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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Data.Set.Enumerate

Rémi Bottinelli (Dec 15 2022 at 07:31):

Hey, I've got a "working" port of this file, but I had to do some bricolage e.g. to get it there without wlog.
It's a bit uglier than it was in mathlib3 (I'm still figuring out lean4) so I don't know if I should PR it or not? Or if it's even worth working on it some more.

Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Order.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic
import Mathlib.Tactic.SwapVar

# Set enumeration
This file allows enumeration of sets given a choice function.
The definition does not assume `sel` actually is a choice function, i.e. `sel s ∈ s` and
`sel s = none ↔ s = ∅`. These assumptions are added to the lemmas needing them.

noncomputable section

open Function

namespace Set

section Enumerate

variable {α : Type _} (sel : Set α  Option α)

/-- Given a choice function `sel`, enumerates the elements of a set in the order
`a 0 = sel s`, `a 1 = sel (s \ {a 0})`, `a 2 = sel (s \ {a 0, a 1})`, ... and stops when
`sel (s \ {a 0, ..., a n}) = none`. Note that we don't require `sel` to be a choice function. -/
def enumerate : Set α    Option α
  | s, 0 => sel s
  | s, n + 1 => do
    let a  sel s
    enumerate (s \ {a}) n
#align set.enumerate Set.enumerate

theorem enumerate_eq_none_of_sel {s : Set α} (h : sel s = none) :  {n}, enumerate sel s n = none
  | 0 => by simp [h, enumerate]
  | n + 1 => by (simp [h, enumerate] ; rfl)
#align set.enumerate_eq_none_of_sel Set.enumerate_eq_none_of_sel

theorem enumerate_eq_none :
     {s n₁ n₂}, enumerate sel s n₁ = none  n₁  n₂  enumerate sel s n₂ = none
  | s, 0, m => fun h _ => enumerate_eq_none_of_sel sel h
  | s, n + 1, m => fun h hm => by
    cases hs : sel s
    · exact enumerate_eq_none_of_sel sel hs
    · cases m
      case zero =>
        have : n + 1 = 0 := Nat.eq_zero_of_le_zero hm
      case succ m' =>
        simp [hs, enumerate] at h 
        have hm : n  m' := Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ hm
        exact enumerate_eq_none h hm
#align set.enumerate_eq_none Set.enumerate_eq_none

theorem enumerate_mem (h_sel :  s a, sel s = some a  a  s) :
     {s n a}, enumerate sel s n = some a  a  s
  | s, 0, a => h_sel s a
  | s, n + 1, a => by
    cases h : sel s
    case none => simp [enumerate_eq_none_of_sel, h]
    case some a' =>
      simp [enumerate, h]
      exact fun h' : enumerate sel (s \ {a'}) n = some a =>
        have : a  s \ {a'} := enumerate_mem h_sel h'
#align set.enumerate_mem Set.enumerate_mem

theorem enumerate_inj {n₁ n₂ : } {a : α} {s : Set α} (h_sel :  s a, sel s = some a  a  s)
    (h₁ : enumerate sel s n₁ = some a) (h₂ : enumerate sel s n₂ = some a) : n₁ = n₂ := by
  rcases le_total n₁ n₂ with (hn|hn)
  on_goal 2 => swap_var n₁  n₂, h₁  h₂
    rcases Nat.le.dest hn with m, rfl
    clear hn
    induction n₁ generalizing s
    case zero =>
      cases m
      case zero => rfl
      case succ m =>
        have h' : enumerate sel (s \ {a}) m = some a := by
          simp_all only [enumerate, Nat.zero_eq, Nat.add_eq, zero_add]; exact h₂
        have : a  s \ {a} := enumerate_mem sel h_sel h'
        simp_all [Set.mem_diff_singleton]
    case succ k ih =>
      cases h : sel s
      case none =>
        simp_all only [add_comm, self_eq_add_left, Nat.add_succ, enumerate_eq_none_of_sel _ h]
      case some _ =>
        simp_all only [add_comm, self_eq_add_left, enumerate, Option.some.injEq,
                       Nat.add_succ, enumerate._eq_2, Nat.succ.injEq]
        exact ih h₁ h₂

#align set.enumerate_inj Set.enumerate_inj

end Enumerate

end Set

Mario Carneiro (Dec 15 2022 at 07:33):

yes, uglier is fine as long as you make a porting note whenever you uglified the proof relative to the lean 3 version

Rémi Bottinelli (Dec 15 2022 at 07:35):

OK, then I'll do that, thanks!

Rémi Bottinelli (Dec 15 2022 at 08:01):

https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/pull/1041 <- I interpreted "porting note" simply as comments in the code.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 15 2022 at 08:03):

"porting note" means "put comments in the file and these comments should contain the string porting note"

Scott Morrison (Dec 15 2022 at 09:18):

Ideally where you change a proof you actually preserve the old proof in the comments, in a format that allows someone to try restoring it without having to go back to mathlib3port or mathlib3..

Scott Morrison (Dec 15 2022 at 09:18):

(No need to do this it is is "minor" --- only do this when you expect that once a major tactic is implemented the original proof should work.)

Rémi Bottinelli (Dec 15 2022 at 09:21):

Noted. In this case, the change is not that big: instead of a wlog n₁ ≤ n₁I do a case on le_total, swap some arguments in one of the goals, and then keep essentially the same proof.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC