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Stream: job postings

Topic: summer internships at Aalto University, Finland

Kalle Kytölä (Dec 27 2021 at 12:48):

Within the internship programme of the Aalto Science Institute, we have a call for two interns of BSc or MSc level to summer projects on formalization of mathematics in Lean (specifically small topics in probability and analysis). These are topics numbered 4201 and 4202 in the list of internship projects.

If you are interested, you can ask me for more details!

Further advertisement:

  • The AScI intership program arranges social events, day-trips, help with housing, etc.
  • We are organizing an ICM satellite on Probability and Mathematical Physics in Helsinki just before the ICM itself. The summer interns also get to participate and help in the organization.
  • There's a direct train from Helsinki to Saint Petersburg, if you plan to spend your summer vacation at the ICM! (...to hear Kevin's talk, of course :wink:)

Kalle Kytölä (Jan 11 2023 at 08:50):

In the summer of 2023 we will again have formalization internships at Aalto University. The arrangements are mostly similar to the above (except no ICM satellites this year :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: --- which probably means less conference organization and more formalization).

The precise formalization topics are to be selected in due time with the interns' interests and preferences taken into account, but probability and analysis are priorities, because I feel like those areas would particularly benefit from an increased number of contributors. (Also the interns would essentially be a part of our mathematical physics group, where most research topics have a probability / analysis / representation theory flavor.)

Link to the official internship programme info:

Link to FAQ:

I'll be happy to answer any questions for example on this Zulip!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC