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Topic: CategoryTheory.Category.mk

Dean Young (Aug 11 2023 at 05:15):

I've decided that Mathlib's categories, functors, natural transformations, and bicategories have advanced features I really respect, so I'm constructing bijections with their ordinary counterparts so I can learn to use them. It's more important to me that I be able to translate into Mathlib's categories, functors, natural transformations, bicategories than vice versa, since I'm content with the extensionality results of Mathlib's category library. I was hoping someone who knows the library could help me fill in these two .mk's, since there were some complexities in the inference that are giving me difficulties.

#check CategoryTheory.Category
#check CategoryTheory.Category.mk
-- A basic category structure
structure category.{u₀,v₀} where
  Obj : Type u₀
  Hom : Obj  Obj  Type v₀
  Idn : (X:Obj)  Hom X X
  Cmp : (X:Obj)  (Y:Obj)  (Z:Obj)  (_:Hom X Y)  (_:Hom Y Z)  Hom X Z
  Id₁ : (X:Obj)  (Y:Obj)  (f:Hom X Y) 
    Cmp X Y Y f (Idn Y) = f
  Id₂ : (X:Obj)  (Y:Obj)  (f:Hom X Y) 
    Cmp X X Y (Idn X) f = f
  Ass : (W:Obj)  (X:Obj)  (Y:Obj)  (Z:Obj)  (f:Hom W X)  (g:Hom X Y)  (h:Hom Y Z) 
    (Cmp W X Z) f (Cmp X Y Z g h) = Cmp W Y Z (Cmp W X Y f g) h

def dict₁ (C : category) : CategoryTheory.Category := sorry
-- It could be something involving CategoryTheory.Category.mk ...

The situation was similar with functors and natural transformations:

#check CategoryTheory.Functor
#check CategoryTheory.Functor.mk

I wanted to be able to go back and forth with it with only the information of this:

-- an ordinary functor structure
structure functor (C : category) (D : category) where
   Obj : (_ : C.Obj),D.Obj
   Hom : (X : C.Obj),(Y : C.Obj),(_ : C.Hom X Y),D.Hom (Obj X) (Obj Y)
   Idn : (X : C.Obj),Hom X X (C.Idn X) = D.Idn (Obj X)
   Cmp : (X : C.Obj),(Y : C.Obj),(Z : C.Obj),(f : C.Hom X Y),(g : C.Hom Y Z),
   D.Cmp (Obj X) (Obj Y) (Obj Z) (Hom X Y f) (Hom Y Z g) = Hom X Z (C.Cmp X Y Z f g)

def dict₂ (C : category) (D : category) (F : functor C D) : CategoryTheory.Functor (dict₁ C) (dict₁ D) := sorry
-- It could be CategoryTheory.Functor.mk ... (and it should involve two applications of dict₁)

The .mk's are a little complex for the object and hom components with some nice features clearly built in. Can anyone give me some advice on how to work these .mk's?

Scott Morrison (Aug 11 2023 at 05:29):

What you've written doesn't make sense. CategoryTheory.Functor is not a type: you need to parametrize is by two CategoryTheory.Categorys.

Dean Young (Aug 11 2023 at 05:35):

Ok, I made some edits.

Dean Young (Aug 12 2023 at 20:18):

I got the first part.

-- A category C consists of:
structure category.{u₀,v₀} where
  Obj : Type u₀
  Hom : Obj  Obj  Type v₀
  Idn : (X:Obj)  Hom X X
  Cmp : (X:Obj)  (Y:Obj)  (Z:Obj)  (_:Hom X Y)  (_:Hom Y Z)  Hom X Z
  Id₁ : (X:Obj)  (Y:Obj)  (f:Hom X Y) 
    Cmp X Y Y f (Idn Y) = f
  Id₂ : (X:Obj)  (Y:Obj)  (f:Hom X Y) 
    Cmp X X Y (Idn X) f = f
  Ass : (W:Obj)  (X:Obj)  (Y:Obj)  (Z:Obj)  (f:Hom W X)  (g:Hom X Y)  (h:Hom Y Z) 
    (Cmp W X Z) f (Cmp X Y Z g h) = Cmp W Y Z (Cmp W X Y f g) h

-- Notation for the identity map which infers the category:
def identity_map (C : category) (X : C.Obj) := C.Idn X
notation "𝟙_(" C ")" => identity_map C

-- Notation for composition which infers the category and objects:
def composition (C : category) {X : C.Obj} {Y : C.Obj} {Z : C.Obj} (f : C.Hom X Y) (g : C.Hom Y Z) : C.Hom X Z := C.Cmp X Y Z f g
notation g "∘_(" C ")" f => composition C f g

theorem Id₁ (C : category) {X : C.Obj} { Y : C.Obj} (f : C.Hom X Y) :
  (f _(C) (𝟙_(C) X)) = f := C.Id₂ X Y f

theorem Id₂ (C : category) {X Y : C.Obj} (f : C.Hom X Y) :
  (𝟙_(C) Y _(C) f) = f := C.Id₁ X Y f

theorem Ass (C : category) {W X Y Z : C.Obj} (f : C.Hom W X) (g : C.Hom X Y) (h : C.Hom Y Z) :
  ((h _(C) g) _(C) f) = (h _(C) (g _(C) f)) := (C.Ass W X Y Z f g h)

#check CategoryTheory.Category.mk

def toCategory (C : category) : Category C.Obj := {Hom := C.Hom, id := C.Idn, comp := composition C, id_comp := Id₁ C, comp_id := (Id₂ C), assoc := Ass C}
#check toCategory

The functors seem a bit harder since Functor seems to take in object components and infer the category structure on its on.

Eric Wieser (Aug 12 2023 at 23:08):

Does changing your toCategory to an instance rather than a def help?

Dean Young (Aug 13 2023 at 03:57):

Yeah thanks.

I decided to just completely switch over to Mathlib's set.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC