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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Path Sequences

Ian Riley (Dec 01 2022 at 15:52):

I'm working with theorems over path sequences. How would I generalize over a variable length tuple? So I have n : Nat which is the length of the path and I need n-order tuple of Nats. I also then need to define a set of all such sequences.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 01 2022 at 16:45):

Can you post a #mwe with e.g. a sorried statement of what you want to do?

Ian Riley (Dec 01 2022 at 16:51):

Kevin Buzzard said:

Can you post a #mwe with e.g. a sorried statement of what you want to do?

I need to define a χ:VC\chi : V \rightarrow C, where V is a set of vertices and C is a set of colors. Then I need to define VV^* which is the set of all finite sequence of vertices and then define χ(π)=χ(π0)χ(πn)\chi(\pi) = \chi(\pi_0) \ldots \chi(\pi_n), where πV\pi \in V^* and πiV\pi_i \in V. I was hoping to define a function that maps a finite tuple of length n to another finite tuple of length n, where the first tuple is a tuple of vertices (which are currently nats) to another finite tuple of colors (which are also currently nats). I'll deal with replacing the nats with vertex and color types after.

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 01 2022 at 16:53):

A #mwe is Lean code rather than mathematics. Check the link to see exactly what I mean. It's the optimal way to ask a question around here.

Ian Riley (Dec 01 2022 at 16:58):

Kevin Buzzard said:

A #mwe is Lean code rather than mathematics. Check the link to see exactly what I mean. It's the optimal way to ask a question around here.

I understand. I'm just not sure how to write a variable length tuple in Lean. And I don't know how to define a set. That's why I used LaTeX. If I knew how to do those two things in Lean, I think I might be able to work through the rest. Absent that, I'm not really sure how to post a mwe and likely wouldn't need to if I could do those two things.

Reid Barton (Dec 01 2022 at 17:04):

It's sort of hard to answer at this level of abstraction. For instance, the type of all finite sequences of elements of VV could be represented by List V. There is not necessarily any reason to say "a natural number nn, plus a tuple of length nn"--but maybe you have some reason why that is better for you.
Also, I suspect it may be significant that you have written a tuple of length n+1n+1, and not length nn.

Kyle Miller (Dec 01 2022 at 17:53):

You also say "vertices" -- do you want consecutive vertices to be adjacent with respect to some graph structure?

Kyle Miller (Dec 01 2022 at 17:54):

docs#simple_graph.walk in mathlib3 is the type of walks between pairs of vertices in simple graphs, and you can use sigma types to get the type of all walks between all pairs of vertices.

Ian Riley (Dec 01 2022 at 19:02):

Reid Barton said:

It's sort of hard to answer at this level of abstraction. For instance, the type of all finite sequences of elements of VV could be represented by List V. There is not necessarily any reason to say "a natural number nn, plus a tuple of length nn"--but maybe you have some reason why that is better for you.
Also, I suspect it may be significant that you have written a tuple of length n+1n+1, and not length nn.

I understand what you mean. I'm not trying to be obtuse. I'm just working from a blank slate, so I don't have any other examples to lean on (pun intended). My first thought was actually to use a List and then define a structure that is a List and it's length to define a finite List with a specific length. I didn't think that would be a recommended approach though.

Here might be a mwe of what I was thinking though:

variable (C V : Type)
def VertexSeq := List V
def ColorSeq := List C
def FiniteList {τ : Type} := Nat  List τ
def χ {α β : Type} (n : Nat) := ((FiniteList α) n)  ((FiniteList β) n)

But the last line of that doesn't work and that doesn't seem quite right.

Ian Riley (Dec 01 2022 at 19:04):

Kyle Miller said:

You also say "vertices" -- do you want consecutive vertices to be adjacent with respect to some graph structure?

They would be. The graph is defined by a transition relation Δ:=V×R×V\Delta := V \times \mathbb{R} \times V

Sky Wilshaw (Dec 01 2022 at 20:54):

Your FiniteList type is the type of functions from Nat to List τ. To make the type of lists that have a specific length, you could either use a subtype:

def FiniteList {τ : Type} (n : Nat) := {list : List τ // list.length = n}

or a custom structure:

structure FiniteList {τ : Type} (n : Nat) where
    list : List τ
    length_eq : list.length = n

Sky Wilshaw (Dec 01 2022 at 20:58):

In particular, the following lines compile:

def FiniteList (τ : Type) (n : Nat) := {list : List τ // list.length = n}
def χ {α β : Type} (n : Nat) := FiniteList α n  FiniteList β n

Ian Riley (Dec 01 2022 at 23:29):

The custom structure looks really appealing. Would this be considered an idiomatic way to approach a variable-length ordered tuple? I've often seen the notation Nn\mathbb{N}^n to refer to a tuple of length n. In lean, we have N×N\mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N} to represent a tuple of length 2. Is a list the standard way to represent tuples of larger dimensions in lean?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 01 2022 at 23:56):

fin n -> Nat (or it might be Fin n in lean 4) docs4#Fin

Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 02 2022 at 04:48):

See docs#vector. Is it ported to Lean 4? Let's see: docs4#Vector. No.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 02 2022 at 04:50):

There are at least two ways to deal with finite tuples of fixed length: docs#vector and Fin n → α

Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 02 2022 at 04:50):

I don't know which type is more convenient for you (and whether you care about computation or not).

Reid Barton (Dec 02 2022 at 07:56):

And then, there are at least two ways to handle a finite tuple of variable length, either List a, or a pair consisting of n together with a tuple of length n (however you decide to represent that).

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC