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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: convert_to

Moritz Doll (Oct 29 2022 at 08:21):

Ok, the macro works, but the issue is that

import Mathlib.Tactic.Convert
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Basic

example {α} [AddCommMonoid α] {a b c d : α} (H : a = c) (H' : b = d) : a + b = d + c := by
  convert (_ : c + d = d + c) using 2

fails. I think the issue is that the old convert used the assumption in the context, but the Lean 4 version does not do that.

In fact in mathlib3 this works:

import tactic.congr
import algebra.group.defs

example {α} [add_comm_monoid α] {a b c d : α} (H : a = c) (H' : b = d) : a + b = d + c :=
  convert (_ : c + d = _) using 2,
  rw [add_comm],

Mario Carneiro (Oct 29 2022 at 09:48):

Can you isolate the issue to something that congr is doing?

Moritz Doll (Oct 29 2022 at 09:54):

I can try it, but I don't think I'll have the time for that today.

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 08:32):

I don't think that congr is the issue here:

import Mathlib.Tactic.Convert
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Basic

example {α} [AddCommMonoid α] {a b c d : α} (H : a = c) (H' : b = d) : a + b = d + c := by
  convert (_ : c + d = d + c) using 0
  congr 2

example {α} [AddCommMonoid α] {a b c d : α} (H : a = c) (H' : b = d) : a + b = d + c := by
  convert (_ : c + d = d + c) using 2

example {α} [AddCommMonoid α] {a b c d : α} (H : a = c) (H' : b = d) : a + b = d + c := by
  have h : c + d = d + c := by
    rw [add_comm]
  convert h using 0
  congr 2

example {α} [AddCommMonoid α] {a b c d : α} (H : a = c) (H' : b = d) : a + b = d + c := by
  have h : c + d = d + c := by
    rw [add_comm]
  convert h using 2

example {α} [AddCommMonoid α] {a b c d : α} (H : a = c) (H' : b = d) : a + b = d + c := by
  have h : c + d = d + c := by
    rw [add_comm]
  rw [H, H', h]

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 08:33):

the first two fail, the last three succeed

Kyle Miller (Nov 01 2022 at 08:37):

Moritz Doll said:

I think the issue is that the old convert used the assumption in the context, but the Lean 4 version does not do that.

Just to give a bit of information about the internals of convert/convert_to in mathlib3, they use a special version of congr called docs#tactic.congr' that uses assumption among other things.

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 08:41):

but does convert .. using 0 use congr' at all?

Kyle Miller (Nov 01 2022 at 08:44):

Yes, it's always used

Kyle Miller (Nov 01 2022 at 08:45):

And the number controls how many times tactic.congr_core' is recursively run. Even if it's using 0 it will at least try assumption <|> reflexivity transparency.none <|> by_proof_irrel first.

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 09:50):

convert is definitively not the issue: commenting that part out in the tactic is does help

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 09:50):

(maybe not too unexpected since it is completely in try-catch blocks)

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 10:01):

the issue seems to be elabTermWithHoles in https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/master/Mathlib/Tactic/Convert.lean#L107

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 10:03):

setting allowNaturalHolesto true in elabTermWithHoles solves the issue

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 10:04):

now the question is why was false used and what is the correct thing for convert?

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 12:12):

other question: there is an explanation of allowNaturalHoles in the file ElabTerm, but it feels to me that this explanation should be in the docstring of elabTermWithHoles as well. any objections to adding that?

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 12:45):

I've made a new PR for this, too mathlib4#527 this time as a branch on leanprover-community.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 01 2022 at 16:18):

The difference between allowNaturalHoles and not is the difference between refine' and refine

Mario Carneiro (Nov 01 2022 at 16:20):

when it is true, you get a behavior closer to lean 3 where all _ (including automatically generated ones from implicit args) are turned into subgoals

Mario Carneiro (Nov 01 2022 at 16:21):

We would like to migrate to the lean 4 behavior where subgoals are explicitly marked in the syntax with ?_

Moritz Doll (Nov 01 2022 at 23:39):

thanks for explanation, I saw that ?_ was a thing in Lean 4, but I did not know what it was exactly about.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC