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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Help with Universe Levels

zbatt (Jan 16 2023 at 22:34):

I'm working on porting Data.FinEnum and I'm having some issues with universes. In particular, at the bottom with regard to the Pi.*_enum instances. If I let Lean fill them in on its own, its able to do it with, for example max u u_1 but if I try to do what works in Lean3 i..e Type max u v (where u, v are universes declared at the top of the file) it doesn't accept it. Can someone help me understand why this is? Thanks so much!

Mario Carneiro (Jan 16 2023 at 22:37):

can you show a #mwe?

Mario Carneiro (Jan 16 2023 at 22:37):

it's a bit hard to tell from your description what exactly you did and what lean had to say about it

zbatt (Jan 16 2023 at 22:44):

The translation of Pi.enum into Lean4 currently looks like:

def Pi.enum (β : α  Type _) [FinEnum α] [ a, FinEnum (β a)] : List ( a, β a) :=
  (Pi (toList α) fun x => toList (β x)).map (fun f x => f x (mem_to_list _))

which is parameterized over universes u which is declared in the file and u_1 which is not. In mathlib3, it is given as :

def pi.enum (β : α  Type (max u v)) [fin_enum α] [a, fin_enum (β a)] : list (Π a, β a)

which is parameterized over both u, v which are declared in the file.

Lean4 is filling in the wild card with max u u_1, but if I try to "force" it to be polymorphic over v I get

stuck at solving universe constraint
  max u ?u.109735 =?= max u v
while trying to unify
  (List (β x)) (β x)
  List (β x)

I think the relevant declarations are

universe u v
α : Type u
β : α -> Type v

Edit: Let me cook up a better mwe

zbatt (Jan 16 2023 at 22:54):

import Mathlib.Control.Monad.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.List.ProdSigma

universe u v

open Finset

class FinEnum (α : Sort _) where
  card : 
  Equiv : α  Fin card
  [decEq : DecidableEq α]
#align fin_enum FinEnum

attribute [instance] FinEnum.decEq

namespace FinEnum

variable {α : Type u} {β : α  Type v}

/-- create a `FinEnum` instance from an exhaustive list without duplicates -/
def ofNodupList [DecidableEq α] (xs : List α) (h :  x : α, x  xs) (h' : List.Nodup xs) : FinEnum α
  card := xs.length
  Equiv :=
    fun x => xs.indexOf x, by rw [List.indexOf_lt_length] ; apply h⟩, fun i, h =>
      xs.nthLe _ h, fun x => by simp [ofNodupList.match_1], fun i, h => by
      simp [ofNodupList.match_1, *]⟩
#align fin_enum.of_nodup_list FinEnum.ofNodupList

/-- create a `FinEnum` instance from an exhaustive list; duplicates are removed -/
def ofList [DecidableEq α] (xs : List α) (h :  x : α, x  xs) : FinEnum α :=
  ofNodupList xs.dedup (by simp [*]) (List.nodup_dedup _)
#align fin_enum.of_list FinEnum.ofList

/-- create an exhaustive list of the values of a given type -/
def toList (α) [FinEnum α] : List α :=
  (List.finRange (card α)).map (Equiv).symm
#align fin_enum.to_list FinEnum.toList

open Function

theorem mem_to_list [FinEnum α] (x : α) : x  toList α := by
  simp [toList] ; exists Equiv x ; simp
#align fin_enum.mem_to_list FinEnum.mem_to_list

instance (priority := 100) [FinEnum α] : Fintype α
  elems := univ.map (Equiv).symm.toEmbedding
  complete := by intros ; simp

/-- For `Pi.cons x xs y f` create a function where every `i ∈ xs` is mapped to `f i` and
`x` is mapped to `y`  -/
def Pi.cons [DecidableEq α] (x : α) (xs : List α) (y : β x) (f :  a, a  xs  β a) :
     a, a  (x :: xs : List α)  β a
  | b, h => if h' : b = x then cast (by rw [h']) y else f b (List.mem_of_ne_of_mem h' h)
#align fin_enum.pi.cons FinEnum.Pi.cons

/-- Given `f` a function whose domain is `x :: xs`, produce a function whose domain
is restricted to `xs`.  -/
def Pi.tail {x : α} {xs : List α} (f :  a, a  (x :: xs : List α)  β a) :  a, a  xs  β a
  | a, h => f a (List.mem_cons_of_mem _ h)
#align fin_enum.pi.tail FinEnum.Pi.tail

/-- `Pi xs f` creates the list of functions `g` such that, for `x ∈ xs`, `g x ∈ f x` -/
def Pi {β : α  Type max u v} [DecidableEq α] :
     xs : List α, ( a, List (β a))  List ( a, a  xs  β a)
  | [], _ => [fun x h => (List.not_mem_nil x h).elim]
  | x :: xs, fs => FinEnum.Pi.cons x xs <$> fs x <*> Pi xs fs
#align fin_enum.pi FinEnum.Pi

theorem mem_pi {β : α  Type _} [FinEnum α] [ a, FinEnum (β a)] (xs : List α)
    (f :  a, a  xs  β a) : f  Pi xs fun x => toList (β x) :=
  by sorry

#align fin_enum.mem_pi FinEnum.mem_pi

/-- enumerate all functions whose domain and range are finitely enumerable -/
def Pi.enum (β : α  Type _) [FinEnum α] [ a, FinEnum (β a)] : List ( a, β a) :=
  (Pi (toList α) fun x => toList (β x)).map (fun f x => f x (mem_to_list _))
#align fin_enum.pi.enum FinEnum.Pi.enum

theorem Pi.mem_enum {β : α  Type _} [FinEnum α] [ a, FinEnum (β a)] (f :  a, β a) :
    f  Pi.enum β := by simp [Pi.enum] ; refine' fun a _ => f a, mem_pi _ _, rfl
#align fin_enum.pi.mem_enum FinEnum.Pi.mem_enum

instance Pi.finEnum {β : α  Type _} [FinEnum α] [ a, FinEnum (β a)] : FinEnum ( a, β a) :=
  ofList (Pi.enum _) fun _ => Pi.mem_enum _
#align fin_enum.pi.fin_enum FinEnum.Pi.finEnum

instance pfunFinEnum (p : Prop) [Decidable p] (α : p  Type) [ hp, FinEnum (α hp)] :
    FinEnum ( hp : p, α hp) :=
  if hp : p then
    ofList ((toList (α hp)).map fun x _ => x) (by intro x ; simp ; exact x hp, rfl⟩)
  else ofList [fun hp' => (hp hp').elim] (by intro ; simp ; ext hp' ; cases hp hp')
#align fin_enum.pfun_fin_enum FinEnum.pfunFinEnum

end FinEnum

zbatt (Jan 16 2023 at 22:55):

the piece in question is the last 4 instances which in mathlib3 have an argument β : α → Type <something involving u and v>. A particular example would be Pi.enum haing an argument β : α → Type (max u v) This is as far as I could cut the file without breaking the bit in quesiton, hopefully its ok.

Mario Carneiro (Jan 16 2023 at 23:26):

It works if you use

def Pi.enum (β : α  Type (max u v)) [FinEnum α] [ a, FinEnum (β a)] : List ( a, β a) :=
  (Pi.{u, v} (toList α) fun x => toList (β x)).map (fun f x => f x (mem_to_list _))

Mario Carneiro (Jan 16 2023 at 23:27):

You can't infer the universes purely from the output type being Type (max u v), since Pi.{u, v} and Pi.{u, max u v} have the same type

Mario Carneiro (Jan 16 2023 at 23:28):

The reason lean 3 behaves differently here is because the type and value of a def are elaborated separately in lean 4

zbatt (Jan 16 2023 at 23:45):

Ah ok that makes sense. Thank you so much!

zbatt (Jan 16 2023 at 23:46):

A bit tangential, but are there good places to read more about intricacies of lean such as this so I can attempt to debug similar issues in the future?

Mario Carneiro (Jan 16 2023 at 23:50):

not really... usually "intricacies" are all very diverse things so it's hard to put them all in one collection

zbatt (Jan 16 2023 at 23:50):

Makes sense

zbatt (Jan 16 2023 at 23:50):

Thank you for your help with this!

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 03:24):

I think my TProd issue is similar:

import Mathlib.Data.List.Nodup

open List Function

variable {ι : Type _} {α : ι  Type _} {i j : ι} {l : List ι} {f :  i, α i}

namespace List

variable (α)

/-- The product of a family of types over a list. -/
def TProd (l : List ι) : Type _ :=
  l.foldr (fun i β => α i × β) PUnit

variable {α}

namespace TProd

open List

protected def mk :  (l : List ι) (f :  i, α i), TProd α l
  | [] => fun _ => PUnit.unit
  | i :: is => fun f => (f i, TProd.mk is f)

theorem snd_mk (i : ι) (l : List ι) (f :  i, α i) : (TProd.mk (i :: l) f).2 = TProd.mk l f :=


stuck at solving universe constraint
  max ?u.1430 ?u.1507 =?= max ?u.1430 ?u.1458
while trying to unify
  (TProd (fun i => α i) l) ι (fun i => α i) l
  (foldr (fun i β => (fun i => α i) i × β) PUnit l) ι (foldr (fun i β => (fun i => α i) i × β) PUnit l)
    (fun i β => (foldr (fun i β => (fun i => α i) i × β) PUnit l) ((fun i => α i) i) β)
    (foldr (fun i β => (fun i => α i) i × β) PUnit l) l

I think the placeholder universes are leading Lean to infer different universe levels here?

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 03:26):

But explicitly naming my universes doesn't help...

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 03:28):

Uh, so actually it does.

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 03:29):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC