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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: simpNF bug?

Adam Topaz (May 30 2023 at 22:03):

I'm confused about something that came up in my recent (non-porting) PR !4#4505
Specifically, see this line: https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/blob/907342d3115927f903ea5ff48c828e7c65402d50/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sites/EffectiveEpimorphic.lean#L275

The simpNF linter complains about some lemmas, but it seems to me that the two lemmas are perfectly valid simp lemmas (one of them being automatically generated by reassoc). Can anyone tell why it's complaining?

Kevin Buzzard (May 30 2023 at 22:09):

What is the actual complaint?

Adam Topaz (May 30 2023 at 22:33):

/- The `simpNF` linter reports:
see note [simp-normal form] for tips how to debug this.
https://leanprover-community.github.io/mathlib_docs/notes.html#simp-normal%20form -/
#check @EffectiveEpiFamily.fac_assoc /- Left-hand side does not simplify, when using the simp lemma on itself.
This usually means that it will never apply.
#check @EffectiveEpiFamily.fac /- Left-hand side does not simplify, when using the simp lemma on itself.
This usually means that it will never apply.

Adam Topaz (May 30 2023 at 22:33):

But as you can clearly see in the two examples, the lemmas do indeed apply :)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC