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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Is @[protect_proj] obsolete?

Lars Ericson (May 27 2023 at 13:29):

Algebra.Order.CompleteField on line 62 has this notation

which Lean Infoview marks as an unknown attribute. Is it obsolete? I see the following occurrences in ported mathlib4, most all commented out:

Order/Heyting/Hom.lean:-- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: Not yet implemented
Order/Heyting/Hom.lean:-- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: Not yet implemented
Order/Heyting/Hom.lean:-- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: Not yet implemented
Analysis/BoxIntegral/Partition/Filter.lean:-- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: Not yet implemented
Algebra/Lie/Basic.lean:/- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: not (yet) implemented. -/
Algebra/Lie/Basic.lean:/- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: not (yet) implemented. -/
Algebra/Lie/Basic.lean:/- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: not (yet) implemented. -/
Algebra/Lie/Basic.lean:/- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: not (yet) implemented. -/
Algebra/Order/Kleene.lean:-- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: Not yet implemented
Algebra/Order/Kleene.lean:-- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: Not yet implemented
Algebra/Order/Kleene.lean:-- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: Not yet implemented
Algebra/Order/Kleene.lean:-- @[protect_proj] -- Porting note: Not yet implemented
Algebra/GCDMonoid/Basic.lean:-- Porting note: mathlib3 had a `@[protect_proj]` here, but adding `protected` to all the fields
Algebra/GCDMonoid/Basic.lean:-- Porting note: mathlib3 had a `@[protect_proj]` here, but adding `protected` to all the fields
Mathport/Syntax.lean:/- S -/ syntax (name := protectProj) "protect_proj" (&" without" (ppSpace ident)+)? : attr
Topology/ContinuousFunction/Basic.lean:--@[protect_proj] -- Porting note: missing attribute?

Kyle Miller (May 27 2023 at 13:31):


Kyle Miller (May 27 2023 at 13:32):

You now put protected before each field in a structure that used to have @[protect_proj]. You probably should also put a porting note.

Lars Ericson (May 27 2023 at 13:37):

@Kyle Miller lines 62 through 65 have a lot of issues. The original is:

@[protect_proj, ancestor linear_ordered_field conditionally_complete_linear_order]
class conditionally_complete_linear_ordered_field (α : Type*)
  extends linear_ordered_field α renaming max  sup min  inf, conditionally_complete_linear_order α

This gets automatically translated to

class ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrderedField (α : Type _) extends
  "./././Mathport/Syntax/Translate/Command.lean:422:11: unsupported: advanced extends in structure",
  ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder α

so in addition to the project_proj it is dropping the ancestor and what follows and doesn't like something in the extends perhaps the renaming. The porting wiki doesn't mention these 3 keywords.

Kyle Miller (May 27 2023 at 13:43):

I believe ancestor is obsolete due to changes in how structures work (you can see that uses of ancestor in mathlib3 are no longer present in ported mathlib4). I'm not sure about renaming at the moment

Kyle Miller (May 27 2023 at 13:48):

Looking at CompleteLinearOrder and how it was ported, it looks like what they did was find an equivalent set of things to extend and then manually create a new instance that projects to the missing parent structure. Porting this file seems like it will take some thought.

Kyle Miller (May 27 2023 at 13:50):

Another case study is ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder

Kyle Miller (May 27 2023 at 13:52):

It looks like these two and ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrderedField are the only three structures in all of mathlib that involve porting extends ... renaming syntax

Scott Morrison (May 27 2023 at 17:20):

!4#4425 removes some porting notes about protect_proj in favour of just adding protected to all fields.

Lars Ericson (May 27 2023 at 17:32):

@Scott Morrisonto replace @[project_proj] is it just a matter of adding protected here:

protected class conditionally_complete_linear_ordered_field (α : Type*)

Lars Ericson (May 27 2023 at 17:34):

In any event I will give up on this file because it has too many expert level porting issues per @Kyle Miller .

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC