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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Lean not "seeing through" composition

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 18:09):

In mathlib4#1154, we have

def IsSMulRegular [SMul R M] (c : R) :=
  Function.Injective ((·  ·) c : M  M)

In theorem of_smul I had to simp [Function.comp] at cd to get Lean to understand that Function.comp (fun m ↦ a • m) ((fun x x_1 ↦ x • x_1) s) c = Function.comp (fun m ↦ a • m) ((fun x x_1 ↦ x • x_1) s) d was really a • s • c = a • s • d

Is this expected gymnastics?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2022 at 18:16):

If Function.comp is not reducible then it doesn't surprise me that you have to explicitly tell Lean to unfold it; I doubt it would choose to unfold it by itself. No doubt it's definitional though -- did you try dsimp only [Function.comp]? non-terminal simps are usually to be avoided.

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 18:34):

I guess it used to work before from the shape of the previous proof...

Will try dsimp only

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2022 at 18:39):


def IsSMulRegular [SMul R M] (c : R) :=
  Function.Injective ((c  ·) : M  M)

is a better definition?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2022 at 18:41):

But this doesn't solve the problem: it's the same issue as this (see discussion before for an explanation of why it might be hard to fix)

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 19:03):

Applied your suggestion(s), but as you note, doesn't solve the issue.

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 19:05):

Also seeing issues where simp only [one_mul] doesn't work, but simp [one_mul] does.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2022 at 21:22):

What does simp? [one_mul] say?

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 21:39):

@Eric Rodriguez pointed out that I wanted one_smul

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 21:39):

I think simp [one_mul] just simp'd everything away.

Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2022 at 21:45):

the suggestion was simp? [one_mul], note the question mark

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 21:49):

Understood! I went back and looked and simp? [one_mul] wasn't helpful (suggested simp only).

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 21:50):

Same with simp?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2022 at 22:44):

that's annoying, I had hoped it would have pointed out that it was one_smul that you wanted.

Eric Wieser (Dec 21 2022 at 23:04):

Can we revert the statement to the mathlib3 spelling of

def IsSMulRegular [SMul R M] (c : R) :=
  Function.Injective (SMul.smul c : M  M)

which I expect makes this problem go away?

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 23:25):

It really doesn't. With that change, we get lots of stuff like a • SMul.smul s c = a • SMul.smul s d

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 23:34):

I tried reverting to the previous proofs, but then I've still got to do the dsimp trick. I've got the proofs as is to pretty clean rws after the dsimps.

Eric Wieser (Dec 21 2022 at 23:41):

Wait, Lean4 doesn't print SMul.smul a b as a • b any more!?

Eric Wieser (Dec 21 2022 at 23:43):

@Mario Carneiro, do you know if that is expected behavior?

Eric Wieser (Dec 21 2022 at 23:44):

Seems like it might be a problem for any of the proposed solutions to this problem that have come up so far

Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2022 at 23:44):

no, it should be pretty printed

Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2022 at 23:45):

there must be something off here, I would need a #mwe to diagnose

Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2022 at 23:46):

note that SMul.smul a will probably not be pretty printed, although it could be pretty printed as (a • .) in principle

Eric Wieser (Dec 21 2022 at 23:58):

Yeah, i'm specifically worried about @Arien Malec's example above

Arien Malec (Dec 21 2022 at 23:59):

Let me see if I can minimize to an #mwe

Arien Malec (Dec 22 2022 at 00:04):

So I think

import Mathlib.Algebra.SmulWithZero
import Mathlib.Algebra.Regular.Basic

def IsSMulRegular [SMul R M] (c : R) :=
  Function.Injective (SMul.smul c : M  M)

namespace IsSMulRegular

variable {M}

variable [SMul R M] [SMul R S] [SMul S M] [IsScalarTower R S M]

theorem of_smul (a : R) (ab : IsSMulRegular M (a  s)) : IsSMulRegular M s :=
  @Function.Injective.of_comp _ _ _ (fun m : M => a  m) _ fun c d cd => by sorry

Gets you there.

Arien Malec (Dec 22 2022 at 00:05):

Putting the cursor after by, I get:

R: Type u_3
S: Type u_1
M: Type u_2
ab: R
s: S
inst✝³: SMul R M
inst✝²: SMul R S
inst✝¹: SMul S M
inst: IsScalarTower R S M
a: R
ab: IsSMulRegular M (a  s)
cd: M
cd: Function.comp (fun m  a  m) (SMul.smul s) c = Function.comp (fun m  a  m) (SMul.smul s) d
 c = d

Arien Malec (Dec 22 2022 at 00:07):


theorem of_smul (a : R) (ab : IsSMulRegular M (a  s)) : IsSMulRegular M s :=
  @Function.Injective.of_comp _ _ _ (fun m : M => a  m) _ fun c d cd => by
  dsimp only [Function.comp] at cd

gets me

R: Type u_3
S: Type u_1
M: Type u_2
ab: R
s: S
inst✝³: SMul R M
inst✝²: SMul R S
inst✝¹: SMul S M
inst: IsScalarTower R S M
a: R
ab: IsSMulRegular M (a  s)
cd: M
cd: a  SMul.smul s c = a  SMul.smul s d
 c = d

Arien Malec (Dec 22 2022 at 00:08):

And then I can't rw [←smul_assoc, ←smul_assoc] at cd

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC