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Topic: Defining a Finpartition from a Setoid over a Fintype

Jeremy Tan (Nov 29 2023 at 01:01):

How can I do this?

import Mathlib.Data.Setoid.Partition

open Finset

universe u

variable {V : Type u} [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V]

def notAdjFinpartition (s : Setoid V) : Finpartition (univ : Finset V) :=

Jeremy Tan (Nov 29 2023 at 02:51):

The motivationn is Turán's theorem and my proof through "Zykov symmetrisation". I've got to the point where I have the Setoid over vertices with non-adjacency as the relation: Turan.lean
Now my plan is to get a Finpartition from the Setoid, prove this is an Equipartition and finally prove the theorem as an isomorphism between any maximal graph and the relevant Turán graph. But the needed conversions from Set to Finset are stumping me

Yaël Dillies (Nov 29 2023 at 08:23):

Sorry, don't have time to write my thoughts, but it should be as easy as making parts be univ.image fun a ↦ univ.filter (s a).

Jeremy Tan (Nov 29 2023 at 11:21):

s a doesn't make sense when s is a Setoid

Jeremy Tan (Nov 29 2023 at 11:40):

You probably meant univ.image fun a => univ.filter <| (notAdjSetoid hmax).r a for parts but then I get failed to synthesize instance DecidablePred fun x ↦ Setoid.r a x

Jeremy Tan (Nov 29 2023 at 11:47):

OK, this works, but how do I get the remaining three fields?

noncomputable def notAdjFinpartition : Finpartition (univ : Finset V) where
  parts := by classical
    exact univ.image fun a => univ.filter <| (notAdjSetoid hmax).r a
  supIndep := by simp
  supParts := by simp
  not_bot_mem := by simp

Yaël Dillies (Nov 29 2023 at 13:01):

not_bot_mem comes from the fact that univ.filter <| (notAdjSetoid hmax).r a is nonempty since it contains a.

Yaël Dillies (Nov 29 2023 at 13:01):

supParts should be pretty obvious too (a ∈ univ.filter <| (notAdjSetoid hmax).r a).

Yaël Dillies (Nov 29 2023 at 13:02):

Finally supIndep is a bit harder, but if you've done the first two it should be pretty obvious (hint: (notAdjSetoid hmax).r is transitive).

Jeremy Tan (Nov 29 2023 at 13:46):

OK, this was a pain

import Mathlib.Data.Setoid.Partition

open Finset Setoid

universe u

variable {V : Type u} [Fintype V] [DecidableEq V]

noncomputable def finpartition_ofSetoid (s : Setoid V) : Finpartition (univ : Finset V) where
  parts := by classical exact univ.image fun a => univ.filter (s.r a)
  supIndep := by classical
    simp only [mem_univ, forall_true_left, supIndep_iff_pairwiseDisjoint, Set.PairwiseDisjoint,
      Set.Pairwise, coe_image, coe_univ, Set.image_univ, Set.mem_range, ne_eq, forall_exists_index,
    intro a b q
    contrapose! q
    rw [not_disjoint_iff] at q
    obtain c, d1, d2⟩⟩ := q
    rw [id_eq, mem_filter] at d1 d2
    ext y
    simp only [mem_univ, forall_true_left, mem_filter, true_and]
    exact fun r1 => s.iseqv.trans (s.iseqv.trans d2.2 (s.iseqv.symm d1.2)) r1,
           fun r2 => s.iseqv.trans (s.iseqv.trans d1.2 (s.iseqv.symm d2.2)) r2
  supParts := by classical
    ext a
    simp only [sup_image, Function.comp.left_id, mem_univ, mem_sup, mem_filter, true_and, iff_true]
    use a; exact s.iseqv.refl a
  not_bot_mem := by classical
    rw [bot_eq_empty, mem_image, not_exists]
    intro a
    simp only [filter_eq_empty_iff, not_forall, mem_univ, forall_true_left, true_and, not_not]
    use a; exact s.iseqv.refl a

Jeremy Tan (Nov 29 2023 at 16:12):

Now that I have the Finpartition of univ : Finset V, given a : V is there a neat expression to get the part a lies in?

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 29 2023 at 16:24):

I suggest looking at a lot of Finpartition API built here:

Like this:

lemma eq_of_mem_of_mem {s : Finset α} {P : Finpartition s} {x y : Finset α} (hx : x  P.parts)
    (hy : y  P.parts) {a : α} (hxa : a  x) (hya : a  y) : x = y := by
  have := P.supIndep (singleton_subset_iff.mpr hx) hy
  by_contra H
  simp only [mem_singleton, id_eq, sup_singleton] at this
  simpa using this (Ne.symm H) (singleton_subset_iff.mpr hya) (singleton_subset_iff.mpr hxa)

theorem exists_unique_mem {a : α} {s : Finset α} (P : Finpartition s) (ha : a  s) :
    ∃! t, t  P.parts  a  t := by
  obtain t, ht, ht' := P.exists_mem ha
  refine' t, ht, ht'⟩, _
  rintro u hu, hu'
  exact eq_of_mem_of_mem hu ht hu' ht'

Jeremy Tan (Nov 30 2023 at 16:06):

This is now at #8735. Still not sure what's the best way to link the Setoid and the Finpartition derived from it – I want something that directly equates the Setoid's equivalence classes and the Finpartition's parts

Jeremy Tan (Nov 30 2023 at 16:08):

But getting past the (computable) Finset.choose in my definition of Finpartition.part is the big obstacle. There appears to be no API around it

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 30 2023 at 20:09):

How does the equiv between the two work in my branch? I don't recall.

Jeremy Tan (Dec 01 2023 at 09:05):

OK, here's what's going on right now. I have a non-adjacency setoid over the graph vertices and a Finpartition derived from it using my old ofSetoid:

variable {G} (hmax : G.IsTuranMaximal r)

theorem notAdjEquivalence : Equivalence fun x y => ¬G.Adj x y where
  refl x := by simp
  symm xy := by simp [xy, adj_comm]
  trans xy yz := by
    rw [adj_comm] at xy
    exact G.not_adj_transitive hmax xy yz

/-- In a Turán-maximal graph, non-adjacency is an equivalence relation. -/
def notAdjSetoid : Setoid V := Setoid.mk _ (notAdjEquivalence hmax)

noncomputable def notAdjFinpartition : Finpartition (univ : Finset V) :=
  Finpartition.ofSetoid (notAdjSetoid hmax)

Now I want to prove this theorem:

theorem xxx : G.degree s = Fintype.card V -
    ((notAdjFinpartition hmax).part (a := s) (mem_univ _)).card := by
    G.degree s = (univ.filter (fun b => G.Adj s b)).card := by
      simp [ card_neighborFinset_eq_degree, neighborFinset]
    _ = Fintype.card V - (univ.filter (fun b => ¬G.Adj s b)).card :=
      eq_tsub_of_add_eq (filter_card_add_filter_neg_card_eq_card _)
    _ = _ := by
      ext v
      simp -- stuck here

The goal state after the simp is ¬Adj G s v ↔ v ∈ Finpartition.part (notAdjFinpartition hmax) _

Jeremy Tan (Dec 01 2023 at 09:10):

Your equiv (that I have just added to #8735 as Finpartition.equivSubtypeSetoidIsPartition) does not work as a drop-in substitute!

noncomputable def notAdjFinpartition : Finpartition (univ : Finset V) :=
  (Finpartition.equivSubtypeSetoidIsPartition V).symm ⟨(notAdjSetoid hmax).classes, ...
application type mismatch
  Subtype.mk (Setoid.classes (notAdjSetoid hmax))
  Setoid.classes (notAdjSetoid hmax)
has type
  Set (Set V) : Type u
but is expected to have type
  Finset (Set V) : Type u

However am I going to synth the instance Fintype ↑(Setoid.classes (notAdjSetoid hmax))?

Jeremy Tan (Dec 01 2023 at 09:16):

If I can get this theorem that would directly complete the proof of xxx

theorem mem_part_iff_rel (s : Setoid α) (b : α) :
    b  (ofSetoid s).part (mem_univ a)  s.r a b := sorry

Yakov Pechersky (Dec 01 2023 at 16:39):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC