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Stream: mathlib4

Topic: use tactic is no longer finishing

Patrick Massot (Jan 26 2023 at 20:51):

A small detail that is not very important but a bit confusing. In Lean 3 you could use use as a finishing tactic, as in

example : true  true := by
  use [trivial, trivial]

Patrick Massot (Jan 26 2023 at 20:52):

This no longer works:

example : True  True := by
  use trivial, trivial

Patrick Massot (Jan 26 2023 at 20:52):

invalid constructor ⟨...⟩, insufficient number of arguments, constructs 'True.intro' does not have explicit fields, but #2 provided

Heather Macbeth (Jan 26 2023 at 20:56):

@Patrick Massot The capabilities of use have been changing, most recently I downgraded them slightly: mathlib4#1153

Patrick Massot (Jan 26 2023 at 20:59):

I think this is completely unrelated. Here I'm not using the trivial tactic, only the term.

Patrick Massot (Jan 26 2023 at 21:01):

Maybe a less confusing example would be

example :  n : nat, n = n  := by
  use [0, rfl]


example :  n : Nat, n = n  := by
  use 0, rfl

Patrick Massot (Jan 26 2023 at 21:01):

The first one works in Lean 3.

Moritz Doll (Feb 01 2023 at 02:20):

I've ran into this issue as well. My fix was changing use 0, rfl to exact ⟨0, rfl⟩, which is probably better style anyways. Looking at it now, I suspect that the issue is that use expects at least one more argument (since it is defined as refine ⟨a, ?_⟩ <?> bla).

Mario Carneiro (Feb 01 2023 at 02:36):

I think use 0; rfl would also work in these examples

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC