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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: ext

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 13:53):

In mathlib4#1353, we need to prove at some point that two FreeMagma.hom are equal (line 119). With lean3, it was done using ext, rfl. It fails in lean4. The reason appears to be that, with lean4, ext is not using the ext lemma defined just a few lines above (line 78)

@[ext, to_additive]
theorem hom_ext {β : Type v} [Mul β] {f g : FreeMagma α →ₙ* β} (h : f  of = g  of) : f = g :=

Indeed, replacing ext in the proof by an explicit call to FreeMagma.hom_ext enables rfl to close the goal.

Something similar is happening on line 479 where it is necessary to replace ext by FreeSemigroup.ext to finish the proof.

Is this normal? Is the use of generic ext deprecated and one needs to call instead the specific ext lemma?

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 15:24):

There are more failing rfl in this PR and all are following an ext or an ext1: see lines 746, 773 and 776

Chris Hughes (Jan 08 2023 at 15:41):

I remember ext in Lean3 depended chose the ext lemma based on the order they were declared in so they had to be declared in the right order. This is a bad design and probably the cause of the breakages in Lean4

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 16:06):

I don't agree that it was bad design; in practice the right order was the one that always occurred naturally

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 16:08):

Does it work here if you disable the default ext lemma that it is finding?

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 16:09):

How do I that?

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 16:13):

Something like attribute [-ext] MulHom.ext

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 16:14):

lean doesn't like that: attribute cannot be erased

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 16:19):

Then you might need to make a mwe by copying out the two ext lemmas and basic theory into a new file

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 16:20):

Or we should teach lean how to erase it

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 16:42):

Here is a mwe (well, maybe more a we)

import Mathlib.Algebra.Hom.Equiv.Basic

universe u v l

inductive FreeMagma (α : Type u) : Type u
  | of : α  FreeMagma α
  | mul : FreeMagma α  FreeMagma α  FreeMagma α
  deriving DecidableEq

namespace FreeMagma

variable {α : Type u}  {β : Type v} [Mul β] (f : α  β)

instance : Mul (FreeMagma α) := FreeMagma.mul

theorem mul_eq (x y : FreeMagma α) : mul x y = x * y := rfl

noncomputable def recOnMul {C : FreeMagma α  Sort l} (x) (ih1 :  x, C (of x))
    (ih2 :  x y, C x  C y  C (x * y)) : C x :=
  FreeMagma.recOn x ih1 ih2

theorem hom_ext {β : Type v} [Mul β] {f g : FreeMagma α →ₙ* β} (h : f  of = g  of) : f = g :=
  (FunLike.ext _ _) fun x 
    recOnMul x (congr_fun h) <| by
      simp only [map_mul, *]

def liftAux {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [Mul β] (f : α  β) : FreeMagma α  β
  | FreeMagma.of x => f x
  | x * y => liftAux f x * liftAux f y

def lift : (α  β)  (FreeMagma α →ₙ* β) where
  toFun f :=
    { toFun := liftAux f
      map_mul' := fun x y  rfl }
  invFun F := F  of
  left_inv f := by rfl
  right_inv F := by
    ext -- fails
    -- refine hom_ext ?_ -- works

end FreeMagma

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 16:45):

Does it give any useful message?

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 16:47):

I am not sure it is useful but here is the error message

type mismatch
has type
  HEq ?m.4713 ?m.4713 : Prop
but is expected to have type
  ((fun f => { toFun := liftAux f, map_mul' := (_ :  (x y : FreeMagma α), liftAux f (x * y) = liftAux f (x * y)) })
          ((fun F => F  of) F))
      x =
    F x : Prop

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 16:49):

So I guess it is using FunLike.ext instead of hom_ext

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 17:15):

Is the error on the ext or the rfl?

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 17:15):

Here is a mwe (well, maybe more a we)

You need to put your own version of MulHom in that MWE too, that doesn't implement FunLike

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 17:16):

(What I'm trying to work out here is whether hom_ext is even a valid ext lemma in Lean4)

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 17:17):

Eric Wieser said:

Is the error on the ext or the rfl?

The rfl fails to close the goal (see the error message above). The ext does not cause any error.

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 17:20):

Oh, I assumed ext did cause an error because you wrote ext -- fails!

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 17:22):

Sorry, I was not clear. The proof does not complete with ext but completes when you replace it with refine hom_ext ?_

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 17:26):

Here's a better mwe:

import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Basic
import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Basic

universe u v l

structure MulHom (M N : Type _) [Mul M] [Mul N] where
  toFun : M  N
  map_mul :  a b, toFun (a * b) = toFun a * toFun b

-- fails if you uncomment this line
-- @[ext]
lemma MulHom.ext {M N : Type _} [Mul M] [Mul N] {f g : MulHom M N} (h :  x, f.toFun x = g.toFun x) : f = g :=

inductive FreeMagma (α : Type u) : Type u
  | of : α  FreeMagma α
  | mul : FreeMagma α  FreeMagma α  FreeMagma α
  deriving DecidableEq

namespace FreeMagma

variable {α : Type u}  {β : Type v} [Mul β] (f : α  β)

instance : Mul (FreeMagma α) := FreeMagma.mul

theorem mul_eq (x y : FreeMagma α) : mul x y = x * y := rfl

noncomputable def recOnMul {C : FreeMagma α  Sort l} (x) (ih1 :  x, C (of x))
    (ih2 :  x y, C x  C y  C (x * y)) : C x :=
  FreeMagma.recOn x ih1 ih2

theorem hom_ext {β : Type v} [Mul β] {f g : MulHom (FreeMagma α) β} (h : f.toFun  of = g.toFun  of) : f = g :=

def liftAux {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [Mul β] (f : α  β) : FreeMagma α  β
  | FreeMagma.of x => f x
  | x * y => liftAux f x * liftAux f y

def lift : (α  β)  (MulHom (FreeMagma α) β) where
  toFun f :=
    { toFun := liftAux f
      map_mul := fun x y  rfl }
  invFun F := F.toFun  of
  left_inv f := by rfl
  right_inv F := by
    ext -- works?

end FreeMagma

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 17:27):


Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 17:27):

So this does seem to be a priority problem of some kind

Gabriel Ebner (Jan 08 2023 at 23:54):

Same story as with simp lemmas I think. The order of the lemmas in the files no longer reliably influences the order they're tried in. I think we should add a priority argument to the ext attribute.

Eric Wieser (Jan 08 2023 at 23:59):

It looks to me like ext doesn't understand priority at all?

Junyan Xu (Jan 09 2023 at 06:26):

Can you do show_term { ext } or ext? in Lean 4?
I'd expect some goals previously closed by by { ext, refl } might be closed by rfl alone due to eta defeq.

Mario Carneiro (Jan 09 2023 at 08:38):

yes (it's show_term ext)

Xavier Roblot (Jan 09 2023 at 08:40):

Junyan Xu said:

I'd expect some goals previously closed by by { ext, refl } might be closed by rfl alone due to eta defeq.

This is not the case in mathlib#1353 (unfortunately).

Xavier Roblot (Jan 10 2023 at 07:25):

Same story as with simp lemmas I think. The order of the lemmas in the files no longer reliably influences the order they're tried in. I think we should add a priority argument to the ext attribute.

In the meantime, what should I do about mathlib#1353? Should I just replace every ext by the explicit ext lemma that should be used?

Or just wait for ext to be fixed...

Yaël Dillies (Jan 10 2023 at 08:07):

Replacing ext by the ext lemmas and leaving porting notes where that happened is fine, I would say.

Eric Wieser (Jan 10 2023 at 09:48):

I think it's worth opening an issue about and referencing that in the porting note

Eric Wieser (Jan 10 2023 at 09:48):

That way it's easy to clean everything up if we fix it

Eric Wieser (Jan 10 2023 at 09:49):

This problem will likely bite us for every lemma tagged with the "partially applied ext lemma" note.

Gabriel Ebner (Jan 10 2023 at 19:59):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC