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Stream: mathlib4
Topic: casesm changed behaviour !4#1744
Lukas Miaskiwskyi (Jan 31 2023 at 12:19):
While porting Data.Sign (!4#1744), I have noticed that casesm
does not seem to work as it did in lean 3, most importantly, it does not seem to act on the goal anymore, but only on hypotheses.
For example, proving le_total
in instance : LinearOrder SignType
of the PR above used to be
le_total a b := by casesm*_ <;> decide
In lean 4 however, neither casesm* (_ ∨ _)
nor casesm* _
do anything to the goal ⊢ a ≤ b ∨ b ≤ a
. But, as a silly example, if I move the goal into the hypotheses with by_contra h; rw [not_or] at h;
, then casesm* (_ ∧ _)
very happily acts on the new hypothesish: ¬a ≤ b ∧ ¬b ≤ a
. Notably, casesm* _
still does not do anything.
Is this an intended change?
David Renshaw (Jan 31 2023 at 12:47):
I don't think casesm
is supposed to act on the goal in Lean 3. https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/blob/ed60ee25ed00d7a62a0d1e5808092e1324cee451/src/tactic/lean_core_docs.lean#L149-L164
cases_matching p
applies thecases
tactic to a hypothesish : type
matches the patternp
David Renshaw (Jan 31 2023 at 12:48):
Do you have a #mwe where casesm
works on the goal in Lean 3?
Lukas Miaskiwskyi (Jan 31 2023 at 13:11):
David Renshaw said:
Do you have a #mwe where
works on the goal in Lean 3?
Thanks for the response, constructing the #mwe made me see my misunderstanding: Neither in lean 3 nor in lean 4 does casesm
act on the goal, but the difference is that in lean3, casesm _
recognizes that a
and b
are of inductive types and deconstructs them. In lean 4, not anymore.
In lean3:
inductive two_points
| zero
| one
namespace two_points
theorem mwe : ∀ (x : two_points), x = zero ∨ x = one := λ x, by casesm _; simp -- works
end two_points
In lean 4:
import Mathlib.Tactic.CasesM
inductive twoPoints
| zero
| one
namespace twoPoints
theorem mwe : ∀ (x : twoPoints), x = zero ∨ x = one := fun x ↦ by casesm _ <;> simp -- no match
end twoPoints
So the question is now: Is that intended?
Lukas Miaskiwskyi (Feb 02 2023 at 17:14):
Created an issue to not lose track of this: mathlib4#2018
One of these days I'll learn how to write tactics, then I won't be so helpless with these things :)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC