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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: adding to std

Joseph O (Feb 19 2022 at 23:32):

Im currently working on a package that is meant to expand on lean's current std for lists, but I started considering whether I should add them to lean's std directly. I would like some input. Thank in advance, and also, here is the current repo

Mario Carneiro (Feb 19 2022 at 23:36):

My suggestion is to add to mathlib4, for example here -> https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/master/Mathlib/Data/List/Defs.lean

Joseph O (Feb 19 2022 at 23:38):

Ok, will do

Joseph O (Feb 19 2022 at 23:43):

But there are some I think would be important in the core std

Henrik Böving (Feb 19 2022 at 23:48):

the compiler Std's purpose is to contain everything that the compiler needs to build itself that doesn't fit in other packages, everything else goes to mathlib 4 for now and will probably find a new home in some "std-ext" or whatever at some point.

Joseph O (Feb 20 2022 at 01:45):

Ok cool

Joseph O (Feb 20 2022 at 03:08):

Im pretty new to this, so I want to ask. Is this an ok docstring?

`List.choose` filters list `l` of type `List α` with `chooser` which is of type `α → Option β`
It keeps the elements where `chooser x` is `some _` and discards the ones that are `none`

def oneTwo? : Nat → Option Nat
  | 1 => some 1
  | 2 => some 2
  | _ => none

[1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 4, 2] |> choose oneTwo? = [1, 2, 1, 2]

Yakov Pechersky (Feb 20 2022 at 03:32):

Can you explain what the beta type does? Does it map to it or ignore the beta value? Your oneTwo? is a version of id, so it's hard to tell.

Mario Carneiro (Feb 20 2022 at 03:51):

l.choose f = l.filter (f · |>.isSome), so I'm not sure it's a really worthwhile function

Notification Bot (Feb 20 2022 at 03:52):

This topic was moved here from #general > adding to std by Mario Carneiro.

Mario Carneiro (Feb 20 2022 at 03:55):

the name is also easily confused with other uses of "choose" or "choice" in mathlib, like docs#fintype.choose or docs#nat.choose

Reid Barton (Feb 20 2022 at 10:13):

From the example the behavior could also be filter_map.

Joseph O (Feb 20 2022 at 12:22):

Mario Carneiro said:

l.choose f = l.filter (f · |>.isSome), so I'm not sure it's a really worthwhile function

I guess you are right

Joseph O (Feb 20 2022 at 12:23):

I have found it useful once or twice, when filtering does out a list with a function that returns option

Joseph O (Feb 20 2022 at 12:25):

Yakov Pechersky said:

Can you explain what the beta type does? Does it map to it or ignore the beta value? Your oneTwo? is a version of id, so it's hard to tell.

I would say that it is ignored

Yakov Pechersky (Feb 20 2022 at 12:34):

That detail is probably good to include in your docstring. Think of the docstring as the specification for your code. Of course, there's always the source code itself, but that might change over time as you discover you have to deal ith certain implementation details. But the docstring, especially for such an API function, would likely remain constant.

Joseph O (Feb 20 2022 at 13:19):

Ok, thanks

Joseph O (Feb 20 2022 at 13:23):

Do you think this is better?

`List.choose` filters list `l` of type `List α` with `chooser` which is of type `α → Option β`,
yet `β` is ignored.
It keeps the elements where `chooser x` is `some _` and discards the ones that are `none`

Joseph O (Feb 20 2022 at 13:24):

And also, is it just me or does docgen-4 have support for docstrings now?

Henrik Böving (Feb 20 2022 at 13:50):

Yes it does

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC