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Stream: FLT-regular

Topic: General notation

Riccardo Brasca (Oct 28 2021 at 14:17):

Everything should compile now, using the new general definition is_cyclotomic_extension. Here is a quick summary of the notations, I think it's a good idea to try to be consistent through the whole project.

  • If you want to say that a given extension is cyclotomic, use
variables (S : set +) (A B : Type*) [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B]
class is_cyclotomic_extension : Prop :=
(ex_root (a : +) (ha : a  S) :  r : B, aeval r (cyclotomic a A) = 0)
(adjoint_roots :  x, x  adjoin A { b : B |  a : +, a  S  b ^ (a : ) = 1 })

It means that B is a S-th cyclotomic extension of A. We will surely need a good API for this.

  • If you want to consider "the" n-th cyclotomic extension of a field, use
variables (n : +) (K : Type*) [field K]
def cyclotomic_field  := (cyclotomic n K).splitting_field

It is a field and has is_cyclotomic_extension {n} K (cyclotomic_extension n K).

  • If you want to consider "the" n-th cyclotomic extension of a domain, things a little trickier. You should use
variables (n : +) (A K : Type*) [comm_ring A] [field K] [algebra A K] [is_fraction_ring A K]
def cyclotomic_ring  := adjoin A { b : (cyclotomic_field n K) | b ^ (n : ) = 1 }

So you have this K lying around, that mathematically is irrelevant. Note that cyclotomic_field n K andcyclotomic_ring n A K do not have an A-algebra instance (maybe they soon will, but there are diamonds to be solved). If you need them, just use

local attribute [instance] cyclotomic_field.algebra_base --algebra A (cyclotomic_field n K)
local attribute [instance] cyclotomic_ring.algebra_base -- algebra A (cyclotomic_ring n A K)
  • We should try to work with is_cyclotomic_extension as much as possible, avoiding the explicit constructions.
  • In practice A = ℤ and K = ℚ is enough for us, but very often the proof is the same, I suggest we try to be as general as possible if it's easy.
  • If A = ℤ, then the instances algebra ℤ (cyclotomic_field n ℚ) and algebra ℤ (cyclotomic_ring n ℤ ℚ) exist by the general machinery, so in this case you should not use local attribute [instance] (doing so will trigger some diamond-related problems).

Riccardo Brasca (Oct 28 2021 at 14:21):

  • Results about a general cyclotomic extension are in the is_cyclotomic_extension namespace (even if they are only for fields or whatever).
  • Results about the explicit construction are in the cyclotomic_field or cyclotomic_ring namespace.

Alex J. Best (Oct 28 2021 at 14:24):

Thanks for sorting all this out Riccardo, at https://github.com/leanprover-community/flt-regular/runs/4035774913?check_suite_focus=true there are some linter errors still, most are harmless and will be sorted out in time, but I'm curious whether

-- number_theory/cyclotomic/basic.lean
#check @cyclotomic_field.algebra_base /- is a lemma/theorem, should be a def -/
#check @cyclotomic_ring.algebra_base /- is a lemma/theorem, should be a def -/

is intended or not at this point?

Eric Wieser (Oct 28 2021 at 14:26):

Making your data-carrying instances lemmas is certainly one way to guarantee diamonds!

lemma foo :  := 1
lemma bar :  := 1
example : foo = bar := rfl -- fails!

Riccardo Brasca (Oct 28 2021 at 14:26):

They are now def.

Riccardo Brasca (Oct 28 2021 at 14:17):

Everything should compile now, using the new general definition is_cyclotomic_extension. Here is a quick summary of the notations, I think it's a good idea to try to be consistent through the whole project.

  • If you want to say that a given extension is cyclotomic, use
variables (S : set +) (A B : Type*) [comm_ring A] [comm_ring B]
class is_cyclotomic_extension : Prop :=
(ex_root (a : +) (ha : a  S) :  r : B, aeval r (cyclotomic a A) = 0)
(adjoint_roots :  x, x  adjoin A { b : B |  a : +, a  S  b ^ (a : ) = 1 })

It means that B is a S-th cyclotomic extension of A. We will surely need a good API for this.

  • If you want to consider "the" n-th cyclotomic extension of a field, use
variables (n : +) (K : Type*) [field K]
def cyclotomic_field  := (cyclotomic n K).splitting_field

It is a field and has is_cyclotomic_extension {n} K (cyclotomic_extension n K).

  • If you want to consider "the" n-th cyclotomic extension of a domain, things are a little trickier. You should use
variables (n : +) (A K : Type*) [comm_ring A] [field K] [algebra A K] [is_fraction_ring A K]
def cyclotomic_ring  := adjoin A { b : (cyclotomic_field n K) | b ^ (n : ) = 1 }

So you have this K lying around, that mathematically is irrelevant. Note that cyclotomic_field n K andcyclotomic_ring n A K do not have an A-algebra instance (maybe they soon will, but there are diamonds to be solved). If you need them, just use

local attribute [instance] cyclotomic_field.algebra_base --algebra A (cyclotomic_field n K)
local attribute [instance] cyclotomic_ring.algebra_base -- algebra A (cyclotomic_ring n A K)
  • We should try to work with is_cyclotomic_extension as much as possible, avoiding the explicit constructions.
  • In practice A = ℤ and K = ℚ is enough for us, but very often the proof is the same, I suggest we try to be as general as possible if it's easy.
  • If A = ℤ, then the instances algebra ℤ (cyclotomic_field n ℚ) and algebra ℤ (cyclotomic_ring n ℤ ℚ) exist by the general machinery, so in this case you should not use local attribute [instance] (doing so will trigger some diamond-related problems).

Riccardo Brasca (Oct 28 2021 at 14:21):

  • Results about a general cyclotomic extension are in the is_cyclotomic_extension namespace (even if they are only for fields or whatever).
  • Results about the explicit construction are in the cyclotomic_field or cyclotomic_ring namespace.

Alex J. Best (Oct 28 2021 at 14:24):

Thanks for sorting all this out Riccardo, at https://github.com/leanprover-community/flt-regular/runs/4035774913?check_suite_focus=true there are some linter errors still, most are harmless and will be sorted out in time, but I'm curious whether

-- number_theory/cyclotomic/basic.lean
#check @cyclotomic_field.algebra_base /- is a lemma/theorem, should be a def -/
#check @cyclotomic_ring.algebra_base /- is a lemma/theorem, should be a def -/

is intended or not at this point?

Eric Wieser (Oct 28 2021 at 14:26):

Making your data-carrying instances lemmas is certainly one way to guarantee diamonds!

lemma foo :  := 1
lemma bar :  := 1
example : foo = bar := rfl -- fails!

Riccardo Brasca (Oct 28 2021 at 14:26):

They are now def.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC