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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Fintype (Group G)

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 04 2023 at 20:25):

I couldn't find an instance that we have a finite number of groups over a finite type. I tried using the recently ported/rewritten %derive_fintype to magically generate the instances for Fintypes, but ran into issues over npow and zpow. Is there a way to get the deriver to work for such structures with autoParam functions? I've provided a proof that npowRec is the unique inhabitant of the relevant subtype:

import Mathlib.Tactic.DeriveFintype
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Pi

instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (One G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Mul G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Semigroup G) := derive_fintype% _

lemma np_inj {G : Type _} [Semigroup G] [One G]
    (np np' :   G  G) (nph0 :  x, np 0 x = 1) (nph0' :  x, np' 0 x = 1)
    (nph1 :  n x, np (n + 1) x = x * np n x)
    (nph1' :  n x, np' (n + 1) x = x * np' n x) : np = np' := by
  ext n x
  induction' n with n IH generalizing x <;>

instance np_unique {G : Type _} [Semigroup G] [One G] :
    Unique {np :   G  G // ( x, np 0 x = 1)  ( n x, np (n + 1) x = x * np n x)} :=
  ⟨⟨npowRec, by intros; rfl, by intros; rfl⟩,
    λ f => (Subtype.ext
      (np_inj _ _ f.prop.left (by intros; rfl) f.prop.right (by intros; rfl)))⟩

instance np_fintype {G : Type _} [Semigroup G] [One G] :
    Fintype {np :   G  G // ( x, np 0 x = 1)  ( n x, np (n + 1) x = x * np n x)} :=

instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Monoid G) := derive_fintype% _ -- fails,
-- probably because can't show that there are finite `npow`

instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Div G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Inv G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (DivInvMonoid G) := derive_fintype% _ -- fails,
-- probably because can't show that there are finite `zpow`

instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Group G) := derive_fintype% _

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jun 04 2023 at 23:51):

Do we have an ext lemma from Group to Mul?

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jun 04 2023 at 23:51):

I know nothing about derive_fintype%. As for Finite (Group G), you can easily get it from an injective map to G -> G -> G.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jun 04 2023 at 23:52):

Some time ago, I started (then abandoned) a branch where I merged npow and rules into 1 structure.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jun 04 2023 at 23:52):

This structure is a Subsingleton.

Eric Wieser (Jun 05 2023 at 00:03):

Yury G. Kudryashov said:

Do we have an ext lemma from Group to Mul?


Kyle Miller (Jun 05 2023 at 00:48):

derive_fintype% t is short for Fintype.ofEquiv _ (proxy_equiv% t), and you can see what equivalence it is generating with

#check fun G => proxy_equiv% (Monoid G)
fun G ↦
    G : (G : Type u_1) →
  (toSemigroup : Semigroup G) ×
      (toOne : One G) ×
        (_ : PLift (∀ (a : G), 1 * a = a)) ×
          (_ : PLift (∀ (a : G), a * 1 = a)) ×
            (npow : ℕ → G → G) ×
              (_ : PLift (autoParam (∀ (x : G), npow 0 x = 1) _auto✝)) ×
                PLift (autoParam (∀ (n : ℕ) (x : G), npow (n + 1) x = x * npow n x) _auto✝¹) ≃
    Monoid G

It's just relying on whatever instances Mathlib has to create a Fintype instance, and there aren't any instances that can see that the ℕ → G → G is determined by the following two fields.

Potentially the proxy_equiv% elaborator could be made aware of which fields are functions of the others due to Prop fields and omit them. I don't think being aware of autoParam is sufficient though since you also need the Subsingleton proof that Yury mentioned.

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 05 2023 at 01:01):

Here is the full proof up to Fintype (Group), where I do provide the Unique, and thus Fintype, instances.

import Mathlib.Tactic.DeriveFintype
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Pi

instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (One G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Mul G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Semigroup G) := derive_fintype% _

lemma np_inj {G : Type _} [Mul G] [One G]
    (np np' :   G  G) (nph0 :  x, np 0 x = 1) (nph0' :  x, np' 0 x = 1)
    (nph1 :  n x, np (n + 1) x = x * np n x)
    (nph1' :  n x, np' (n + 1) x = x * np' n x) : np = np' := by
  ext n x
  induction' n with n IH generalizing x <;>

instance np_unique {G : Type _} [Mul G] [One G] :
    Unique {np :   G  G // ( x, np 0 x = 1)  ( n x, np (n + 1) x = x * np n x)} :=
  ⟨⟨npowRec, by intros; rfl, by intros; rfl⟩,
    λ f => (Subtype.ext
      (np_inj _ _ f.prop.left (by intros; rfl) f.prop.right (by intros; rfl)))⟩

instance np_fintype {G : Type _} [Mul G] [One G] :
    Fintype {np :   G  G // ( x, np 0 x = 1)  ( n x, np (n + 1) x = x * np n x)} :=

instance {G : Type _} [Semigroup G] [One G] : Fintype (@Sigma (  G  G) fun npow 
    (_ : PLift (( (x : G), npow 0 x = 1))) ×
    PLift (( (n : ) (x : G), npow (n + 1) x = x * npow n x))) :=
  Fintype.ofEquiv {np :   G  G // ( x, np 0 x = 1)  ( n x, np (n + 1) x = x * np n x)} {
    toFun := λ f, hf => f, PLift.up hf.left, PLift.up hf.right
    invFun := λ f, hf => f, hf.fst.down, hf.snd.down
    left_inv := λ f, hf => by simp
    right_inv := λ f, hf => by simp

instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Monoid G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Div G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Inv G) := derive_fintype% _

lemma zp_inj {G : Type _} [Mul G] [One G] [Inv G]
    (zp zp' :   G  G) (zph0 :  x, zp 0 x = 1) (zph0' :  x, zp' 0 x = 1)
    (zph1 :  (n : ) (a : G), zp (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a = a * zp (Int.ofNat n) a)
    (zph1' :  (n : ) (a : G), zp' (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a = a * zp' (Int.ofNat n) a)
    (zphn :  (n : ) (a : G), zp (Int.negSucc n) a = (zp (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a)⁻¹)
    (zphn' :  (n : ) (a : G), zp' (Int.negSucc n) a = (zp' (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a)⁻¹) :
    zp = zp'
    := by
  ext n x
  induction' n with n n generalizing x
  · induction n
    · simp_all
    · simp_all
  · rw [zphn, zphn', zph1, zph1']
    induction n
    · simp_all
    · simp_all

instance zp_unique {G : Type _} [Mul G] [One G] [Inv G] :
    Unique {zp :   G  G // ( x, zp 0 x = 1) 
      ( (n : ) (a : G), zp (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a = a * zp (Int.ofNat n) a) 
      ( (n : ) (a : G), zp (Int.negSucc n) a = (zp (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a)⁻¹)} :=
  ⟨⟨zpowRec, by intros; rfl, by intros; rfl, by intros; rfl⟩,
    λ f => (Subtype.ext (zp_inj _ _ f.prop.left (by intros; rfl) f.prop.right.left (by intros; rfl)
      f.prop.right.right (by intros; rfl)))⟩

instance zp_fintype {G : Type _} [Mul G] [One G] [Inv G]:
    Fintype {zp :   G  G // ( x, zp 0 x = 1) 
      ( (n : ) (a : G), zp (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a = a * zp (Int.ofNat n) a) 
      ( (n : ) (a : G), zp (Int.negSucc n) a = (zp (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a)⁻¹)} :=

instance {G : Type _} [Mul G] [One G] [Inv G] : Fintype (@Sigma (  G  G) fun zpow 
  (_ : PLift (( (a : G), zpow 0 a = 1))) ×
    (_ : PLift (( (n : ) (a : G), zpow (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a = a * zpow (Int.ofNat n) a))) ×
      PLift (( (n : ) (a : G), zpow (Int.negSucc n) a = (zpow ((Nat.succ n)) a)⁻¹))) :=
  Fintype.ofEquiv {zp :   G  G // ( x, zp 0 x = 1) 
      ( (n : ) (a : G), zp (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a = a * zp (Int.ofNat n) a) 
      ( (n : ) (a : G), zp (Int.negSucc n) a = (zp (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a)⁻¹)} {
    toFun := λ f, hf => f, PLift.up hf.left, PLift.up hf.right.left, PLift.up hf.right.right
    invFun := λ f, hf => f, hf.fst.down, hf.snd.fst.down, hf.snd.snd.down
    left_inv := λ f, hf => by simp
    right_inv := λ f, hf, hf', hf'' => by simp
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (DivInvMonoid G) := derive_fintype% _
instance {G : Type _} [Fintype G] [DecidableEq G] : Fintype (Group G) := derive_fintype% _

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 05 2023 at 01:03):

And, nicely, one can now "brute force":

lemma foo : Fintype.card (Group Unit) = 1 := by decide

Yakov Pechersky (Jun 05 2023 at 01:04):

But unfortunately, it slows to a half for me, for

lemma foo2 : Fintype.card (Group Bool) = 2 := by decide

failing with a deterministic timeout

Eric Wieser (Jun 05 2023 at 01:07):

I would hope there's a way of doing this that doesn't require repeating the proofs about npow in Monoid.ext

Eric Wieser (Jun 05 2023 at 01:10):

Something like considering the subtype

{ omi : G × (G  G  G) × (G  G) //  h1 h2 ..., Group.mk ... }
   Group G

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 05 2023 at 08:44):

You only need the multiplication!

Eric Wieser (Jun 05 2023 at 08:47):

Not if you want to be constructive!

Eric Wieser (Jun 05 2023 at 08:49):

(sure, you can find inv and one constructively by iteration; but it's easier to just declare all three and let the fintype machinery iterate)

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 05 2023 at 08:50):

If I'm actually counting the number of group structures on a type of size n then surely it's easier to just loop over the multiplications the moment n>=2?

Eric Wieser (Jun 05 2023 at 08:53):

If you only want to count them, yes; but Fintype (Group G) asks you to construct each one too

Eric Wieser (Jun 05 2023 at 08:56):

Also, it's not clear to me how you check the multiplication forms a group without identifying the inverse and identity along the way

Johan Commelin (Jun 05 2023 at 08:59):

Wasn't there some weird 1-axiom characterisation of groups?

Eric Wieser (Jun 05 2023 at 09:07):

Yes, but none are in terms of solely multiplication

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC