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Topic: Slow coercion from `Fin n` to `Fin m`

Tomas Skrivan (Sep 18 2023 at 14:04):

Coercing Fin 10 to Fin 5 is really slow. This problem could be related to the slow coercion from primes to reals, previous topic.

import Mathlib

set_option profiler true

--set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true
example (a : Fin 10): CoeT (Fin 10) a (Fin 5) := by infer_instance

Takes roughly 350ms on my machine

The issue is the instCoeHTCT instance

instance [CoeTail β γ] [CoeHTC α β] : CoeHTCT α γ where coe a := CoeTail.coe (CoeHTC.coe a : β)

which takes forever to figure out that β should be Nat

-- slow
def isnt1 : CoeHTCT (Fin 10) (Fin 5) := by infer_instance

-- fast
def inst2 : CoeHTCT (Fin 10) (Fin 5) := by apply instCoeHTCT (β:=Nat)

While chasing down the right β there is really wild stuff going on, like trying:

apply @InfTopHomClass.toInfHomClass to InfHomClass (Fin 10) ?m.142755 ?m.142756

I do not really understand mathlib's stack of classes and instances so I have no clue what to do about this.

Yaël Dillies (Sep 18 2023 at 14:05):

Do not use this coercion. It's quite bad.

Yaël Dillies (Sep 18 2023 at 14:07):

It sens a : Fin m to ↑(a.val) : Fin n, for any m and n ≠ 0. Mathematically, that's quite bad.

Tomas Skrivan (Sep 18 2023 at 14:14):

I agree that I should use something else, but is that reason for this coercion to be that slow?

(I'm trying to write down simple convolution

def conv (x : Fin n  ) (w : Fin m  ) := fun (i : Fin n) =>  j, w j * x (i - j)

but maybe I should rather do something like

def conv (x : Fin n  ) (w : [-m,m]  ) := fun (i : Fin n) =>  j, w j * x (i - j)

where ℤ[-m,m] = {a : ℤ // -m ≤ a ∧ a ≤ m})

Yaël Dillies (Sep 18 2023 at 14:18):

It sounds like you could use ℤ →₀ ℝ?

Tomas Skrivan (Sep 18 2023 at 14:21):

I'm writing a program, using ℤ →₀ ℝ is not on the table as it would be too slow.

Damiano Testa (Sep 18 2023 at 14:22):

I am not sure if this is really serious, but there is docs#LaurentPolynomial and I think that, informally, what you are doing is equivalent to taking the zero-th coefficient of f(t)g(t1)f(t) g(t^{-1}), with f g : LaurentPolynomial ℝ.

Ah, your actual motivation might rule this out!

Tomas Skrivan (Sep 18 2023 at 14:28):

You are probably right, if

g t =  i : , w i * t^n
f t =  i : , x i * t^n

Then I'm trying to compute the ith coeficient of the Laurent series of f(t)g(t1) f(t)g(t^{-1}) , but that does not help me to write an efficient program :)

Martin Dvořák (Sep 18 2023 at 15:14):

Speaking of Fin coercions, I incidentally just added this function to my code:

private def liftFin : Fin 2  Fin 8 :=
  fun a, ha => a, (Nat.lt_trans ha (show 2 < 8 by decide))⟩

The only objective is to change (0 : Fin 2) to (0 : Fin 8) and (1 : Fin 2) to (1 : Fin 8).
Is it a bad practice? I mean the implementation (the name surely is).

Eric Wieser (Sep 18 2023 at 15:38):

That's docs#Fin.castLE

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC