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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: start_port.sh fails

Xavier Roblot (Dec 29 2022 at 18:17):

The script start_port.sh fails midway on my macOS Ventura 13.1 (M1). Here is the full transcript:

Algorithmi:mathlib4 roblot$ ./scripts/start_port.sh Mathlib/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
+ set -o pipefail
+ MATHLIB3PORT_BASE_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib3port/master
+ PORT_STATUS_YAML=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/leanprover-community/mathlib/mathlib4-port-status.md
+ TMP_FILE=start_port_tmp.lean
+ mathlib4_path=Mathlib/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
+++ echo Mathlib/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
+++ tr / .
++ basename Mathlib.Algebra.Regular.Pow.lean .lean
+ mathlib4_mod=Mathlib.Algebra.Regular.Pow
+ mathlib3port_url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib3port/master/Mathbin/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
+ curl --silent --show-error -o start_port_tmp.lean https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib3port/master/Mathbin/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
++ grep '^! .*source module '
++ sed 's/.*source module \(.*\)$/\1/'
+ mathlib3_module=algebra.regular.pow
+ curl --silent --show-error https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/leanprover-community/mathlib/mathlib4-port-status.md
+ grep -F 'algebra.regular.pow: '
+ grep mathlib4#
++ dirname Mathlib/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
+ mkdir -p Mathlib/Algebra/Regular
+ mv start_port_tmp.lean Mathlib/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
+ git fetch
remote: Enumerating objects: 6, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Total 6 (delta 5), reused 6 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (6/6), 496 bytes | 70.00 KiB/s, done.
From https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4
   fa20385e..796b4ed7  AD_PORT_Logic_Equiv_Nat -> origin/AD_PORT_Logic_Equiv_Nat
+ branch_name=port/Algebra.Regular.Pow
+ git checkout --no-track -b port/Algebra.Regular.Pow origin/master
Switched to a new branch 'port/Algebra.Regular.Pow'
+ git add Mathlib/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
+ git commit -m 'Initial file copy from mathport'
[port/Algebra.Regular.Pow 4c97e99c] Initial file copy from mathport
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Mathlib/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
+ sed -i 's/Mathbin\./Mathlib\./g' Mathlib/Algebra/Regular/Pow.lean
sed: 1: "Mathlib/Algebra/Regular ...": invalid command code M

Xavier Roblot (Dec 29 2022 at 18:19):

The sed on my computer is the standard version included in macOS, as far as I can tell, it doesn't come with a version number...

Johan Commelin (Dec 29 2022 at 18:22):

https://stackoverflow.com/a/21470675 suggests that we should pass an argument to -i.

Johan Commelin (Dec 29 2022 at 18:22):

Could you please try editing the script and changing -i into -ibak?

Xavier Roblot (Dec 29 2022 at 18:30):

It seems that it works. The script terminates without any error

Algorithmi:mathlib4 roblot$ ./scripts/start_port.sh Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+ set -o pipefail
+ MATHLIB3PORT_BASE_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib3port/master
+ PORT_STATUS_YAML=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/leanprover-community/mathlib/mathlib4-port-status.md
+ TMP_FILE=start_port_tmp.lean
+ mathlib4_path=Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+++ echo Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+++ tr / .
++ basename Mathlib.Algebra.Hom.Centroid.lean .lean
+ mathlib4_mod=Mathlib.Algebra.Hom.Centroid
+ mathlib3port_url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib3port/master/Mathbin/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+ curl --silent --show-error -o start_port_tmp.lean https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib3port/master/Mathbin/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
++ grep '^! .*source module '
++ sed 's/.*source module \(.*\)$/\1/'
+ mathlib3_module=algebra.hom.centroid
+ curl --silent --show-error https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/leanprover-community/mathlib/mathlib4-port-status.md
+ grep -F 'algebra.hom.centroid: '
+ grep mathlib4#
++ dirname Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+ mkdir -p Mathlib/Algebra/Hom
+ mv start_port_tmp.lean Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+ git fetch
+ branch_name=port/Algebra.Hom.Centroid
+ git checkout --no-track -b port/Algebra.Hom.Centroid origin/master
M   lake-manifest.json
M   scripts/start_port.sh
Switched to a new branch 'port/Algebra.Hom.Centroid'
+ git add Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+ git commit -m 'Initial file copy from mathport'
[port/Algebra.Hom.Centroid 5f6153dc] Initial file copy from mathport
 1 file changed, 516 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+ sed -ibak 's/Mathbin\./Mathlib\./g' Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+ echo 'import Mathlib.Algebra.Hom.Centroid'
+ cat Mathlib.lean
+ sort
+ mv -f Mathlib.lean.tmp Mathlib.lean
+ git add Mathlib.lean Mathlib/Algebra/Hom/Centroid.lean
+ git commit -m 'Mathbin -> Mathlib; add import to Mathlib.lean'
[port/Algebra.Hom.Centroid 00146657] Mathbin -> Mathlib; add import to Mathlib.lean
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Xavier Roblot (Dec 29 2022 at 18:30):


Reid Barton (Dec 29 2022 at 18:36):

Also see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4247068/sed-command-with-i-option-failing-on-mac-but-works-on-linux

Reid Barton (Dec 29 2022 at 18:36):

We assumed when we were writing this script that it would fail somehow on Macs, but we didn't have any way to find out specifically how--thanks for the report.

Arien Malec (Dec 29 2022 at 18:37):

I installed gnu-sed and aliased to sed ffwiw

Reid Barton (Dec 29 2022 at 18:38):

It looks like sed -ibak (or better, sed -i.bak) will leave behind a .bak file, that we maybe then want to delete

Henrik Böving (Dec 29 2022 at 18:41):

Reid Barton said:

We assumed when we were writing this script that it would fail somehow on Macs, but we didn't have any way to find out specifically how--thanks for the report.

In general BSD sed and GNU sed don't exactly like each other, however BSD sed is a strict subset of GNU sed (at least in the way it accepts -i arguments) you can also to the -ibak in GNU sed what you can also do is pass an empty backup file ending! sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/g' file

Henrik Böving (Dec 29 2022 at 18:42):

I guess if you wanted to test next time you could install some FreeBSD or OpenBSD in a VM and give it a shot :D

Reid Barton (Dec 29 2022 at 18:42):

Henrik Böving said:

what you can also do is pass an empty backup file ending! sed -i '' 's/foo/bar/g' file

This doesn't work on my (Ubuntu Linux) system

Henrik Böving (Dec 29 2022 at 18:43):


Henrik Böving (Dec 29 2022 at 18:43):

I do remember some trick like this working out though, hmmmm

Henrik Böving (Dec 29 2022 at 18:45):

Ah of course a whitespace mistake: sed -i'' 's/foo/bar/g' file

Henrik Böving (Dec 29 2022 at 18:46):

Can't make this type of stuff too easy

Reid Barton (Dec 29 2022 at 18:46):

Isn't sed -i'' the same as sed -i?

Henrik Böving (Dec 29 2022 at 18:47):

Hmmm, my OpenBSD seems to like it, but that might already have been infected by a GNU sed lets see

Henrik Böving (Dec 29 2022 at 18:48):

Indeed a GNU sed /o\

Reid Barton (Dec 29 2022 at 18:51):

I tried on my Haiku VM but it also has GNU sed

Eric Rodriguez (Dec 29 2022 at 19:56):

fwiw, I ran into this in my Mac as well and just made gnu-sed be the default sed

Eric Rodriguez (Dec 29 2022 at 19:57):

after brew install gnu-sed there should be a link in /opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin (or /usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin if Intel mac) so just prepend that to your path and it should work

Eric Rodriguez (Dec 29 2022 at 19:57):

but it's annoying that this sort of incomaptibility exists :/

Eric Wieser (Dec 29 2022 at 21:18):

Bash is a terrible language to write cross-platform code

Reid Barton (Dec 30 2022 at 13:08):

Unfortunately, so are all the others.

Arthur Paulino (Dec 30 2022 at 13:11):

It's safer to write it in Lean, if possible. Because that would trigger a self-contained run, always using the same executor for everyone, at any point, modulo eventual differences in the execution of binaries generated for each OS (which should always be reported and are in the scope of the core devs)

Trebor Huang (Dec 30 2022 at 13:56):

Lean OS on the way.

Reid Barton (Dec 30 2022 at 14:11):

A Lean reimplementation is of course welcome, if someone would like to contribute one.

Arien Malec (Dec 30 2022 at 16:39):

IIRC, the dependency for Lean implementation is a safe HTTP & TLS client

Arthur Paulino (Dec 30 2022 at 16:56):

The script already calls curl anyway, so you might as well call it in Lean

Eric Wieser (Dec 30 2022 at 18:00):

Or we could just bundle it into mathlibtools, since pretty much everyone involved in the port had a working installation of that

Reid Barton (Dec 30 2022 at 18:07):

I don't have an installation of mathlibtools

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 30 2022 at 18:29):

You don't use leanproject?

Reid Barton (Dec 30 2022 at 18:30):


Eric Wieser (Dec 30 2022 at 18:45):

How do you get your caches for lean3?

Reid Barton (Dec 30 2022 at 18:49):

My what?

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 30 2022 at 18:54):

He already upgraded

Arien Malec (Jan 16 2023 at 22:17):

Arien Malec said:

I installed gnu-sed and aliased to sed ffwiw

As an update, brew'dgsed still fails

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 16 2023 at 22:17):

how do you do the alias?

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 19:09):

alias sed=gsed

% which sed
sed: aliased to gsed
% sed --version
gsed (GNU sed) 4.9

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 17 2023 at 19:33):

do you export that?

Reid Barton (Jan 17 2023 at 19:35):

Judging from your prompt, you might be using a non-sh shell. Then I'm not sure if whatever customization you have set up will apply to start_port.sh.

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 19:40):

I'm using zsh which is standard for OS X; I elided the computer name, etc from the prompt. But yeah, it's possible my alias only takes effect for zsh...

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 19:41):

and that the shell script defaults to bash -- sigh.

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 17 2023 at 19:44):

Eric Rodriguez said:

after brew install gnu-sed there should be a link in /opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin (or /usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin if Intel mac) so just prepend that to your path and it should work

have you tried adding this to your path @Arien Malec ?

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 19:45):

the issue is where -- I think I can update this so deeply that /bin/sh picks it up as well.

Reid Barton (Jan 17 2023 at 19:45):

Try adding the alias line to .bashrc? or put a gnu sed on the path, yeah

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 17 2023 at 20:00):

no, it's on zshrc

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 17 2023 at 20:00):

bash doesn't run bashrc when it runs only a script, just for interactive sessions

Reid Barton (Jan 17 2023 at 20:07):

Oh whoops you're right

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 17 2023 at 20:08):

i've dealt with this fiasco already so I know the rundown :b

Arien Malec (Jan 17 2023 at 20:19):

added to /etc/paths :fingers_crossed:

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 19 2023 at 18:17):

note that now you'll need gnu awk too (brew install gawk) and also similar extra steps

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:18):

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 and the script doesn't work for me:

+ sed -i '/^import/{s/[.]Gcd/.GCD/g; s/[.]Modeq/.ModEq/g; s/[.]Nary/.NAry/g; s/[.]Peq/.PEq/g; s/[.]Pfun/.PFun/g; s/[.]Pnat/.PNat/g; s/[.]Smul/.SMul/g; s/[.]Zmod/.ZMod/g}' Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Bicategory/Functor.lean
+ awk '{do {{if (match($0, "^  by$") && length(p) < 98 && (!(match(p, "^[ \t]*--.*$")))) {p=p " by";} else {if (NR!=1) {print p}; p=$0}}} while (getline == 1) if (getline==0) print p}' Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Bicategory/Functor.lean
awk: line 1: syntax error at or near if
awk: line 1: syntax error at or near }

I have

buzzard@buster:~/lean-projects/mathlib4$ awk -W version
mawk 1.3.4 20200120
Copyright 2008-2019,2020, Thomas E. Dickey
Copyright 1991-1996,2014, Michael D. Brennan

random-funcs:       srandom/random
regex-funcs:        internal
compiled limits:
sprintf buffer      8192
maximum-integer     2147483647

What's the recommended way to proceed? (mildly reluctant to upgrade to Ubuntu 22)

Matthew Ballard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:22):

Do you have gawk?

Kevin Buzzard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:33):

I just installed it and my guess is that this will fix the probem -- awk -W version is now telling me gawk. But I can't run the script to check because it says "this file already exists" and I have now already looked at the script and manually done the other stuff which it was supposed to do.

Matthew Ballard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:39):

I was running the script on macos where awk is not gawk. Add the file to Mathlib.lean and change Mathbin to Mathlibto get into a reasonable state.

Matthew Ballard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:39):

Otherwise I didn't miss much.

Johan Commelin (Feb 15 2023 at 14:42):

The biggest benefit for reviewers is that the first three commits are very predictable. I always review commits [4..n] in the github ui, which shows the "actual changes" compared to mathport output. I think it's important to have a clear distinction between mathport output and user changes. The predictability of the commits that the script makes helps with this.

Matthew Ballard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:43):

I think that still exists if awk does not fire

Matthew Ballard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:43):

There is no restart_port.sh correct?

Jireh Loreaux (Feb 15 2023 at 14:44):

There is a flag for that, --restart

Jireh Loreaux (Feb 15 2023 at 14:44):

(I think)

Matthew Ballard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:44):

Disregard me!

Matthew Ballard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:45):

It does add the initial file copy from mathport commit.

Matthew Ballard (Feb 15 2023 at 14:47):

Hmm. I can't find a restart flag

Johan Commelin (Feb 15 2023 at 14:49):

I think there is a PR that adds --restart but it hasn't been merged yet.

Eric Wieser (Feb 16 2023 at 03:22):

awk is also a bad version on gitpod

Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 04 2023 at 17:40):

@Eric Wieser , after !4#2598, start_port.sh fails for me. More precisely,

  • It doesn't add the new file to Mathlib.lean in the "automated fixes" commit.
  • It leaves the working tree with staged changes that revert new commits.
  • This :up: looks especially strange if HEAD ≠ origin/master.

Eric Wieser (Mar 04 2023 at 17:45):

The first point has an open PR

Eric Wieser (Mar 04 2023 at 17:46):

I think I know how to fix the second

Eric Wieser (Mar 04 2023 at 17:46):

The checkout needs to happen without the env vars

Johan Commelin (Mar 04 2023 at 17:49):

Eric Wieser said:

The first point has an open PR

Which one?

Eric Wieser (Mar 04 2023 at 17:50):

The one I PMed you this morning

Johan Commelin (Mar 04 2023 at 17:54):

Ooops, I missed that PM somehow :see_no_evil:

Johan Commelin (Mar 04 2023 at 17:55):

It's on the queue

Eric Wieser (Mar 04 2023 at 20:30):

!4#2639 is the fix to the other half

Jon Eugster (Mar 10 2023 at 11:02):

With a wrong awk version start_port.sh fails currently:

Jeremy Tan said:

awk: line 1: syntax error at or near if
awk: line 1: syntax error at or near }

As far as I can tell awk is only used to remove the newlines in := by. Since this isn't essential to start porting and can easily be done manually (or even later like in !4#1532) could we make this part of the script optional:

Here's a suggestion PR: !4#2777

(@Eric Wieser who made the last few improvements to the script)

Eric Wieser (Mar 10 2023 at 11:03):

I don't think we should make any of the porting script optional

Eric Wieser (Mar 10 2023 at 11:04):

We could rewrite it to not use awk

Calvin Lee (Mar 10 2023 at 22:48):

Hi, experienced awk user here
if I'm understanding the script correctly, there appears to be a semicolon missing after the while.
I'm going to test this with gawk and mawk for regressions, but I think it should work: !4#2794

Calvin Lee (Mar 10 2023 at 22:52):

let me know if this is a desired solution (e.g. making awk invocations posix compatible) and I'll test
otherwise if y'all want to get rid of awk alltogether I'll just abandon this PR

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 01:53):

This looks great! Btw, I tested your posix-compliant awk program with MacOS's default awk (which is neither mawk nor gawk, I believe?) and it now works there too. (The earlier version fails.) I'll mention this on the PR as well.

(Also, maybe the PR title should say "posix-compliant" or something instead of just mawk? It seems like it's a more general fix!)

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 02:11):

Imo you may as well turn it into a real PR, test it with gawk and mawk as mentioned to confirm it behaves the same as the earlier script, and put it out for review; then someone with merge powers might see it and just hit merge. If it works as advertised, I can't think of any reason we wouldn't want it asap, even if we plan to move away from awk! :)

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 02:12):

(In that case you should probably explain why it fixes things in the PR description in case they haven't seen zulip, though.)

Calvin Lee (Mar 11 2023 at 06:04):

good grief. we're going to have issues with mawk for other reasons. In particular, it doesn't support unicode:
if this much of a deviation (too-conservative line-length calculation in a weird unsupported awk) the PR might not make sense
let me test it in macOS awk and see what happens

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:13):

Oops, I didn’t consider that that might be an issue! (Tested it locally on macOS with a couple Unicode characters and it seemed okay, but your tests will probably be more thorough!)

Calvin Lee (Mar 11 2023 at 06:15):

I picked a long file, and ended up with two definitions that were calculated differently. I have a solution but it's not pretty image.png

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:22):

Hmmm…maybe a rewrite is in order after all :/ What’s the solution you’re thinking of?

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:24):

Or: why does this happen? I thought posix-compliance meant things were cross-platform; is there a --posix flag or something?

Calvin Lee (Mar 11 2023 at 06:25):

unicode-compliance in awk is... fairly undefined. Kerningham himself just (last year) added unicode support to upstream AWK

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:26):

Ah, wow

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:28):

I keep thinking “if only there were a cross-platform way to run awk!” but…I guess that’s just gawk…? 😅

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:31):

If we can’t get different versions of awk to agree and can’t immediately find a cross-platform way to rewrite it in something else, maybe the best we can hope for is something at the top of the file which checks that you have gawk and exits with a message like “Please install gawk. See [section] of the porting wiki for details” if you don’t.

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:33):

(Also, is gawk always accessible as gawk if you have it? It might be good to replace awk with gawk if we can, so that people don’t have to actually change their default awk.)

Jeremy Tan (Mar 11 2023 at 06:43):

Thomas Murrills said:

If we can’t get different versions of awk to agree and can’t immediately find a cross-platform way to rewrite it in something else

Just accept the PR first – the line length issue, if it ever pops up, is for humans to resolve, not awk

Calvin Lee (Mar 11 2023 at 06:49):

tried to test on macOS but ran into sed issues as well (before reaching the awk)

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:51):

Jeremy Tan said:

Thomas Murrills said:

If we can’t get different versions of awk to agree and can’t immediately find a cross-platform way to rewrite it in something else

Just accept the PR first – the line length issue, if it ever pops up, is for humans to resolve, not awk

If line length is a problem for humans but by positioning isn’t, then we should just remove the line length check from the awk program.

(My understanding is that currently some systems might think that some lines with < 98 characters actually have more than 98 characters, and therefore refrain from repositioning the by, right? Worst that happens is some lines are long.)

Jeremy Tan (Mar 11 2023 at 06:53):

yeah, we can do that too

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 06:55):

Calvin Lee said:

tried to test on macOS but ran into sed issues as well (before reaching the awk)

Oh, yeesh, I just tested the awk program in isolation. Does sed rely on awk under the hood? What’s the deal there?

Jeremy Tan (Mar 11 2023 at 07:01):

The whole script works on my Ubuntu laptop though

Calvin Lee (Mar 11 2023 at 07:05):

ok as expected, macOS awk result is same as mawk due to unicode issues.
Also I fixed sed on macOS, would these changes be appreciated too?

Calvin Lee (Mar 11 2023 at 07:11):

ok nevermind it's impossible lol https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5694228/sed-in-place-flag-that-works-both-on-mac-bsd-and-linux

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 07:11):

Lol I was just looking at that same question

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 07:12):

Could it be rewritten in gawk somehow? (Since we’re making people install it anyway?)

Jeremy Tan (Mar 11 2023 at 07:12):

If that's the case, just write another Python scriptoid to handle the by formatting

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 07:13):

I’m talking about the sed issues

Calvin Lee (Mar 11 2023 at 07:14):

awk isn't any better at "in-place editing" as sed (this also isn't one of sed's strong-suits, as a "stream editor")
you'd have to awk <SCRIPT> -f file > file which is also possible with sed

Thomas Murrills (Mar 11 2023 at 07:28):

Hmm, ok!

my sense is that we should balance being robustly cross-platform with being easy to review—if such a modification of the sed script is probably fine for Linux, mac, and windows, and is close to the original, I think that’s a good short-term fix.

Moritz Doll (Mar 18 2023 at 23:39):

The script now fails on my machine with

  File "/home/moritz/coding/lean/mathlib4/scripts/fix-line-breaks.py", line 6
    with (open(sys.argv[1], "r", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as f,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Python version is 3.8.10

Eric Wieser (Mar 18 2023 at 23:43):

Oops, looks like we committed 3.10 syntax

Eric Wieser (Mar 18 2023 at 23:43):

Removing the outermost parentheses and adding a \ on the end of the line should fix it

Moritz Doll (Mar 18 2023 at 23:45):

yes, that works

Moritz Doll (Mar 18 2023 at 23:51):


Eric Wieser (Mar 18 2023 at 23:55):

Heh, it was actually @Julian Berman who requested this feature long ago: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/56991

Julian Berman (Mar 19 2023 at 00:08):

Pfft oh man yeah that... was an ordeal.

Eric Wieser (Mar 19 2023 at 00:32):

I know the feeling, two of my PRs took 5 years to be merged (mostly spent waiting for an expert in something everyone had forgotten about)

Julian Berman (Mar 19 2023 at 00:51):

So, the decimal module? Though that nonsense applies to lots of things so my silly guess might not be good for much. Working on CPython is a bit like slow torture though :)

Eric Wieser (Mar 19 2023 at 01:20):

Nope, ctypes

Peter Nelson (Jun 02 2023 at 13:47):

I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but I'm having trouble with start_port.sh in a way that looks similar (M1 Mac).

peternelson@v1040-wn-rt-a-74-248 mathlib4 % ./scripts/start_port.sh Mathlib/Data/Set/Ncard.lean
remote: Enumerating objects: 37, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (37/37), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (28/28), done.
remote: Total 37 (delta 23), reused 12 (delta 9), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (37/37), 25.73 KiB | 731.00 KiB/s, done.
From https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4
   151c25bc..329fc545  master     -> origin/master
   5fdf5610..707a3952  port/Analysis.Analytic.Composition -> origin/port/Analysis.Analytic.Composition
   ffaf90da..39a5d650  port/MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner -> origin/port/MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner
   329fc545..593b929e  staging    -> origin/staging
Checking out a new branch in a temporary working tree
Downloading latest version from mathlib3port
Applying automated fixes
sed: 1: "Mathlib/Data/Set/Ncard. ...": invalid command code M

Am I doing something wrong?

Ruben Van de Velde (Jun 02 2023 at 13:53):

That looks like a case of an incompatible sed - there's been previous discussion here you might be able to find

Peter Nelson (Jun 02 2023 at 14:04):

Ok thanks - a little more googling helped me figure out exactly what to do. For posterity, I first did
brew install sed, then did PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH". After that, it was ok.

Oliver Nash (Jun 02 2023 at 14:27):

As another Mac user, I had the same issue and used (essentially) the same solution. The problem seems to be that Mac OS provides BSD sed whereas the script relies on GNU sed. What a time to be alive!

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC