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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: !4#4629 Cannot find synthesization order

Pim Otte (Jun 10 2023 at 09:07):

This instance in https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/pull/4629 is causing the following errors:

 Error: ./././Mathlib/RingTheory/Perfection.lean:387:0: error: cannot find synthesization order for instance charPmodP with type
   (K : Type u₁) [inst : Field K] (v : Valuation K 0) (O : Type u₂) [inst_1 : CommRing O] [inst_2 : Algebra O K],
    Valuation.Integers v O   (p : ) [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] [hvp : Fact (v p  1)], CharP (ModP O p) p
all remaining arguments have metavariables:
  Field ?K
  @Algebra O ?K CommRing.toCommSemiring DivisionSemiring.toSemiring
  Fact (↑?v p  1)
 Error: ./././Mathlib/RingTheory/Perfection.lean:387:0: error: cannot find synthesization order for instance charPmodP with type
   (K : Type u₁) [inst : Field K] (v : Valuation K 0) (O : Type u₂) [inst_1 : CommRing O] [inst_2 : Algebra O K],
    Valuation.Integers v O   (p : ) [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] [hvp : Fact (v p  1)], CharP (ModP O p) p
all remaining arguments have metavariables:
  Fact (↑?v p  1)

The following is the instance with variables written out:

instance charPmodP (K : Type u₁) [inst : Field K] (v : Valuation K 0) (O : Type u₂) [inst_1 : CommRing O] [inst_2 : Algebra O K]
    [hp : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] [hvp : Fact (v p  1)] : CharP (ModP O p) p:=
  CharP.quotient O p <| mt hv.one_of_isUnit <| (map_natCast (algebraMap O K) p).symm  hvp.1

I've tried playing with outparams and couldn't get it to work, but the thing that really boggles my mind is that it doesn't seem to pick up K as a variable, since it's complaining about it being a meta-variabele. Any pointers?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC