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Topic: !4#4183 `simps` maximum recursion depth

Jireh Loreaux (May 24 2023 at 21:33):

@Floris van Doorn would you mind having a look at the simps problem present in !4#4183? I have temporarily worked around the problem by adding the simp lemmas manually, but it would be good to understand the issue here and I'm out of ideas. The problem is mentioned in the PR comment and as porting notes in the file.

Floris van Doorn (May 31 2023 at 21:40):

I found time to investigate this. The error occurs at the declaration

@[simps! (config := { fullyApplied := false }) apply symm_apply]
def addEquivBoundedOfCompact [AddMonoid β] [LipschitzAdd β] : C(α, β) ≃+ (α →ᵇ β) :=
  ({ toContinuousMapAddHom α β, (equivBoundedOfCompact α β).symm with } : (α →ᵇ β) ≃+ C(α, β)).symm

The behavior of simps! is to call dsimp; simp to simplify the resulting right-hand sides of the generated simp-lemmas. After minimizing the RHS a little bit, we get the following mwe, which indeed loops:

import Mathlib.Topology.ContinuousFunction.Compact

open BoundedContinuousFunction

variable {α β : Type _} [TopologicalSpace α] [CompactSpace α] [MetricSpace β]
   [AddMonoid β] [LipschitzAdd β]
set_option trace.Debug.Meta.Tactic.simp true
set_option maxRecDepth 100
example :
  (({ toEquiv := (ContinuousMap.equivBoundedOfCompact α β).symm,
      map_add' := (BoundedContinuousFunction.toContinuousMapAddHom α β).map_add } : _ ≃+ _).invFun :
        C(α, β)  α →ᵇ β) = sorry := by
  dsimp -- max recursion depth reached

Looking at the simp trace, the problem is the lemma docs4#AddEquiv.symm_mk

theorem symm_mk (f : M  N) (h) :
  (MulEquiv.mk f h).symm = f.symm, (MulEquiv.mk f h).symm.map_mul' := rfl

It makes sense that this simp-lemma causes loops, since the right-hand side contains the left-hand side as a subexpression! I'm surprised we don't have a linter that catches this.
We should remove this simp-lemma from the simp-set.

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 21:53):

Hmm... That wasn't the case in mathlib, was it? Why is it rewriting the proof?

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 21:54):

And certainly this simp lemma is useful.

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 21:55):

If nothing else can save it, turn (MulEquiv.mk h).symm.map_mul' into a private lemma and use it using symm_mk.

Reid Barton (May 31 2023 at 21:56):

Does (d)simp really simplify inside proofs?

Matthew Ballard (Sep 19 2023 at 14:58):

Did anything come of this discussion? I just ran into the mul version :/

Floris van Doorn (Sep 27 2023 at 14:42):

I opened #7407 as a temporary fix. We should either make sure that simp doesn't rewrite inside propositions, finds that it loops in this case, or add a linter that guards against lemmas like this.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC