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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: rw generates duplicate goals

Scott Morrison (Aug 26 2023 at 07:37):

Sometimes rw produces duplicate goals, when one of the argument of the lemma you are rewriting by is unified with an existing metavariable:

example (f : Nat  Nat) (h :  x, f x = 0) : { x : Nat // f x = 0 } := by
  refine ?x, ?w
  rw [h]
  trace_state -- two goals! `case x` is reported twice, but ideally only once.
  exact 37

It don't really see a way around this except sticking a recover in the definition of rewriteTarget. Any other ideas?

It's not a particularly harmful problem, but it does annoy me a little!

Sky Wilshaw (Aug 26 2023 at 09:34):

I've seen a similar thing happen in certain have := ... ?_ statements where new metavariables need to be unified. The goals will be given twice, but closing one closes the other.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC