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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: rfl

Xavier Roblot (Jan 07 2023 at 21:12):

In mathlib4#1353, there are several rfl that fail although many others succeed. Is there a general method to fix a rfl that used to work with lean3 but now fails with lean4?

Eric Wieser (Jan 07 2023 at 22:27):

If rfl used to work and now doesn't, then either:

  • The definition of something in the statement has changed; you should check if this changes was intentional
  • Something has changed about the way lean reduces things

I would expect almost all the cases we run into to be the first case

Eric Wieser (Jan 07 2023 at 22:27):

Can you link to the lines with the rfls in question?

Xavier Roblot (Jan 08 2023 at 13:33):

It seems the problem is more with ext than with rfl so I'll start in the new topic. Thanks for your help!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC