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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: Warning: some files were not found in the cache.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2023 at 15:44):

This is now happening to me consistently, and it doesn't seem to matter but I thought I'd report it anyway. Note that lake exe cache get! doesn't fix the problem.

buzzard@buster:~/lean-projects/mathlib4$ lake exe cache get!
info: [1/9] Building Cache.IO
info: [2/9] Compiling Cache.IO
info: [2/9] Building Cache.Hashing
info: [3/9] Compiling Cache.Hashing
info: [3/9] Building Cache.Requests
info: [6/9] Compiling Cache.Requests
info: [9/9] Linking cache
Attempting to download 3552 file(s)
Downloaded: 3551 file(s) [attempted 3552/3552 = 100%] (99% success)
Warning: some files were not found in the cache.
This usually means that your local checkout of mathlib4 has diverged from upstream.
If you push your commits to a branch of the mathlib4 repository, CI will build the oleans and they will be available later.
Decompressing 3551 file(s)
buzzard@buster:~/lean-projects/mathlib4$ lake build
[1886/3569] Building Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Basic
buzzard@buster:~/lean-projects/mathlib4$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Sebastien Gouezel (Jul 11 2023 at 15:50):

If I understand correctly, this happens when some file did not compile correctly in your branch (and then of course it's not in the cache). The error message is quite misleading then.

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2023 at 15:54):

This is on master

Mauricio Collares (Jul 11 2023 at 20:15):

At least here, the cache miss is https://lakecache.blob.core.windows.net/mathlib4/f/11451517259001675684.tar.gz, corresponding to Util/TacticCaches.lean. I can't explain the Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Basic (re)build.

Mauricio Collares (Jul 11 2023 at 20:36):

I guess the cause is that lake build TacticCaches creates build/{ir,lib}/TacticCaches.* and not build/{ir,lib}/Util/TacticCaches.* for some reason.

Scott Morrison (Jul 12 2023 at 01:05):

Ugh, my fault. :-)

Scott Morrison (Jul 12 2023 at 01:20):

Hmm, actually maybe not entirely my fault.

Scott Morrison (Jul 12 2023 at 01:23):

@Mac (or anyone interested in lakefile details), when we run lake exe cache in Mathlib master at the moment, the following weird thing happens:

  • build/ir/Util/Cache/Main.c is created (along with the corresponding .o and .o.trace
  • build/ir/Cache/Hashing.c is created (along with IO.c and Requests.c, and their .o and .o.traces)

however Main/Hashing/IO/Requests all live in the same directory, and the intent was certainly that their build artifacts all live at the same location.

How can we achieve this?

Scott Morrison (Jul 12 2023 at 01:23):

For reference, the relevant section of the lakefile is:

lean_lib Cache where
  moreLeanArgs := moreLeanArgs
  roots := #[`Cache]
  srcDir := "Util"

lean_exe cache where
  root := `Util.Cache.Main

Scott Morrison (Jul 12 2023 at 01:25):

I suspect the problem is in the root := `Util.Cache.Main line. I had originally wanted to write root := `Cache.Main here, on the principle that this was a module name rather than a filename-mysteriously-written-as-a-Name.

However with this change lake exe cache fails with:

% lake exe cache
error: no such file or directory (error code: 2)
  file: ./././Cache/Main.lean

Scott Morrison (Jul 12 2023 at 01:54):

Separately from the above question, hopefully #5824 will fix Kevin's observed problem above, but still needs testing after CI.

Mario Carneiro (Jul 12 2023 at 03:28):

yeah I think this setup is wrong, and the cache change was not ready to be merged and we should probably back it out

Mario Carneiro (Jul 12 2023 at 03:31):

The issue is that cache is using a half-baked version of the source path lookup implemented in getPackageDirs, and this was not updated for the Util folder

Mario Carneiro (Jul 12 2023 at 03:32):

You should be using root := `Cache.Main for the lake_exe line, but with a srcDir of "Util"

Mario Carneiro (Jul 12 2023 at 03:33):

Util is not a module name and should not appear in such, it is just a folder

Mario Carneiro (Jul 12 2023 at 03:44):

Oh, there is a lake issue here after all: there is no srcDir for lean_exe targets @Mac

Mario Carneiro (Jul 12 2023 at 03:48):

There is a function LeanExeConfig.toLeanLibConfig in lake for converting an exe config into a lib config, but it sets a lot of things to default values and that seems like a bit of missing config

Mario Carneiro (Jul 12 2023 at 03:49):

I suggest just reverting the Util change for now, I don't think we can quick fix this

Scott Morrison (Jul 12 2023 at 03:58):

#5825 is the revert PR.

Mac Malone (Jul 12 2023 at 06:38):

Mario Carneiro said:

Oh, there is a lake issue here after all: there is no srcDir for lean_exe targets Mac

I think my original rationale was that it would not matter whether the srcDir was part of the module name since a main file should not be imported and the finer details of the build layout should not be a user's concern.

But, for consistency's sake, better aligning the lean_exe / lean_lib configuration options seems like a good idea!

I am currently at a conference, so I will not be able to code this myself until I get back. However, if someone wants to PR a fix beforehand, I can review and merge it.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC