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Stream: mathlib4
Topic: Help with complitacted induction proof
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 03 2023 at 09:45):
Hey there ! Lately I have been asking a lot of questions related to some proofs I have been attempting to formalize in Lean4 about G4ip (a contraction-free sequent calculus for intuitionistic propositional logic).
Currently I am stuck because of a dependent elimination error, I am am somewhat puzzled by the problem.
Here is the code:
import Mathlib.Tactic
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic
abbrev Variable := ℕ
inductive Formula
| bot
| var : Variable → Formula
| and : Formula → Formula → Formula
| or : Formula → Formula → Formula
| imp : Formula → Formula → Formula
deriving DecidableEq
instance : HAnd Formula Formula Formula where
hAnd := Formula.and
instance : HOr Formula Formula Formula where
hOr := Formula.or
abbrev Formula.not (G: Formula) := Formula.imp G .bot
abbrev Formula.top := not bot
abbrev Formula.equiv (A B: Formula) := (imp A B) &&& (imp B A)
notation:max (priority := high) "#" v:max => Formula.var v
infixr:27 (priority := high) " ⟹ " => Formula.imp
instance: Neg Formula where
neg := Formula.not
instance: Bot Formula where
bot := Formula.bot
instance: Top Formula where
top := Formula.top
-- Model theory
variable {H : Type _} [HeytingAlgebra H]
def eval (v : Variable → H) : Formula → H
| .bot => ⊥
| # P => v P
| A ||| B => eval v A ⊔ eval v B
| A &&& B => eval v A ⊓ eval v B
| A ⟹ B => eval v A ⇨ eval v B
/- We say that `A` is a consequence of `Γ` if for all valuations in any Heyting algebra, if
`eval v B` is above a certain element for all `B ∈ Γ` then `eval v A` is above this element.
Note that for finite sets `Γ` this corresponds exactly to
`Infimum { eval v B | B ∈ Γ } ≤ eval v A`.
This "yoneda'd" version of the definition of validity is very convenient to work with. -/
def Models (Γ : Finset Formula) (A : Formula) : Prop :=
∀ {H : Type} [HeytingAlgebra H] {v : Variable → H} {c}, (∀ B ∈ Γ, c ≤ eval v B) → c ≤ eval v A
local infix:27 (priority := high) " ⊨ " => Models
def Valid (A : Formula) : Prop := ∅ ⊨ A
set_option hygiene false
infix:27 (priority:=high) " ⊢ " => Sequent
inductive Sequent : Finset Formula → Formula → Prop
| Ax : A ∈ Γ → Γ ⊢ A
| ExFalso : ⊥ ∈ Γ → Γ ⊢ G
| AndI : Γ ⊢ A → Γ ⊢ B → Γ ⊢ A &&& B
| AndE : insert A (insert B Γ) ⊢ C → insert (A &&& B) Γ ⊢ C
| OrI1 : Γ ⊢ A → Γ ⊢ (A ||| B)
| OrI2 : Γ ⊢ B → Γ ⊢ (A ||| B)
| OrE : insert A Γ ⊢ C → insert B Γ ⊢ C → insert (A ||| B) Γ ⊢ C
| ImpI : insert A Γ ⊢ B → Γ ⊢ (A ⟹ B)
-- Now the ImpE rules, that are exploded by cases
-- Γ, a, B ⊢ C → Γ, a, a ⇒ B ⊢ C
| ImpEAtom : insert A (insert B Γ) ⊢ C → insert A (insert (A ⟹ B) Γ) ⊢ C
| ImpEBot : Γ ⊢ C → insert (⊥ ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C
| ImpEAnd : insert (A₁ ⟹ A₂ ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C → insert ((A₁ &&& A₂) ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C
| ImpEOr : insert (A₁ ⟹ B) (insert (A₂ ⟹ B) Γ) ⊢ C → insert ((A₁ ||| A₂) ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C
| ImpEImp : insert A₁ (insert (A₂ ⟹ B) Γ) ⊢ A₂ → insert B Γ ⊢ C → insert ((A₁ ⟹ A₂) ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C
-- ImpETop is not necessary see the lemma later
syntax "solve_mem": tactic
syntax "apply_ax": tactic
| `(tactic | solve_mem) => `(tactic |
| exact Finset.mem_singleton.mpr rfl
| apply Finset.mem_insert_self
| apply Finset.mem_insert_of_mem; solve_mem)
| `(tactic | apply_ax) => `(tactic | {apply Sequent.Ax; solve_mem})
lemma Sequent.ImpETop (h: insert B Γ ⊢ C) : insert (⊤ ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C := by {
apply Sequent.ImpEImp
· apply_ax
· exact h
lemma Sequent.AndE.invertible {Γ: Finset Formula} {A B C: Formula} (h: insert (A &&& B) Γ ⊢ C): insert A (insert B Γ) ⊢ C := by {
cases h with
| Ax h => {
simp at h
cases h with
| inl h => {
rw [h]
apply AndI <;> apply_ax
| inr h => {
apply Ax
exact h
| ExFalso h => {
simp at h
apply ExFalso
exact h
| @AndI Γ A' B' hA hB => {
apply AndI
· exact Sequent.AndE.invertible hA
· exact Sequent.AndE.invertible hB
| @OrI1 Γ A' B' hA => {
apply OrI1
exact Sequent.AndE.invertible hA
| @OrI2 Γ A' B' hB => {
apply OrI2
exact Sequent.AndE.invertible hB
-- dependent elimination failed
| @AndE A' B' Γ' C hAB => sorry
-- | AndE _ => sorry
-- | OrE _ _ => sorry
-- | ImpI _ => sorry
-- | ImpEAtom _ => sorry
-- | ImpEBot _ => sorry
-- | ImpEAnd _ => sorry
-- | ImpEOr _ => sorry
-- | ImpEImp _ _ => sorry
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 03 2023 at 09:46):
I realize that the example is a bit big, but it is mostly a modified version of GlimpseOfLean applied to the sequent calculus mentionned
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 03 2023 at 09:49):
Another thing that surprised me is that changing the cases
to a induction
in the very last theorem causes an error stating the following:
index in target's type is not a variable (consider using the `cases` tactic instead)
insert (A &&& B) Γ
Mario Carneiro (Dec 03 2023 at 09:55):
use generalize e : A &&& B = AB at h
before induction
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 03 2023 at 09:58):
Oh, I did not know about that generalize
tactic, that's good for future use
Though doing that does not seem to fix the problem on my end
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 03 2023 at 09:58):
Maybe I need to generalize e : insert (A &&& B) \Gamma = \Gamma' at h
rather ?
Mario Carneiro (Dec 03 2023 at 10:03):
oh, yes you should
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 03 2023 at 10:05):
So that seemed to fix the issue then, may I ask why it happened ?
Mario Carneiro (Dec 03 2023 at 10:19):
would otherwise lose information about the index at which you are applying the inductive type, you would be left with subgoals like Γ' ⊢ C -> insert A (insert B Γ) ⊢ C
which are obviously not provable
Mario Carneiro (Dec 03 2023 at 10:21):
Proofs like this usually have to be careful / explicit about exactly how the index is generalized, because doing it wrong results in the wrong inductive hypothesis. The one I just showed means that you can only recurse on cases which don't change the context, meaning that OrI1
is okay but you may have difficulty with ImpEOr
Mario Carneiro (Dec 03 2023 at 10:22):
You may need to think a bit more carefully about what the induction hypothesis is here
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 03 2023 at 10:24):
Hmm okay, I'll look into that carefully then
Mario Carneiro (Dec 03 2023 at 10:32):
Thinking about it some more, I think the theorem is provable with the generalize
as I suggested, but you also need to use induction h generalizing Γ
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 03 2023 at 10:33):
Hmm, probably, I'll try that then (I can't rn)
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 04 2023 at 06:57):
So using the generalize
as you suggested does not fix the problem about the index in the induction, which seems weird to me.
I am trying right now to do it using generalize e : insert (A &&& B) \Gamma = \Gamma' at h
but while it helped in the beginning, it does not help much anymore
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 04 2023 at 06:58):
Here is the (partial) proof at the moment (note that the case ImpI is done now):
lemma Sequent.AndE.invertible {Γ: Finset Formula} {A B C: Formula} (h: insert (A &&& B) Γ ⊢ C): insert A (insert B Γ) ⊢ C := by {
generalize e : insert (A &&& B) Γ = Γ₀ at h
induction h generalizing Γ with
| @Ax A' Γ' h => {
rw [← e] at h
simp at h
cases h with
| inl h => {
rw [h]
apply AndI <;> apply_ax
| inr h => {
apply Ax
| ExFalso h => {
rw [← e] at h
simp at h
apply ExFalso
| @AndI Γ A' B' hA hB IHA IHB => {
apply AndI
· exact IHA e
· exact IHB e
| @ImpI A' Γ' B' hA IHA => {
apply ImpI
repeat rw [Finset.Insert.comm A']
rw [← e] at hA
rw [Finset.Insert.comm] at hA
apply IHA
rw [Finset.Insert.comm]
| OrI1 hA IHA => {
apply OrI1
exact IHA e
| OrI2 hB IHB => {
apply OrI2
exact IHB e
| @AndE A' B' Γ' C' hC' IHC' => {
case AndE
H : Type ?u.59957
inst✝ : HeytingAlgebra H
A B C : Formula
Γ₀ : Finset Formula
A' B' : Formula
Γ' : Finset Formula
C' : Formula
hC' : Sequent (insert A' (insert B' Γ')) C'
IHC' : ∀ {Γ : Finset Formula}, insert (A &&& B) Γ = insert A' (insert B' Γ') → Sequent (insert A (insert B Γ)) C'
Γ : Finset Formula
e : insert (A &&& B) Γ = insert (A' &&& B') Γ'
⊢ Sequent (insert A (insert B Γ)) C'
| @OrE A' Γ' C' B' hA' hB' IHA' IHB' => {
| @ImpEAtom A' B' Γ' C hC IHC => sorry
| ImpEBot _ => sorry
| ImpEAnd _ => sorry
| ImpEOr _ => sorry
| ImpEImp _ _ => sorry
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 04 2023 at 07:07):
I can't really find a way to use the insert (A &&& B) \Gamma = insert (A' &&& B') \Gamma'
to my advantage though, and that seems to be the main culprit
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 04 2023 at 14:40):
It seems that my induction principle is a little off, but I quite can't come up with another one.
My intuition would be to make it simpler by inducting on the "height" of a derivaion, but I can't come up with a good way of defining the height for some reason
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 04 2023 at 14:41):
This gives me an error:
def Sequent.height: Γ ⊢ C → ℕ
tactic 'cases' failed, nested error:
tactic 'induction' failed, recursor 'Sequent.casesOn' can only eliminate into Prop
Γ: Finset Formula
C: Formula
x✝¹: Sequent Γ C
motive: Sequent Γ C → Sort ?u.60142
h_1: (a : C ∈ Γ) → motive _
a✝¹: Finset Formula
a✝: Formula
x✝: Sequent a✝¹ a✝
⊢ Γ = a✝¹ → C = a✝ → HEq x✝¹ x✝ → motive x✝¹
after processing
the dependent pattern matcher can solve the following kinds of equations
- <var> = <term> and <term> = <var>
- <term> = <term> where the terms are definitionally equal
- <constructor> = <constructor>, examples: List.cons x xs = List.cons y ys, and List.cons x xs = List.nil
| Ax _ => 0
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 04 2023 at 18:05):
I think I will give up on trying to prove this, I really simply can't come up with a correct way to formulate my induction hypothesis to make it work
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 04 2023 at 20:21):
So, reworking the definition of my inductive type, I now include the height of the derivation _in_ the inductive type, such that Sequent G A n
represents derivations From G to A with size n
Mario Carneiro (Dec 04 2023 at 20:53):
@Thomas Vigouroux your last proof doesn't work for me, solve_mem
fails in two cases
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 04 2023 at 21:17):
Oh I think I changed the definition of the macro to include assumption
as a first clause in the first
Mario Carneiro (Dec 04 2023 at 21:42):
I've also exceeded my budget to think about this, but my recommendation would be to try to prove
lemma Sequent.mono {Γ Γ': Finset Formula} (h1 : Γ ⊆ Γ') (h: Γ ⊢ C) : Γ' ⊢ C := sorry
lemma Sequent.AndE.invertible {Γ: Finset Formula} {A B C: Formula}
(h: Γ ⊢ C) : insert A (insert B (Γ \ {A &&& B})) ⊢ C := sorry
and do cases on whether A &&& B
is equal to A' &&& B'
in the AndE case
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 05 2023 at 09:01):
Okay so here is the new proof I am attempting (complete file for completeness):
import Mathlib.Tactic
import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Basic
abbrev Variable := ℕ
inductive Formula
| bot
| var : Variable → Formula
| and : Formula → Formula → Formula
| or : Formula → Formula → Formula
| imp : Formula → Formula → Formula
deriving DecidableEq
instance : HAnd Formula Formula Formula where
hAnd := Formula.and
instance : HOr Formula Formula Formula where
hOr := Formula.or
abbrev Formula.not (G: Formula) := Formula.imp G .bot
abbrev Formula.top := not bot
abbrev Formula.equiv (A B: Formula) := (imp A B) &&& (imp B A)
notation:max (priority := high) "#" v:max => Formula.var v
infixr:27 (priority := high) " ⟹ " => Formula.imp
instance: Neg Formula where
neg := Formula.not
instance: Bot Formula where
bot := Formula.bot
instance: Top Formula where
top := Formula.top
-- Model theory
variable {H : Type _} [HeytingAlgebra H]
def eval (v : Variable → H) : Formula → H
| .bot => ⊥
| # P => v P
| A ||| B => eval v A ⊔ eval v B
| A &&& B => eval v A ⊓ eval v B
| A ⟹ B => eval v A ⇨ eval v B
/- We say that `A` is a consequence of `Γ` if for all valuations in any Heyting algebra, if
`eval v B` is above a certain element for all `B ∈ Γ` then `eval v A` is above this element.
Note that for finite sets `Γ` this corresponds exactly to
`Infimum { eval v B | B ∈ Γ } ≤ eval v A`.
This "yoneda'd" version of the definition of validity is very convenient to work with. -/
def Models (Γ : Finset Formula) (A : Formula) : Prop :=
∀ {H : Type} [HeytingAlgebra H] {v : Variable → H} {c}, (∀ B ∈ Γ, c ≤ eval v B) → c ≤ eval v A
local infix:27 (priority := high) " ⊨ " => Models
def Valid (A : Formula) : Prop := ∅ ⊨ A
instance hABool: HeytingAlgebra Bool where
bot_le := by {
intro a
cases a <;> simp
himp_bot := by {
intro a
cases a <;> simp [himp]
-- Provability
set_option hygiene false
infix:27 (priority:=high) " ⊢ " => Sequent
inductive Sequent : Finset Formula → Formula → Prop
| Ax : A ∈ Γ → Γ ⊢ A
| ExFalso : ⊥ ∈ Γ → Γ ⊢ G
| AndI : Γ ⊢ A → Γ ⊢ B → Γ ⊢ A &&& B
| AndE : insert A (insert B Γ) ⊢ C → insert (A &&& B) Γ ⊢ C
| OrI1 : Γ ⊢ A → Γ ⊢ (A ||| B)
| OrI2 : Γ ⊢ B → Γ ⊢ (A ||| B)
| OrE : insert A Γ ⊢ C → insert B Γ ⊢ C → insert (A ||| B) Γ ⊢ C
| ImpI : insert A Γ ⊢ B → Γ ⊢ (A ⟹ B)
-- Now the ImpE rules, that are exploded by cases
-- Γ, a, B ⊢ C → Γ, a, a ⇒ B ⊢ C
| ImpEAtom : insert A (insert B Γ) ⊢ C → insert A (insert (A ⟹ B) Γ) ⊢ C
| ImpEBot : Γ ⊢ C → insert (⊥ ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C
| ImpEAnd : insert (A₁ ⟹ A₂ ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C → insert ((A₁ &&& A₂) ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C
| ImpEOr : insert (A₁ ⟹ B) (insert (A₂ ⟹ B) Γ) ⊢ C → insert ((A₁ ||| A₂) ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C
| ImpEImp : insert A₁ (insert (A₂ ⟹ B) Γ) ⊢ A₂ → insert B Γ ⊢ C → insert ((A₁ ⟹ A₂) ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C
-- ImpETop is not necessary see the lemma later
-- Because this is a recursive macro, this has to be done in two parts
lemma finset_extract [DecidableEq α] {A: α} {S: Finset α} (h: A ∈ S): ∃S', (insert A S' = S) ∧ A ∉ S' := by {
exists S.erase A
· exact Finset.insert_erase h
· exact Finset.not_mem_erase A S
syntax "solve_mem": tactic
| `(tactic | solve_mem) => `(tactic |
| trivial
| exact Finset.mem_singleton.mpr rfl
| apply Finset.mem_insert_self
| apply Finset.mem_insert_of_mem; solve_mem)
macro "apply_ax": tactic => `(tactic | {apply Sequent.Ax; solve_mem})
lemma Sequent.ImpETop (h: insert B Γ ⊢ C) : insert (⊤ ⟹ B) Γ ⊢ C := by {
apply Sequent.ImpEImp
· apply_ax
· exact h
lemma Sequent.mono (h: Γ ⊆ Δ) (hΓ: Γ ⊢ A): Δ ⊢ A := by {
induction hΓ generalizing Δ with
| Ax h' => exact Sequent.Ax (h h')
| ExFalso h' => exact Sequent.ExFalso (h h')
| AndI hA hB IHA IHB => {
apply AndI
· exact IHA h
· exact IHB h
| ImpI h' IH => {
apply ImpI
apply IH
exact Finset.insert_subset_insert _ h
| OrI1 h' IH => {
apply OrI1
exact IH h
| OrI2 h' IH => {
apply OrI2
exact IH h
| @AndE A B Γ C h' IH => {
if hAB: A &&& B ∈ Γ then {
obtain ⟨Γ', ⟨hΓ', hΓ'nm⟩⟩ := finset_extract hAB
have hΓ : insert (A &&& B) Γ = Γ
· exact Finset.insert_eq_self.mpr hAB
rw [hΓ] at h
rw [← hΓ'] at h
obtain ⟨Δ', ⟨hΔ', hΔ'nm⟩⟩ := finset_extract (S:=Δ) (A:=A &&& B) (by {
apply h
rw [← hΔ']
apply AndE
} else {
obtain ⟨Δ', ⟨hΔ', hΔ'nm⟩⟩ := finset_extract (S:=Δ) (A:=A &&& B) (by {
apply h
rw [← hΔ']
apply AndE
apply IH
apply Finset.insert_subset_insert
apply Finset.insert_subset_insert
apply (Finset.insert_subset_insert_iff hAB).mp
rw [← hΔ'] at h
exact h
| OrE _ _ _ _ => sorry
| ImpEAtom _ _ => sorry
| ImpEBot _ _ => sorry
| ImpEAnd _ _ => sorry
| ImpEOr _ _ => sorry
| ImpEImp _ _ _ _ => sorry
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 05 2023 at 09:02):
I am already stuck at the AndE
case, when A &&& B \in \Gamma
, in this case, my intuition is that I can just reduce to a case with a \Gamma'
sucha that A &&& B \notin \Gamma'
, but the induction hypothesis is wrong in this case.
Mario Carneiro (Dec 05 2023 at 09:23):
I don't think you need to do cases on A &&& B \in Gamma
to prove monotonicity
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 05 2023 at 09:32):
I thought too, but I can't find the theorem I'd need to avoid the cases on that
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 05 2023 at 15:24):
Okay so I think I found the correct way to state the theorem for the proof to work, the thing I am now proving is:
lemma Sequent.mono (hΓ: Γ ⊢ A): Γ ∪ Δ ⊢ A
Which is much esaier to prove because of the union
Thomas Vigouroux (Dec 05 2023 at 15:33):
Here's the complete proof:
lemma Sequent.weakening (hΓ: Γ ⊢ A): Γ ∪ Δ ⊢ A := by {
induction hΓ with
| Ax h' => {
apply Ax
exact Finset.mem_union_left Δ h'
| ExFalso h' => {
apply ExFalso
exact Finset.mem_union_left Δ h'
| AndI _ _ IHA IHB => {
apply AndI
· exact IHA
· exact IHB
| ImpI _ IH => {
apply ImpI
rw [← Finset.insert_union]
exact IH
| OrI1 _ IH => {
apply OrI1
exact IH
| OrI2 _ IH => {
apply OrI2
exact IH
| AndE _ IH => {
rw [Finset.insert_union]
apply AndE
repeat rw [← Finset.insert_union]
exact IH
| ImpEAtom _ IH => {
repeat rw [Finset.insert_union]
apply ImpEAtom
repeat rw [← Finset.insert_union]
exact IH
| OrE _ _ IHA IHB => {
rw [Finset.insert_union]
apply OrE <;> rw [← Finset.insert_union]
· exact IHA
· exact IHB
| ImpEBot _ IH => {
rw [Finset.insert_union]
apply ImpEBot
exact IH
| ImpEAnd _ IH => {
rw [Finset.insert_union]
apply ImpEAnd
rw [← Finset.insert_union]
exact IH
| ImpEOr _ IH => {
rw [Finset.insert_union]
apply ImpEOr
repeat rw [← Finset.insert_union]
exact IH
| ImpEImp _ _ IHA IHC => {
rw [Finset.insert_union]
apply ImpEImp <;> repeat rw [← Finset.insert_union]
· exact IHA
· exact IHC
theorem Sequent.mono (h: Γ ⊆ Δ) (hΓ: Γ ⊢ C): Δ ⊢ C := by {
generalize hΔ': Δ \ Γ = Δ'
have hΔ : Δ = Γ ∪ Δ'
· rw [← hΔ']
exact h
rw [hΔ]
exact weakening hΓ
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC