Type) (p q : x -> Type) (a: x) where
  | mk : p a ->  q a -> Pair3 x p q a

since then you have Pair3 x p q : x -> Type. (It probably wouldn't hurt to make x implicit.)

Kyle Miller (Jan 25 2023 at 22:33):

There's a big difference between Pair and Pair2 by the way. Pair2 x a p q can be thought of as just those terms of Pair x p q of the form Pair.mk {a} _ _ (ones with a specific value of a).

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC