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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Coercion to function dificulty

Chris Hughes (Dec 05 2022 at 14:20):

There seems to be a difficulty with coercions to functions not triggering in the port of Order.Hom.Basic . For example on line 177 it is neessary to write theorem map_lt_map_iff (f : F) {a b : α} : (f : α → β) a < (f : α → β) b ↔ a < b instead of theorem map_lt_map_iff (f : F) {a b : α} : f a < f b ↔ a < b. It is a major pain to have to write these types explicitly to get the coercions to trigger.

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 05 2022 at 18:38):

This was the fix:

-instance [LE α] [LE β] [OrderIsoClass F α β] : CoeTC F (α ≃o β) :=
+instance {_ : LE α} {_ : LE β} [OrderIsoClass F α β] : CoeTC F (α ≃o β) :=
   ⟨fun f => ⟨f, map_le_map_iff f⟩⟩

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 05 2022 at 18:38):

I should probably port/redo the typeclass linters for mathlib4 now!

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 05 2022 at 18:39):

(#lint also flags a lot of issues in the file btw)

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2022 at 19:47):

But will this instance trigger if the order on some random type alpha is in the type class inference system? I have never properly understood this implicit typeclass trick.

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 05 2022 at 19:59):

Yes, the difference here is that [LE α] means "search for the type class by going through the registered instances", while {_ : LE α} means "hope that it will get filled in via unification".

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 05 2022 at 19:59):

In this case, it will get filled in via unification because the LE α argument appears in OrderIsoClass F α β.

Chris Hughes (Dec 06 2022 at 15:15):

There were still a few problems porting Order.Antisymmetrization. The coercions to function did not trigger on OrderIso.dualAntisymmetrization _ so I had to change the underscore to an α to get the coercion to work.

Chris Hughes (Dec 06 2022 at 19:45):

Gabriel Ebner said:

Yes, the difference here is that [LE α] means "search for the type class by going through the registered instances", while {_ : LE α} means "hope that it will get filled in via unification".

There are some other instances in Order.Hom.Bounded where instead of LE α you have PartialOrder α so this trick does not work because only LE α can be inferred via unification and not PartialOrder α

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 06 2022 at 19:50):

because only LE α can be inferred via unification and not PartialOrder α

This should still work (unification calls type-class synthesis in this case). Can you post examples / link to the branch?

Chris Hughes (Dec 06 2022 at 19:54):

Here is the PR

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 06 2022 at 23:36):

Pushed a fix to the branch:

 instance (α : Type _) [LE α] : LE αᵒᵈ :=
-  ⟨fun x y : α ↦ y ≤ x⟩
+  ⟨fun a b => @LE.le α _ b a⟩

The previous version of the LE instance unfolded @LE.le αᵒᵈ _ into fun (a : α) => ..., and then Lean failed to unify α and αᵒᵈ (with reducible transparency).

Yaël Dillies (Dec 07 2022 at 08:23):

The thing that jumps out as wrong with your snippet is that it doesn't mention of_dual.

Eric Wieser (Dec 07 2022 at 12:50):

Yael, Lean3 does the same questionable thing as Lean4 there

Yaël Dillies (Dec 07 2022 at 13:23):

Yes, my point is that it seems that the questionable thing is acceptable in Lean 3 but not in Lean 4. So the correct thing to do is to remove the questionable thing, rather than replacing it by another one.

Yaël Dillies (Dec 07 2022 at 13:24):

But I would like to know whether this is a wide-spread problem with type synonyms or a sporadic one.

Eric Wieser (Dec 07 2022 at 13:36):

I think it happens here because of some challenges straightening out the import heirarchy

Eric Wieser (Dec 07 2022 at 13:36):

Namely because we decided to make the type-cast functions bundled, and the bundling wasn't available early enough

Chris Hughes (Dec 07 2022 at 15:09):

Chris Hughes said:

Here is the PR

The issue is not fixed. I just merged master and the problem is still there

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 07 2022 at 18:36):

Is there a new issue? Mathlib.Order.Antisymmetrization compiles in the branch, and has dualAntisymmetrization _ (without the explicit α).

Chris Hughes (Dec 07 2022 at 18:50):

The problem is in Order.Hom.Bounded. Line 125 if I remember correctly, but I can't check easily right now

Gabriel Ebner (Dec 07 2022 at 19:10):

#lint flags a lot of issues that I think are relevant to the issue in that file.

Chris Hughes (Dec 08 2022 at 13:26):

The problem is that I cannot write the TopHomClass instance on line 102 in a way that satisfies the linter. The argument PartialOrder β cannot be inferred by unification or Type class inference.

Anne Baanen (Jan 05 2023 at 12:17):

Here's a minimized version of this issue:

class BoundedOrder (A : Type _) [LE A] where

class FunLike (F : Type _) (A B : outParam (Type _)) where toFun : F  A  B
instance [FunLike F A B] : CoeFun F fun _ => A  B where coe := FunLike.toFun
class LEHomClass (F) (A B : outParam _) [LE A] [LE B] extends FunLike F A B
class BoundedOrderHomClass (F) (A B : outParam _) [LE A] [LE B] [BoundedOrder A] [BoundedOrder B] extends LEHomClass F A B

section instanceParam

class OrderEquivClass₁ (F) (A B : outParam _) [LE A] [LE B] where toFun : F  A  B

instance OrderEquivClass₁.toBoundedOrderHomClass (F) (A B : outParam _)
    {_ : LE A} {_ : LE B} -- Implicit, because they depend on outParams and can be found through unification with the `OrderEquivClass` instance
    [BoundedOrder A] [BoundedOrder B] -- Can't be implicit, because they can't be find through unification.
    [OrderEquivClass₁ F A B] : BoundedOrderHomClass F A B where
  toFun := toFun

set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true
example [LE A] [LE B] [BoundedOrder A] [BoundedOrder B] [OrderEquivClass₁ F A B] (f : F) (a : A) : f a = f a := rfl -- Error: function expected at `f`
-- Relevant part of the trace:
[Meta.synthInstance] ❌ CoeFun F ?γ ▼
  [] new goal CoeFun F _tc.0 ▶
  [] ✅ apply @instCoeFunForAll to CoeFun F fun x => ?m.689 → ?m.690 ▶
  [] ✅ apply @LEHomClass.toFunLike to FunLike F ?m.707 ?m.708 ▶
  [] ✅ apply @BoundedOrderHomClass.toLEHomClass to LEHomClass F ?m.722 ?m.723 ▶
  [] ✅ apply OrderEquivClass₁.toBoundedOrderHomClass to BoundedOrderHomClass F ?m.745 ?m.746 ▼
    [tryResolve] ✅ BoundedOrderHomClass F ?m.745 ?m.746 ≟ BoundedOrderHomClass F ?m.745 ?m.746
    [] no instances for BoundedOrder _tc.1 ▶

end instanceParam

section implicitParam

class OrderEquivClass₂ (F) (A B : outParam _) [LE A] [LE B] where toFun : F  A  B

instance OrderEquivClass₂.toBoundedOrderHomClass (F) (A B : outParam _)
    {_ : LE A} {_ : LE B} -- Implicit, because they depend on outParams and can be found through unification with the `OrderEquivClass` instance
    {_ : BoundedOrder A} {_ : BoundedOrder B} -- Can't be instance params, because they depend on outParam
    [OrderEquivClass₂ F A B] : BoundedOrderHomClass F A B where
  toFun := toFun

set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true
example [LE A] [LE B] [BoundedOrder A] [BoundedOrder B] [OrderEquivClass₂ F A B] (f : F) (a : A) : f a = f a := rfl -- Error: function expected at `f`
-- Relevant part of the trace:
▶ 47:66-47:69: information:
[Meta.synthInstance] ❌ CoeFun F ?γ ▼
  [] new goal CoeFun F _tc.0 ▶
  [] ✅ apply @instCoeFunForAll to CoeFun F fun x => ?m.1285 → ?m.1286 ▶
  [] ✅ apply @LEHomClass.toFunLike to FunLike F ?m.1303 ?m.1304 ▶
  [] ✅ apply @BoundedOrderHomClass.toLEHomClass to LEHomClass F ?m.1318 ?m.1319 ▶
  [] ✅ apply OrderEquivClass₂.toBoundedOrderHomClass to BoundedOrderHomClass F ?m.1344 ?m.1345 ▶
  [] ✅ apply inst✝ to OrderEquivClass₂ F A B ▶
  [resume] propagating OrderEquivClass₂ F A B to subgoal OrderEquivClass₂ F A B of BoundedOrderHomClass F A B ▶
  [resume] propagating (x_0 : BoundedOrder A) →
        (x_1 : BoundedOrder B) → BoundedOrderHomClass F A B to subgoal BoundedOrderHomClass F A B of LEHomClass F A B ▶
  [resume] propagating BoundedOrder A → BoundedOrder B → LEHomClass F A B to subgoal LEHomClass F A B of FunLike F A B ▶
  [resume] propagating BoundedOrder A → BoundedOrder B → FunLike F A B to subgoal FunLike F A B of CoeFun F fun x => A → B ▼
    [] size: 4
    [synthInstance] skip answer containing metavariables instCoeFunForAll

end implicitParam

Anne Baanen (Jan 05 2023 at 12:20):

It looks like the instance OrderEquivClass₁.toBoundedOrderHomClass doesn't work because it has instance parameters depending on outParams, and the instance OrderEquivClass₂.toBoundedOrderHomClass doesn't work because it has implicit parameters that can't be figured out through unification.

Anne Baanen (Jan 05 2023 at 12:25):

(Edit: I went slightly overboard in minimizing, now I'm pretty sure the code is actually supposed to work!)

Anne Baanen (Jan 05 2023 at 14:20):

Update: in #888 I managed to work around this issue mostly, by turning all parameters implicit to placate the linter, and adding letI when such an intermediate instance can't be found through unification.

Anne Baanen (Jan 05 2023 at 14:45):

Another way to look at this issue is the linter, since #lint reports both instances in the example are dangerous:

#check OrderEquivClass₁.toBoundedOrderHomClass /- generates subgoals with metavariables: argument 6 inst✝² : BoundedOrder
  ?A, argument 7 inst✝¹ : BoundedOrder ?B -/
#check OrderEquivClass₂.toBoundedOrderHomClass /- unassigned metavariable in out-param: @BoundedOrderHomClass.{u_1, u_2, u_3} F A B x✝³ x✝² ?x✝ ?x✝¹ -/

(The latter error message isn't clear unless you set the option pp.all.)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC