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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: polyrith debug output

Heather Macbeth (Feb 05 2023 at 17:42):

@Mario Carneiro I have an issue with polyrith apparently giving debug output. I know you looked into a similar issue before but maybe the fix wasn't targeted quite right -- can you look again?

import Mathlib.Tactic.Polyrith
import Mathlib.Tactic.Set

open Classical

noncomputable def F :  ×  ×    ×  ×  :=
fun x, y, z 
if h1 :  k : , x = k then
  (x + 2 * z, z, h1.choose)

(hyp`h - ((4 * var1) * hyp`hk))
(«term_-_» `h "-" («term_*_» («term_*_» (num "4") "*" `z) "*" `hk))
example {x y z w : } (h : x ^ 2 + 4 * y * z = w) :
    (F (x, y, z)).1 ^ 2 + 4 * (F (x, y, z)).2.1 * (F (x, y, z)).2.2 = w := by
  dsimp [F]
  next h1 =>
    set k := h1.choose
    have hk : y = x + z + k := sorry

Mario Carneiro (Feb 05 2023 at 22:36):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC