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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Mathlib.Order.Copy

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 24 2022 at 12:00):

I am porting Mathlib.Order.Copy. In mathlib3 there is

def bounded_order.copy {h : has_le α} {h' : has_le α} (c : @bounded_order α h')
  (top : α) (eq_top : top = @bounded_order.top α _ c)
  (bot : α) (eq_bot : bot = @bounded_order.bot α _ c)
  (le_eq :  (x y : α), ((@has_le.le α h) x y)  x  y) :
  @bounded_order α h :=
  refine { top := top, bot := bot, .. },
  all_goals { abstract { subst_vars, casesI c, simp_rw le_eq, assumption } }

Let's forget that abstract is not ported, this is not a problem.

First of all @BoundedOrder.top α _ c does not exist, I changed it to (@BoundedOrder.toOrderTop α _ c).top, I don't know if there is a shorter version.

Secondly, if I try something like (that more or less follows the mathlib3 proof)

    { top := top,
      bot := bot,
      le_top := sorry,
      bot_le := sorry }

I get the error

synthesized type class instance is not definitionally equal to expression inferred by typing rules, synthesized

so it seems Lean4 is not smart enough to understand it is supposed to use h, but Lean3 was. A working proof is

def BoundedOrder.copy {h : LE α} {h' : LE α} (c : @BoundedOrder α h') (t : α)
    (eq_top : top = (@BoundedOrder.toOrderTop α _ c).top) (bot : α)
    (eq_bot : bot = (@BoundedOrder.toOrderBot α _ c).bot)
    (le_eq :  x y : α, (@LE.le α h) x y  x  y) : @BoundedOrder α h :=
  @BoundedOrder.mk α h (@OrderTop.mk α h { top := top } (fun a  by simp [eq_top, le_eq]))
    (@OrderBot.mk α h { bot := bot } (fun a  by simp [eq_bot, le_eq]))

Is there a nicer way?

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 24 2022 at 12:21):

Something that also works is

def BoundedOrder.copy {h : LE α} {h' : LE α} (c : @BoundedOrder α h') (t : α)
    (eq_top : top = (by infer_instance : Top α).top) (bot : α)
    (eq_bot : bot = (by infer_instance : Bot α).bot)
    (le_eq :  x y : α, (@LE.le α h) x y  x  y) : @BoundedOrder α h

I am a little surprised that infer_instance finds Top α, since c is not in square brackets...

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 24 2022 at 12:32):

The square bracket thing is just for other functions using your function, it doesn't affect how your function elaborates. If it's before the colon and a typeclass it goes in the instance cache regardless of what brackets you use. This is the same in lean 3 and it surprised me when I discovered it too!

Riccardo Brasca (Dec 24 2022 at 12:34):

Good to know!

Eric Wieser (Dec 24 2022 at 15:31):

This has come up repeatedly, https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/.60.28_.29.60.20vs.20.60_.60.20syntax is related

Eric Wieser (Dec 24 2022 at 15:33):

As I understand it, It's not Lean4 is not smart enough; it's that it's decided that the spelling you wanted to use isn't allowed any more

Eric Wieser (Dec 24 2022 at 15:34):

The solution is to use @bounded_order.mk with (_) in place of the typeclass arguments

Eric Wieser (Dec 24 2022 at 15:35):

That is, you can replace h with (_) in the proof

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC