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Stream: mathlib4
Topic: Understanding to_additive
Eric Rodriguez (Oct 02 2023 at 15:32):
I'm trying to make this lemma work (imports not minimal):
import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Separable
import Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegralDomain
import Mathlib.Tactic.ApplyFun
lemma Subgroup.finset_prod_top {β α : Type*} [Group α] [Fintype α] [Fintype (⊤ : Subgroup α)]
[CommMonoid β] (f : α → β) : ∏ x : (⊤ : Subgroup α), f x = ∏ x : α, f x :=
by simp [Finset.prod_set_coe]
I would like this to go to AddSubgroup.finset_prod_top
, but it instead goes to AddSubgroup.finset_sum_top
; which is totally reasonable, but it does mean a case gets missed. I've been messing around with ignore_args and relevant_arg and it doesn't seem to help me much. Furthermore, this infomation seems to be wrong:
/- (from to_additive docstring)
should have automatically added the attribute `@[to_additive_relevant_arg]` to the declaration.
You can test this by running the following (where `d` is the full name of the declaration):
#eval (do isRelevant `d >>= trace)
``` -/
ctrl+f doesn't find isRelevant
in the file (even namespaced).
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC