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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: default files

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 07:20):

Continuing the discussion from https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/287929-mathlib4/topic/data.2Esigma.2Edefault: is it helpful if I make PRs to mathlib that rename default.lean to basic.lean iff default.lean contains more than just import statements?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:09):

no, default -> basic is not correct. Generally, T.basic will contain the beginnings of theory T, the minimum required to give you the vocabulary and some theorems about it (sometimes this still turned out to be too much stuff and we made an even more basic basic called T.defs), while T.default (which can be imported as just T) is a more kitchen-sink import of everything about T. This latter thing is inherently problematic for imports in mathlib because you can easily get into dependency bloat and import cycles this way, but it is easier for users outside of mathlib to be able to pull in "everything" about T.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:11):

Lean 4 does not have the T vs T.default ambiguity anymore. You would just name the file T.lean if you want the equivalent behavior, so if we are talking about lean 3 refactors to make it more similar to lean 4, we should move all T/default.lean files to T.lean.

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:11):

Ok, a more generic question: should we try to converge to a mathlib3 in which default.lean files only contain import statements?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:12):

We should probably have a rule about that, but I would be okay with it either way - we could put real files there or require import-only files

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:14):

I guess we would need to come up with a naming convention for the frontend file that brings it all together if that's required not to be T.lean itself

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:16):


Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:16):

But I think there are several default.lean files right now that duplicate the role of a basic.lean.

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:17):

 git ls-files | rg default | xargs wc -l
    9 src/algebra/big_operators/default.lean
    4 src/algebra/category/Group/default.lean
    1 src/algebra/category/Mon/default.lean
    3 src/algebra/category/Ring/default.lean
    5 src/algebra/char_p/default.lean
   14 src/algebra/continued_fractions/computation/default.lean
   14 src/algebra/continued_fractions/default.lean
    2 src/algebra/default.lean
   15 src/algebra/group/default.lean
    1 src/algebra/group_power/default.lean
    1 src/algebra/group_with_zero/default.lean
   12 src/algebra/module/default.lean
   11 src/algebra/ring/default.lean
    3 src/category_theory/adjunction/default.lean
    1 src/category_theory/concrete_category/default.lean
    1 src/category_theory/functor/default.lean
   65 src/category_theory/limits/constructions/over/default.lean
   12 src/category_theory/limits/shapes/default.lean
  144 src/category_theory/linear/default.lean
    2 src/category_theory/monad/default.lean
  346 src/category_theory/preadditive/default.lean
    2 src/category_theory/products/default.lean
    5 src/category_theory/subobject/default.lean
    1 src/category_theory/sums/default.lean
    2 src/control/traversable/default.lean
    1 src/data/fin/tuple/default.lean
    1 src/data/finite/default.lean
    9 src/data/finset/default.lean
   10 src/data/finsupp/default.lean
   28 src/data/list/default.lean
   14 src/data/multiset/default.lean
    4 src/data/mv_polynomial/default.lean
    3 src/data/nat/choose/default.lean
    2 src/data/pfunctor/univariate/default.lean
    5 src/data/polynomial/default.lean
    1 src/data/polynomial/degree/default.lean
    9 src/data/qpf/multivariate/default.lean
    9 src/data/rat/default.lean
  370 src/data/rbmap/default.lean
    6 src/data/rbtree/default.lean
    7 src/data/rbtree/default_lt.lean
    2 src/data/set/default.lean
    2 src/data/set/intervals/default.lean
    1 src/data/sigma/default.lean
    5 src/geometry/euclidean/default.lean
    1 src/group_theory/group_action/default.lean
    1 src/group_theory/submonoid/default.lean
    2 src/linear_algebra/clifford_algebra/default.lean
    1 src/linear_algebra/default.lean
    8 src/linear_algebra/matrix/default.lean
    1 src/number_theory/padics/default.lean
    2 src/order/default.lean
    1 src/order/filter/default.lean
    1 src/ring_theory/adjoin/default.lean
    1 src/ring_theory/polynomial/default.lean
   41 src/tactic/default.lean
    1 src/tactic/linarith/default.lean
  104 src/tactic/lint/default.lean
    7 src/tactic/monotonicity/default.lean
  128 src/tactic/nth_rewrite/default.lean
    0 src/tactic/omega/default.lean
    1 src/tactic/rewrite_search/default.lean
  248 src/topology/category/CompHaus/default.lean
  296 src/topology/category/Profinite/default.lean
    3 src/topology/category/Top/default.lean

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:18):

Even for tactics, frontend doesn't necessarily convey that it is the whole tactic, only the... front end

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:18):

for mathematics it doesn't make sense at all

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:19):

(In fact, it is quite possible to have files that define just the frontend of a tactic without the backend. Tactic.NormNum.Core is exactly that - you get a tactic called norm_num with all the bells and whistles but it does almost nothing until you import the NormNum.Basic file)

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:20):

 cat src/category_theory/limits/constructions/over/default.lean
Copyright (c) 2018 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Reid Barton, Bhavik Mehta
import category_theory.limits.connected
import category_theory.limits.constructions.over.products
import category_theory.limits.constructions.over.connected
import category_theory.limits.constructions.limits_of_products_and_equalizers
import category_theory.limits.constructions.equalizers

# Limits in the over category

Declare instances for limits in the over category: If `C` has finite wide pullbacks, `over B` has
finite limits, and if `C` has arbitrary wide pullbacks then `over B` has limits.
universes w v u -- morphism levels before object levels. See note [category_theory universes].

open category_theory category_theory.limits

variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]
variable {X : C}

namespace category_theory.over

/-- Make sure we can derive pullbacks in `over B`. -/
instance {B : C} [has_pullbacks C] : has_pullbacks (over B) :=
  letI : has_limits_of_shape (ulift_hom.{v} (ulift.{v} walking_cospan)) C :=
    has_limits_of_shape_of_equivalence (ulift_hom_ulift_category.equiv.{v} _),
  letI : category (ulift_hom.{v} (ulift.{v} walking_cospan)) := infer_instance,
  exact has_limits_of_shape_of_equivalence (ulift_hom_ulift_category.equiv.{v v} _).symm,

/-- Make sure we can derive equalizers in `over B`. -/
instance {B : C} [has_equalizers C] : has_equalizers (over B) :=
  letI : has_limits_of_shape (ulift_hom.{v} (ulift.{v} walking_parallel_pair)) C :=
    has_limits_of_shape_of_equivalence (ulift_hom_ulift_category.equiv.{v} _),
  letI : category (ulift_hom.{v} (ulift.{v} walking_parallel_pair)) := infer_instance,
  exact has_limits_of_shape_of_equivalence (ulift_hom_ulift_category.equiv.{v v} _).symm,

instance has_finite_limits {B : C} [has_finite_wide_pullbacks C] : has_finite_limits (over B) :=
  apply @has_finite_limits_of_has_equalizers_and_finite_products _ _ _ _,
  { exact construct_products.over_finite_products_of_finite_wide_pullbacks, },
  { apply @has_equalizers_of_has_pullbacks_and_binary_products _ _ _ _,
    { haveI : has_pullbacks C := by apply_instance⟩,
      exact construct_products.over_binary_product_of_pullback },
    { apply_instance, } }

instance has_limits {B : C} [has_wide_pullbacks.{w} C] : has_limits_of_size.{w} (over B) :=
  apply @has_limits_of_has_equalizers_and_products _ _ _ _,
  { exact construct_products.over_products_of_wide_pullbacks },
  { apply @has_equalizers_of_has_pullbacks_and_binary_products _ _ _ _,
    { haveI : has_pullbacks C := infer_instance⟩,
      exact construct_products.over_binary_product_of_pullback },
    { apply_instance, } }

end category_theory.over

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:20):

I think this is an example of a file that I would like to rename.

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:21):

It can be replaced by a default.lean file that imports whatever the new name of this file is.

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:21):

I think limits.lean would be a good name.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:21):

would the new default.lean have the same imports as this one?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:22):

so this is just about moving things out of the "central file"

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:22):

And in addition it would have the new import bla/bla/limits.lean

Mario Carneiro (Nov 22 2022 at 08:22):

would people import bla/bla or bla/bla/limits?

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:23):

mathlib should not import default files

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:23):

but other people can

Johan Commelin (Nov 22 2022 at 08:23):

It is likely that limits.lean would need less imports than the current default.lean.

Eric Wieser (Nov 22 2022 at 09:31):

Maybe we should use *.lean instead of default.lean, and then users can write import data.int.«*» to import everything from the module

Eric Wieser (Nov 22 2022 at 09:32):

(mostly joking)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 22 2022 at 09:32):

When I'm teaching I just want to do import tactic to get all the tactics, import topology to get a chunk of topology etc. Fancy stuff which I can never remember how to even type into VS Code and looks more confusing would not be ideal :-)

Scott Morrison (Nov 25 2022 at 21:52):

Shall I tell the port_status.py script to not list default.lean files?

Scott Morrison (Nov 25 2022 at 21:52):

And on the mathlib side, we should move all content out of default.lean files.

Scott Morrison (Nov 25 2022 at 22:30):

Okay, #17724 does the cleanup of default.lean files, I think. This touches lots of files, so speedy merge appreciated. :-)

Scott Morrison (Nov 25 2022 at 22:35):

Related, #17725 skips listing default.leanfiles in the output of port_status.py.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 26 2022 at 15:15):

#17724 doesn't build. Does anyone know what failed?

Richard Osborn (Nov 26 2022 at 16:11):

It looks like category_theory.additive.basic needs to import category_theory.preadditive.basic. Link to the broken line of code.

Scott Morrison (Nov 26 2022 at 16:44):

Fixed. (Anyone should feel free to edit my PRs directly, or, for that matter, be bold about editing everyone else's PRs too. :-)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC