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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Data.Finset.Sups mathlib4#1663

Moritz Firsching (Jan 19 2023 at 04:40):

While porting this, I get twice the error redundant binder annotation update. What is this about and how to fix it?

Arien Malec (Jan 19 2023 at 05:22):

There's already a u declared

Arien Malec (Jan 19 2023 at 05:28):

It's weird because when you delete the u, theorems suddenly fail to typecheck, despite making no mention of u (which is confusingly a variable, not a universe) and then the error on the second variable declaration goes away.

Arien Malec (Jan 19 2023 at 05:34):

I think what's going on is that you can declare a as implicit via then re-declare it as explicit:

variable {a}
-- stuff
variable (a) -- OK

But you can't re-declare it as implicit:

variable {a}
-- stuff
variable {a} -- error about redundant binder annotation update

I assume that the error about u made Lean not process the legal update to s so the (again legal) update back to explicit got the same error.

Moritz Firsching (Jan 19 2023 at 07:46):

Thanks for the explanation!
I'm still not quite sure how to fix it...

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 19 2023 at 08:16):

In the lean 3 file on line 222 u is made implicit when it's already implicit. In lean 3 this was a no-op and in lean 4 it's an error. Just remove u from the list.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 19 2023 at 08:43):

Oh I see -- and then you have to fix the proofs that mathport has borked because it seems to have choked on the variables line and not made anything implicit at allback to how they were. For example

theorem disjSups_subset_left (ht : t₁  t₂) : s  t₁  s  t₂ := by
  exact disjSups_subset Subset.rfl ht
#align finset.disj_sups_subset_left Finset.disjSups_subset_left

theorem disjSups_subset_right (hs : s₁  s₂) : s₁  t  s₂  t :=
  disjSups_subset hs Subset.rfl
#align finset.disj_sups_subset_right Finset.disjSups_subset_right

You can see from the mathlib3 file that this is what the proofs are supposed to be.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 19 2023 at 08:45):

theorem disjSups_subset_iff : s  t  u   a  s,  b  t, Disjoint a b  a  b  u :=

(again the same as the mathlib3 proof)

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 19 2023 at 08:49):

@Mario Carneiro it seems that if mathlib3 has any lines of the form

variables {s t u : finset X}
variables (s t)
variables {s t u}

then Lean 4 complains about the second variables {s t u} (because u is already implicit) but Lean 3 doesn't. As a consequence mathport seems to completely ignore the variables {s t u} line and then translation is messed up because mathport puts in a bunch of _s which weren't there in Lean 3. This happens at least once in mathlib and who knows how often.

Mario Carneiro (Jan 19 2023 at 08:50):

mathport can't possibly be affected by such an error

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 19 2023 at 08:51):

Oh OK thanks. Maybe the user did this then :-)

Mario Carneiro (Jan 19 2023 at 08:51):

I would expect it to just regurgitate a line like variable {s t u} as is

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 19 2023 at 08:52):

Yes sorry you're right, mathport is emitting the correct code. @Moritz Firsching did you "fix" the proofs above and in fact my suggestions are just to un"fix" them to how mathport had them?

Moritz Firsching (Jan 19 2023 at 10:41):

thanks, removing the u and reverting my "fixes" worked! I had indeed put in the _ _ _ _

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC