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Topic: Making SDiff heterogeneous?

Peter Nelson (Jul 15 2023 at 11:51):

I would like to make SDiff heterogeneous so it can denote more general 'removals' than set difference in cases where \ is standard notation, such as removing sets of edges from a graph. I don't have enough experience for such things - is this a major change/bad idea?

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2023 at 12:01):

The danger of using notation is that it gives the false impression that any of the existing lemmas about sdiff could be used here

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2023 at 12:02):

In this case can't you define sdiff to remove one graph from another?

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2023 at 12:02):

That is, G \ SimpleGraph.mkFromEdgeSet s or similar?

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:03):

There are at least two reasonable "diff" operations on graphs: remove edges and remove vertices.

Peter Nelson (Jul 15 2023 at 12:16):

Yes, and you can also remove either sets of edges/vertices or single edges/vertices - I think that's a good argument for heterogeneity. (I actually have deletions of elements /sets of matroids in mind; I just wanted to pick a more familiar example).

Peter Nelson (Jul 15 2023 at 12:17):

It's a little annoying to not be able to use standard mathematical notation for those things, just because that symbol happens to be defined for sets.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:18):

You can always introduce notation like \ₑ

Peter Nelson (Jul 15 2023 at 12:19):

What is different between this and the heterogeneity of +, /, etc that was introduced in lean4? I was happy to see this, before I saw that SDiff wasn't included.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:20):

We don't use HAdd in mathlib (yet).

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:20):

SDiff is defined in mathlib

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:21):

An interesting question is whether we can use heterogeneous multiplication for both left and right actions.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:22):

Is there a situation when A acts on B on the left and B acts on A on the right?

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:22):

(so that we can't decide what's the correct meaning of (a : A) * (b : B))?

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2023 at 12:25):

Yury G. Kudryashov said:

There are at least two reasonable "diff" operations on graphs: remove edges and remove vertices.

Only "remove edges" is well-typed as sdiff for docs#SimpleGraph

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2023 at 12:27):

Yury G. Kudryashov said:

Is there a situation when A acts on B on the left and B acts on A on the right?

There are many such situations; but the relevant question is probably "in what situations are the two not defeq", and I have none in mind yet

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:27):

Yury G. Kudryashov said:

An interesting question is whether we can use heterogeneous multiplication for both left and right actions.

I think we learned the answer to this is "no", and for reasons other than the left/right ambiguity. x ^ y is a right action, and we've had lots of trouble with its binop% casting rules throughout the port. I have some code that makes the casting be for a right action (the assumption is it will likely have types X -> Y -> X, with Y having no relationship to X), and I was hoping to eventually get it into Lean so that we can remove our macro_rules overrides.

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:30):

I think \ does make sense as another kind of right action (though I'm not saying anything about it being confusing to use this notation). I wonder if there's a good symbol for an inverse to it? It shouldn't be union/sup since that should be symmetric

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:32):

So, while Lean 4 has docs#HAdd, we are not going to use it anywhere because of parsing rules for a + b? Should we drop docs#HSMul then?

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:36):

The issue with HPow in particular is that we don't want y in x ^ y to be coerced just because x has another type and y can be coerced to it. The binop% algorithm looks at the types of everything in an algebraic expression and tries to find a single type everything coerces to.

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:37):

I think it's fine having heterogenous operator instances when there aren't coercions between the operands. (Nat just happens to be able to coerce to every ring, which makes x ^ n be the unexpected thing.)

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2023 at 12:38):

I think I thought about HSMul a bit while writing my scalar actions paper, and concluded that HSMul X X Y would open up a massive number of typeclass diamonds.

Peter Nelson (Jul 15 2023 at 12:38):

So would having G \ e := G \ ({e} : Set E) be problematic for an edge e : E in a graph G?

Jireh Loreaux (Jul 15 2023 at 12:40):

Peter, I think it's safest to just make modified \ notation as Yury suggested above. If we determine it's possible to merge the two notations, it's always possible to do later.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jul 15 2023 at 12:40):

E.g., we merged different ×ˢ notations recently.

Eric Wieser (Jul 15 2023 at 12:41):

Peter Nelson said:

So would having G \ e := G \ ({e} : Set E) be problematic for an edge e : E in a graph G?

I still think you'd do better to promote {e} to a graph so that you can use docs#SimpleGraph.completeBooleanAlgebra

import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Basic

example {V : Type u} (G : SimpleGraph V) (e : Sym2 V) : SimpleGraph V :=
  G \ SimpleGraph.fromEdgeSet {e}

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:42):

Peter Nelson said:

So would having G \ e := G \ ({e} : Set E) be problematic for an edge e : E in a graph G?

It seems like it would work? It'd take engineering effort to redo SDiff and maybe it'd take changes to Lean if there are issues. I wouldn't try doing vertex deletions too with this notation.

Peter Nelson (Jul 15 2023 at 12:43):

Yup, I'm already using modified notation; there is basically no other way. It just makes things look less pretty than I'd like.

And that was my original question really - what are the engineering issues? And it looks like the answer is that there really are some.

Peter Nelson (Jul 15 2023 at 12:43):

Eric Wieser said:

Peter Nelson said:

So would having G \ e := G \ ({e} : Set E) be problematic for an edge e : E in a graph G?

I still think you'd do better to promote {e} to a graph so that you can use docs#SimpleGraph.completeBooleanAlgebra

The graph thing was really a toy example - I'm working in a situation where you can't do something like that.

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:44):

You need to be able to reliably figure out the type of the SDiff expression and propagate types to its operands

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:45):

For example, without additional support, S \ {x, y} won't elaborate, since it will say it can't infer an Insert instance for the {x, y} notation

Jireh Loreaux (Jul 15 2023 at 12:46):

Kyle, isn't that not a problem anymore because of default_instances? Or is that what you mean by "additional support"?

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:46):

There are a couple pieces to the additional support. Default instances are one, but the binop% and unop% elaborators are another.

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:49):

Yury G. Kudryashov said:

E.g., we merged different ×ˢ notations recently.

Yeah, getting this to (finally) work reliably took a custom elaborator: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/41a80d7f6a9db42342210225d6fc50f34781b9b3/Mathlib/Tactic/FBinop.lean

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:51):

@Jireh Loreaux I forgot to mention what a point of binop% and unop% are: they figure out where you need to insert coercions so that the default instances can be applied

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 12:55):

@Peter Nelson There's a chance that it might all Just Work if someone made SDiff be heterogenous, made a homogenous version, used this to give the heterogenous one a default instance, and installed a binop% macro rule for SDiff, and then cross a couple fingers and compile mathlib

Peter Nelson (Jul 15 2023 at 12:56):

That sounds great - I don't think I understand enough of the under-the-hood stuff to be that someone, though!

Jireh Loreaux (Jul 15 2023 at 13:03):

Peter, just have a look at the existing HMul and Mul, then ask Kyle where to find a good %binop example. This should be mostly mimicry.

Kyle Miller (Jul 15 2023 at 13:10):

I'm a mimic too, and I've just picked up on it by trying to read a lot of core code. My understanding is that the following pieces are what you need for a heterogenous arithmetic-like operator that prefers to be homogenous. For multiplication:

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC