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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Importing a file changed `dite` if macro semantics

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 30 2022 at 01:28):


import Mathlib.Init.Data.Nat.Lemmas
-- comment out to make `extend_apply` work and `extend_apply_noninj` break

def Function.Injective (f : α  β) : Prop :=  a₁ a₂⦄, f a₁ = f a₂  a₁ = a₂

@[simp] theorem exists_apply_eq_apply' (f : α  β) (a' : α) :  a, f a = f a' := a', rfl

noncomputable section Extend

attribute [local instance] Classical.propDecidable

def extend (f : α  β) (g : α  γ) (e' : β  γ) : β  γ := fun b =>
  if h :  a, f a = b then g (Classical.choose h) else e' b

def extend' (f : α  β) (g : α  γ) (e' : β  γ) : β  γ := fun b =>
  @dite γ ( a, f a = b) (Classical.propDecidable _) (fun h => g (Classical.choose h)) (fun _ => e' b)

theorem extend_def (f : α  β) (g : α  γ) (e' : β  γ) (b : β) [Decidable ( a, f a = b)] :
    extend f g e' b = if h :  a, f a = b then g (Classical.choose h) else e' b := by
  unfold extend

theorem extend'_def (f : α  β) (g : α  γ) (e' : β  γ) (b : β) [Decidable ( a, f a = b)] :
    extend' f g e' b = if h :  a, f a = b then g (Classical.choose h) else e' b := by
  unfold extend'

theorem extend_apply {f} (hf : Function.Injective f) (g : α  γ) (e' : β  γ) (a : α) :
    extend f g e' (f a) = g a := by
  simp only [extend_def, dif_pos, exists_apply_eq_apply']
  exact congrArg g (hf $ Classical.choose_spec (exists_apply_eq_apply' f a))

theorem extend_apply_noninj (f : α  β) (g : α  γ) (e' : β  γ) (a : α) :
    extend f g e' (f a) = g a := by
  rw [extend_def, dif_pos (exists_apply_eq_apply' f a)]

theorem extend'_apply {f} (hf : Function.Injective f) (g : α  γ) (e' : β  γ) (a : α) :
    extend' f g e' (f a) = g a := by
  simp only [extend'_def, dif_pos, exists_apply_eq_apply']
  exact congrArg g (hf $ Classical.choose_spec (exists_apply_eq_apply' f a))

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 30 2022 at 01:29):

I think this change in the if macro also affects other porting attempts. Right now, the obvious definition of invFun results in specializing the α to Prop for some reason. Making the definition explicitly go through @dite avoids that

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 30 2022 at 01:32):

import Std.Logic -- comment out to make invFun work with Sort, Sort

protected noncomputable def Classical.arbitrary (α) [h : Nonempty α] : α :=
  Classical.choice h

noncomputable section Extend

attribute [local instance] Classical.propDecidable

noncomputable def invFun [Nonempty α] (f : α  β) : β  α :=
  fun y => if h : ( x, f x = y) then (Classical.choose h) else Classical.arbitrary α

noncomputable def invFun' [Nonempty α] (f : α  β) : β  α :=
  fun y => @dite α ( x, f x = y) (Classical.propDecidable _)
    Classical.choose (fun _ => Classical.arbitrary _)

#check @invFun -- Prop, Sort
#check @invFun' -- Sort, Sort

Mario Carneiro (Oct 30 2022 at 04:24):

It appears to be the fault of exists_prop_decidable:

-- Comment this out to make invFun work with Sort, Sort
instance exists_prop_decidable {p} (P : p  Prop)
  [Decidable p] [ h, Decidable (P h)] : Decidable ( h, P h) :=
if h : p then
  decidable_of_decidable_of_iff fun h2 => h, h2⟩, fun _, h2 => h2
else isFalse fun h', _ => h h'

protected noncomputable def Classical.arbitrary (α) [h : Nonempty α] : α :=
  Classical.choice h

noncomputable section Extend

attribute [local instance] Classical.propDecidable

noncomputable def invFun [Nonempty α] (f : α  β) : β  α :=
  fun y => if h : ( x, f x = y) then (Classical.choose h) else Classical.arbitrary α

noncomputable def invFun' [Nonempty α] (f : α  β) : β  α :=
  fun y => @dite α ( x, f x = y) (Classical.propDecidable _)
    Classical.choose (fun _ => Classical.arbitrary _)

#check @invFun -- Prop, Sort
#check @invFun' -- Sort, Sort

Mario Carneiro (Oct 30 2022 at 04:26):

and it makes some sense too: with that instance available invFun will use it, and this unifies the universe metavar in {α : Sort _}

Mario Carneiro (Oct 30 2022 at 04:28):

I think this should be classed as a bug though, because definitions with a given (explicit) type are supposed to be fully elaborated using only their types

Yakov Pechersky (Oct 30 2022 at 04:45):

Yeah, I noticed that too here: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/Decidable.20of.20Exists.20changes.20.60if.60.20macro.20semantics

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC