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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Backporting strict implicits

Mario Carneiro (Jul 03 2021 at 21:26):

Lean 4 does not support "strict implicit" mode any more, that is, @@foo. There are only 40 hits for @@ in mathlib, so it seems like a reasonable backport candidate. It's also not particularly hard to support in the porting tool, so we can also not backport.

Sebastian Ullrich (Jul 04 2021 at 07:12):

Fwiw, I encountered exactly one type where strict implicit binders looked nicer while preparing our lab course, for which the following wrapper seemed adequate:

structure StrictImplicitProp (p : Prop) : Prop where
  fn : p

instance : CoeFun (StrictImplicitProp p) (fun _ => p) where
  coe := StrictImplicitProp.fn

abbrev Env.Adequate (ρ : Env) (σ : State) : Prop :=
  StrictImplicitProp <|  {x v}, ρ x = some v  σ x = some v

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC