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Stream: job postings

Topic: Postdoc in Maths and AI [@ Sydney]

Johan Commelin (Dec 07 2022 at 09:31):

Copied from https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2022/12/05/postdoctoral-research-positions-in-mathematics-and-ai-at-the-sydney-mathematics-research-institute/

[The following information was provided to me by Geordie Williamson, who is Director of the Sydney Mathematics Research Institute – T.]

We are currently advertising two positions in math and AI:

  • A Level A position (for first time postdocs, upcoming PhDs); and
  • a Level B position (for candidates with a postdoc / some research experience):

Both positions are for three years and are based at the Sydney Mathematical Research Institute. The positions are research only, but teaching at the University of Sydney is possible if desired. The successful candidate will have considerable time and flexibility to pursue their own research program.

We are after either:

  • excellent mathematicians with some interest in programming and modern AI;
  • excellent computer scientists with some interest and background in mathematics, as well as an interest in using AI to attack tough problems in mathematics.

See the linked blogpost for further links.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC