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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: How easy is an easy PR?

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 20:42):

!4#3141 is easy, since it only modifies four SHAs

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 20:44):

@Scott Morrison is wrong

Jireh Loreaux (Mar 27 2023 at 20:47):

@Jeremy Tan, no, Scott is right here. The point is not just to check the diff on GitHub, the point is that one must verify that the content of the mathlib3 diffs already appear in mathlib4. This is nontrivial work.

Scott Morrison (Mar 27 2023 at 20:47):

This obviously takes more than 20s to review. In particular, one needs to check what has happened to the changes listed at https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib-port-status/file/algebra/group/opposite?range=acebd8d49928f6ed8920e502a6c90674e75bd441..76de8ae01554c3b37d66544866659ff174e66e1f, and this is not obvious from the PR page.

Please do not add further easy tags (speaking with my maintainer hat on).

Johan Commelin (Mar 27 2023 at 20:47):

Declaring that someone is wrong is not a fruitful way to start a discussion.
(Especially if that person has several years and tens of thousands of lines of Lean experience.)

Yaël Dillies (Mar 27 2023 at 20:47):

Yeah, no, that's not an easy PR. Not too hard, but not easy.

Jireh Loreaux (Mar 27 2023 at 20:47):


Matthew Ballard (Mar 27 2023 at 20:48):

Does :butterfly: apply here also?

Jireh Loreaux (Mar 27 2023 at 20:48):

Yes, but only if it's clear what that means to the person receiving it.

Matthew Ballard (Mar 27 2023 at 20:48):


Patrick Massot (Mar 27 2023 at 20:49):

@Jeremy Tan, do you understand that you are being asked to no longer use the easy tag?

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 20:50):

Yes, we should eliminate it entirely

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 20:54):

There are very few situations where a review would take less than 20 seconds

Heather Macbeth (Mar 27 2023 at 20:55):

@Jeremy Tan There is a community consensus here which you will learn eventually. See the 2500 PRs labelled "easy" on mathlib3.

Jireh Loreaux (Mar 27 2023 at 20:56):

#18519 is my most recent easy PR, just as a data point I could lay my hands on quickly. (edit: sorry, I originally had a typo in the PR number).

Jireh Loreaux (Mar 27 2023 at 20:57):

The easy tag has its place, it just doesn't happen to be on !4#3141 for the reasons specified above.

Kyle Miller (Mar 27 2023 at 21:06):

Jeremy Tan said:

Yes, we should eliminate it entirely

An easy thing you could do here is pretend it doesn't exist and not apply it to anything -- that way it effectively doesn't exist for you :smile:

(Also, please don't apply tags to other people's PRs. The community norm, or at least my understanding of it, is that the following people can apply tags: PR authors, PR coauthors, and maintainers. For example, applying awaiting-review is a decision that the author has to make; just because something passes CI doesn't mean it's ready for someone to look at. We often use PRs to keep track of work in progress.)

Yaël Dillies (Mar 27 2023 at 21:08):

One thing I do a lot is find a broken PR, fix it, then it awaiting-review. Even though I'm not the author of the PR, this falls under "PR coauthored" since I've touched the PR (or made sure it didn't need touching).

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 21:10):

How can I be respectful to all of you?

Kyle Miller (Mar 27 2023 at 21:10):

I prefer to reach out to the original PR author if possible before touching it, since you never know if they have some work in progress they haven't pushed, or they might have just gotten temporarily caught up in something.

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 21:10):

I always feel like you're all so slow

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 21:11):

Only @Eric Wieser has been able to tame me here

Kyle Miller (Mar 27 2023 at 21:11):

The mathlib port is important, but it's not the most important thing most of us who work on it are doing.

Kyle Miller (Mar 27 2023 at 21:12):

(I'm personally amazed we got to 50% already. I would have thought it would have been at least in another few months!)

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 21:12):

I do respect Eric, and I wait for Eric

Yakov Pechersky (Mar 27 2023 at 21:12):

Slow and steady will also prevent burnout. Breakneck pace is a recipe for miscommunication and disagreement

Yakov Pechersky (Mar 27 2023 at 21:14):

The port is not just an "ends". The "means" matter -- getting something right pays off in the end, instead of the instance gratification feeling of seeing some number go up quicker.

Yaël Dillies (Mar 27 2023 at 21:14):

You know, I am a final year undergraduate student. My end of year exams will significantly determine my future. I shouldn't be spending any time on any of this. I do it anyway (at the rate of 6 hours a day!) because I enjoy it.

Yakov Pechersky (Mar 27 2023 at 21:16):

Regarding "easy", it turns out to be the case that LOC changed isn't always correlated with how difficult it is to review. I think recognizing that and learning to pay attention to community behaviors is a way to succeed. We haven't yet figured out all the tooling that can track and do everything for us. So instead, we rely on human language and community decisions on how to communicate. Ignoring those, for the sake of the "tool", is missing the point. It's what the community achieves in the tool that's important, not what the tool does to the community.

Scott Morrison (Mar 27 2023 at 21:18):

@Jeremy Tan, my preference would be that you continue your great work making new PRs porting material from mathlib3 to mathlib4 --- this is very much appreciated! --- but that you simply stay away from others PRs for a while. It's obviously causing a lot of friction. I'm happy to try to promptly review and merge your porting PRs, as I appreciate that speedy turn arounds are helpful for the way you like to work.

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 21:19):

Scott Morrison said:

Jeremy Tan, my preference would be that you continue your great work making new PRs porting material from mathlib3 to mathlib4 --- this is very much appreciated! --- but that you simply stay away from others PRs for a while. It's obviously causing a lot of friction. I'm happy to try to promptly review and merge your porting PRs, as I appreciate that speedy turn arounds are helpful for the way you like to work.

:ok: Admittedly I'm slowly learning how to slow down here. I didn't tag Joel's chain of PRs for example

Jeremy Tan (Mar 27 2023 at 21:20):

Quite fittingly the character for "fast" appears in my Chinese name (the Jie in Jeremy Tan Jie Rui)

Eric Wieser (Mar 27 2023 at 22:23):

Jeremy Tan said:

!4#3141 is easy, since it only modifies four SHAs

For reference, this took me 5-10 minutes to review, but I imagine it would take others longer, because:

  • I was the one who reviewed the corresponding mathlib3 PR so know what to expect
  • The port-status pages are likely slightly less frustrating for me since I already adjusted them to match my workflow

So this certainly is not a 20 second PR. Pretty much the only plausibly "easy" sha update PRs are "someone already approved this forward port but I was stupid and forgot to actually update the SHAs in it" (I did this today...)

Patrick Stevens (Mar 27 2023 at 23:03):

Jeremy Tan said:

I always feel like you're all so slow

This is also the nature of large distributed projects, even if this one weren't staffed almost entirely by busy volunteers! See for example the fact that GitHub has their own internal fork of Git, which they upstream from at leisure, because that's just faster than coordinating with the distributed maintainers of Git; or for examples of what can go wrong when interacting with systems where these processes are mismanaged, see e.g. Hector Martin's adventures in upstreaming changes from Asahi to mainline Linux. Large entities are simply slower than small ones; the overhead of consensus is one of the prices you expect to pay in exchange for large parallelism and reduced bus-factors. Personally (from the outside) I'm perpetually astonished at how smoothly-functioning the mathlib project appears to be!

The desire for caution and consensus goes doubly when the project is intended to be a long-lasting foundation for other stuff, in which case it's relatively more important to get things right the first time up front: it'll be much more painful to fix later, when people are relying on it, than it is now when absolutely nobody is relying on it. You can't really blame anyone who would prefer to trade off towards "taking great care not to bake mistakes into the heart of mathlib4" rather than "get the ported lines to 100% as fast as possible" during the porting process; rejigging a million-line monolith because you made a mistake halfway up its dependency graph is not easy.

Scott Morrison (Mar 27 2023 at 23:05):

(Although it is easier in Lean than many other programming langauges. :-)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC