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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Data.List.Perm mathlib4#1478

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 05:05):

I can get it compiling with a manual rec. Weird.

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 05:41):

anyone who knows how congr lemmas work: Perm.filter_map and Perm.map were marked @[congr] in mathlib3 but mathlib4 does not like it. thoughts?

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 05:42):

theorem Perm.filter_map (f : α  Option β) {l₁ l₂ : List α} (p : l₁ ~ l₂) :
    filterMap f l₁ ~ filterMap f l₂ :=
invalid 'congr' theorem, equality expected
  filterMap ?f ?l₁ ~ filterMap ?f ?l₂

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 05:42):

Evidently equivalence relations that aren't equalities are not yet supported.

Mario Carneiro (Jan 11 2023 at 07:23):

yes, support for congruence with relations other than equality was never that great and they are not a part of simp/congr in lean 4. I don't think they really did anything in lean 3 either, so you can just comment it out (with a porting note).

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 08:17):

Okay, after way too long playing around with it, I figured out what went wrong with perm_inv_core translation

in lean3 if your goal is ∀ {l₁ l₂ r₁ r₂ : list α}, ... and you refine with an elaborator, the motive includes the implicits. but in lean4 doing the same introduces the implicits before generating the motive

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 08:18):

I fixed it by just making the implicit parameters explicit before refining, but is there a better way to change the elaboration behavior?

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 08:18):

(and can we do it automatically..? not sure how frequently we're refining by an elaborator though)

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 08:29):

okay, my brain is tired :zzz: feel free to pick it up while I am asleep; otherwise I'll continue in 8hr or so

Johan Commelin (Jan 11 2023 at 08:31):

sleep tight!

Johan Commelin (Jan 11 2023 at 12:45):

What's the lean 4 equiv of

attribute [protected] subperm.cons

Mario Carneiro (Jan 11 2023 at 14:25):

there is no @[protected] attribute, but you can put protected on structure fields and inductive constructors

Eric Wieser (Jan 11 2023 at 14:46):

What's the syntax for that?

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 16:19):

Huge progress :D thanks Johan!

James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 16:20):

oh wait, Johan and Chris! :big_smile:

Johan Commelin (Jan 11 2023 at 16:31):

I've kicked it on the queue

Chris Hughes (Jan 11 2023 at 16:32):


James Gallicchio (Jan 11 2023 at 16:35):

awesome. I'm now looking into moving stuff from here to Std -- once a file is ported, is it open to PRs that don't align with mathlib3?

Johan Commelin (Jan 11 2023 at 16:35):

if it moves to Std, and you leave the #aligns in place

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC