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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Elgot monads

Jad Ghalayini (Sep 14 2023 at 19:04):


I've been trying to formalize some of the definitions and theorems in Coinductive Resumption Monads for use in a paper of mine, and in particular Elgot monads, which are defined as follows:

import Mathlib.Data.Sum.Basic

class DaggerMonad (m: Type u -> Type v): Type (max (u + 1) v) where
  dagger: {α β: Type u}, (α -> m (β  α)) -> α -> m β

class ElgotMonad (m: Type u -> Type v) [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] extends DaggerMonad m
  fixpoint: {α β: Type u}
    (f: α -> m (β  α)),
    f >=> Sum.elim pure (dagger f) = dagger f
  naturality: {α β γ: Type u}
    (f: α -> m (β  α))
    (g: β -> m γ),
    dagger (f >=> Sum.elim (g >=> (pure  Sum.inl)) (pure  Sum.inr))
      = (dagger f) >=> g
  -- Derivable from fixpoint + naturality + codiagonal + uniformaity
  -- by proposition 17 of Levy and Goncharov 2012 (Coinductive Resumption Monads: Guarded Iterative and Guarded Elgot)
  -- dinaturality: ∀{α β γ: Type u}
  --   (g: α -> m (β ⊕ γ))
  --   (h: γ -> m (β ⊕ α)),
  --   dagger (g >=> Sum.elim (pure ∘ Sum.inl) h)
  --     = g >=> Sum.elim pure (dagger (h >=> Sum.elim (pure ∘ Sum.inl) g))
  codiagonal: {α β: Type u}
    (f: α -> m ((β  α)  α)),
    dagger (f >=> Sum.elim pure (pure  Sum.inr)) = dagger (dagger f)
  uniformity: {α β γ: Type u}
    (f: α -> m (β  α))
    (g: γ -> m (β  γ))
    (h: γ -> m α),
    g >=> Sum.elim (pure  Sum.inl) (h >=> (pure  Sum.inr))
      = h >=> f
    -> dagger g
      = h >=> dagger f

class IterativeMonad (m: Type u -> Type v) [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m] extends ElgotMonad m
  uniqueness: {α β: Type u}
    (f: α -> m (β  α))
    (g: α -> m β),
    f >=> Sum.elim pure (g) = g
      -> g = dagger f

-- Proposition 18 of Levy and Goncharov 2012 (Coinductive Resumption Monads: Guarded Iterative and Guarded Elgot)
-- def IterativeMonad.mk' (m: Type u -> Type v) [Monad m] [LawfulMonad m]
--   (dagger: ∀{α β: Type u}, (α -> m (β ⊕ α)) -> α -> m β)
--   (fixpoint: ∀{α β: Type u}
--     (f: α -> m (β ⊕ α)),
--     f >=> Sum.elim pure (dagger f) = dagger f)
--   (uniqueness: ∀{α β: Type u}
--     (f: α -> m (β ⊕ α))
--     (g: α -> m β),
--     f >=> Sum.elim pure (g) = g
--       -> g = dagger f)
--   : IterativeMonad m where
--   dagger := dagger
--   fixpoint := fixpoint
--   naturality := sorry
--   dinaturality := sorry
--   uniformity := sorry
--   uniqueness := uniqueness

I was wondering if this definition, and some others surrounding iteration, might have a place in Mathlib (or if they've already been defined, which would save me a lot of work!). In particular, I'm also looking at formalizing the notion of an Elgot/iterative category (my work does not require the guarded versions, but that could be future work). Any idea where to start?

Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, I'm not really sure of the correct way to do this


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC