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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: coe_degree for simple graphs

Moritz Firsching (Mar 25 2023 at 08:42):

I'm stuck with one issue porting Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Matching , mathlib4#3071:
There seems to be some sort of coe_degree missing, namely I need to have

 (v : M.verts), @SimpleGraph.degree (M.verts) (Subgraph.coe M) v (coeFiniteAt v)  =
        @SimpleGraph.degree (M.verts) (Subgraph.coe M) v (neighborSetFintype (Subgraph.coe M) v)

If I could prove this as a have inside IsMatching.even_card, I can finish porting the file. Can someone help?

Kyle Miller (Mar 25 2023 at 16:38):

@Moritz Firsching I think I figured it out. docs4#SimpleGraph.Subgraph.coe_degree is a simp lemma that should apply, but it uses an instance argument for its Fintype instance. A difference between Lean 3 and Lean 4 is that Lean 3 could treat instance arguments as implicit arguments. I inserted a convert_to to swap out a Fintype instance argument, which let the original simp go through.

Moritz Firsching (Mar 25 2023 at 20:46):

Cool, I used the same convert_to trick just now in mathlib4#3102, thanks for pointing it out @Kyle Miller!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC