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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: min/max definitions non-alignment

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 07 2022 at 23:24):

In mathlib3:

lemma min_def (a b : α) : min a b = if a  b then a else b :=
lemma max_def (a b : α) : max a b = if b  a then a else b :=

in mathlib4:

lemma min_def (a b : α) : min a b = if a  b then a else b :=
lemma max_def (a b : α) : max a b = if a  b then b else a :=

@Mario Carneiro you ported the mathlib4 lines. I am running into this clash in trying to (ab)use OrderDual defeq for LinearOrder (OrderDual _). Do we want to prefer the mathlib3 style of swapping the inequality, or the current mathlib4 style of swapping the then-else branches?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 07 2022 at 23:26):

Those definitions ultimately derive from the lean 4 implementation of max and min, which uses that order deliberately so that (min a b, max a b) can get optimized using common subexpression elimination to only involve one comparison

Mario Carneiro (Nov 07 2022 at 23:28):

That said, the max/min support in LinearOrder was hacked together without too much thought so it's totally fine if you have a better approach as long as it still allows for custom max/min implementations

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 07 2022 at 23:29):

OK -- do we want to then align max_def to have a non LinearOrder.max_def .. proof?

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 07 2022 at 23:29):

basically, naked max_def and LinearOrder.max_def aren't syntactically equal

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 07 2022 at 23:30):

or, we can change it in both places, and have a smarter autoParam proof?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 07 2022 at 23:30):

What does mathlib do? We should probably do that

Mario Carneiro (Nov 07 2022 at 23:30):

seems like we probably want to align max to match lattice join

Mario Carneiro (Nov 07 2022 at 23:33):

I see, mathlib is using a separate linear_order from lattices because it is mostly in core

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 07 2022 at 23:38):

In the meantime, here's what the LinearOrder (OrderDual _) proof looks like:

instance (α : Type _) [LinearOrder α] : LinearOrder αᵒᵈ where
  __ := inferInstanceAs (PartialOrder αᵒᵈ)
  le_total := fun a b : α => le_total b a
  decidable_le := inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun a b : α => b  a)
  decidable_lt := inferInstanceAs (DecidableRel fun a b : α => b < a)
  min := @max α _
  max := @min α _
  min_def := fun a b => by
    let a' : α := a
    let b' : α := b
    show (@Max.mk α _).max a' b' = if b'  a' then a' else b'
    rw [max_def]
    split_ifs with hab hba
    · exact le_antisymm hba hab
    · simp [*]
    · simp [*]
    · simp only [not_le] at *
      exact absurd (hab.trans _›) (lt_irrefl _)
  max_def := fun a b => by
    let a' : α := a
    let b' : α := b
    show (@Min.mk α _).min a' b' = if b'  a' then b' else a'
    rw [min_def]
    split_ifs with hab hba
    · exact le_antisymm hab hba
    · simp [*]
    · simp [*]
    · simp only [not_le] at *
      exact absurd (hab.trans _›) (lt_irrefl _)

Mario Carneiro (Nov 07 2022 at 23:40):

those proofs seem unnecessarily long. It should just be an application of max_comm to convert between the two possible interpretations

Mario Carneiro (Nov 07 2022 at 23:41):

also, isn't there already a proof of this?

Yakov Pechersky (Nov 07 2022 at 23:41):

so something like:

  min_def := fun a b => by
    let a' : α := a
    let b' : α := b
    show (@Max.mk α _).max a' b' = if b'  a' then a' else b'
    rw [max_comm, max_def]


Mario Carneiro (Nov 07 2022 at 23:41):


Yakov Pechersky (Nov 07 2022 at 23:42):

ah, I overwrote it =C. Thanks.

Yaël Dillies (Nov 08 2022 at 00:04):

seems like we probably want to align max to match lattice join

In fact I have a branch to core that does exactly this, but I guess rather open it to std4 now

Yaël Dillies (Nov 08 2022 at 00:04):

Oh wait, is LinearOrder in mathlib now?

Scott Morrison (Nov 08 2022 at 00:06):

It is, but only as an ad-hoc port.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 08 2022 at 00:44):

The whole order hierarchy is part of mathlib4 now, so these kinds of refactors are presumbably easier (except that we still care about mathlib alignment so we would rather backport something like this if possible)

Yaël Dillies (Nov 08 2022 at 09:37):

Oh I like that!

Yury G. Kudryashov (May 31 2023 at 01:05):

Should we rename LinearOrder.min to LinearOrder.inf?

Yury G. Kudryashov (May 31 2023 at 01:06):

So that we don't need to rename fields in extends

Yury G. Kudryashov (May 31 2023 at 01:06):

And so that we don't accidentally forget to rename them

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 07:16):

As I previously said, I don't think we ever need min and max at all.

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 07:17):

It's quite practical for pedagogical purposes and lemma naming, but those have other solutions than "duplicate a few hundred lemmas for a special case".

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 07:18):

So I'm happy for you to do whatever you want with those, as I'm hoping I will one day crush their parasitic existence.

Yury G. Kudryashov (May 31 2023 at 16:22):

I'm fine with removing them completely in favor of sup/inf but this (a) needs approval from other maintainers; (b) should not be done before the port is done.

Jireh Loreaux (May 31 2023 at 18:19):

@Yaël Dillies what exactly are those "other solutions" you are contemplating?

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 18:42):

Here are the solutions I'm aware of, from most radical to least radical:

  1. Drop min/max entirely and rename all lemmas.
  2. Drop min/max as definitions but keep as a naming convention that inf/sup on a linear order is called min/max.
  3. Turn min/max from definitions to input-only notations.
  4. Turn min/max from definitions to notations that pretty-print only in the presence of a linear_order instance.
  5. Keep the status quo.

2 is my favourite, I would also be happy with 1 and 3, but 4 is IMO past the reasonable in that it tries to be very backwards compatible with an arbitrary core Lean 3 convention.

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 18:45):

Note that there are ramifications for the corresponding finset declarations, which are also partially duplicated (three way in the case of docs#finset.sup !). For those, I would go for 1 because their limited use doesn't justify an exception to the naming convention.

Jireh Loreaux (May 31 2023 at 18:45):

Yeah, 2 is nice IMO.

Eric Wieser (May 31 2023 at 18:46):

2 seems a bit confusing (compared to 1), because to guess the name of a lemma you have to work out whether your result holds only in linear orders or not

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 18:47):

That's usually pretty obvious, eg docs#min_le_iff

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 18:49):

I should point out that 2 is already the solution used in Sup vs cSup. tsub vs sub is quite similar, except that lemmas are purposefully duplicated from the tsub name to the sub precisely to avoid what Eric is complaining about (and because there it's actually quite hard to figure out the correct generality of a lemma).

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 18:51):

The easiest path to any of those solutions is probably 5 -> 3 -> 4 and 5 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 (as in, it's no more work to implement those in order rather than implementing the end one directly).

Eric Wieser (May 31 2023 at 18:54):

Things like docs#with_top.coe_infi don't really fit the cInf/Inf rule there

Yaël Dillies (May 31 2023 at 18:57):

They do, in the sense that lemmas that apply to both situations get the simpler name.

Anne Baanen (Jun 01 2023 at 09:07):

I don't like the "2. inf is called min in theorem names" approach. If we can teach ring theorists the zero ideal is called bot then we can teach them that the minimum is called inf.

Damiano Testa (Jun 01 2023 at 10:33):

I am a little worried that this change would make Lean much less mathematician-friendly: if I see inf 2 3, my first instinct is "surely you meant min 2 3". I would argue that, just like bot and top, this would add an extra layer of separation between Lean and informal mathematics.

Reid Barton (Jun 01 2023 at 10:48):

why have a separate definition inf? it's just the product

Kevin Buzzard (Jun 01 2023 at 10:57):

I have come over to the idea that if mathematicians learn the basic definitions of lattice theory and its notations then they're in a much better position to find theorems in the library in general, so I typically teach this early now

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC