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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Linter complains about `let rec` missing docstring

Alex Keizer (Jan 19 2023 at 14:23):

While porting data.fintype.option, I replaced an inductive' tactic with an explicit structural recursion to maintain computability.

/-- A recursor principle for finite types, analogous to `Nat.rec`. It effectively says
that every `Fintype` is either `Empty` or `Option α`, up to an `Equiv`. -/
def truncRecEmptyOption {P : Type u  Sort v} (of_equiv :  {α β}, α  β  P α  P β)
    (h_empty : P PEmpty) (h_option :  {α} [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α], P α  P (Option α))
    (α : Type u) [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] : Trunc (P α) := by
  suffices  n : , Trunc (P (ULift <| Fin n))
    by sorry
  -- porting note: do a manual recursion, instead of `induction` tactic,
  -- to ensure the result is computable
  let rec ind :  n : , Trunc (P (ULift <| Fin n))
  | Nat.zero => by sorry
  | Nat.succ n => by sorry
  apply ind

The lint complains that ind is missing a docstring

-- Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Option
#check Fintype.truncRecEmptyOption.ind.{u, v} /- definition missing documentation string -/

But, I cannot attach a docstring to a let rec binding, it complains that a declaration was expected.

Johan Commelin (Jan 19 2023 at 14:26):

For now, just add a -- Porting note and a attribute [nolint], I guess?

Alex Keizer (Jan 19 2023 at 14:30):

I forgot about nolint, thanks for the suggestion

Alex Keizer (Jan 19 2023 at 14:33):

Ah, that doesn't work. It seems the nolint only applies to the original definition, but the auxiliary truncRecEmptyOption.ind definition is still being complained about.
I'll go for plan B, explicitly moving ind to a separate definition, rather than relying on let rec

Johan Commelin (Jan 19 2023 at 14:33):

Does it work to write

attribute [nolint SomeLinterName] truncRecEmptyOption.ind

after the defn?

Alex Keizer (Jan 19 2023 at 14:35):

Yes, that did the trick!

Damiano Testa (Jan 19 2023 at 14:41):

Would something along these lines work as well?

/-- doc string for `f`. -/
def f : Nat  Nat := by
  apply newDef where
    /--  I am a docstring -/
    newDef := Nat.succ

#eval f 3
#check f.newDef -- hover over me

Alex Keizer (Jan 19 2023 at 14:56):

Yes, that one works as well, and is probably a bit cleaner

Damiano Testa (Jan 19 2023 at 14:59):

Ok, I am happy to know that this would have worked: I found the syntax cool and was hoping that it would work in such situations!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC