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Topic: Derived functors

Joël Riou (Oct 10 2023 at 22:57):

Given an additive functor F : C ⥤ D between abelian categories (such that C has enough injectives), I have just finished defining F.rightDerivedFunctorPlus : DerivedCategory.Plus C ⥤ DerivedCategory.Plus D, which is the total right derived functor RF:D+(C)D+(D)RF : D^+(C) ⥤ D^+(D) of the extension K+(C)K+(D)K^+(C) ⥤ K^+(D) of F to the bounded below homotopy categories. In order to deal with the construction of total right derived functors, I have used the formalism of derivability structures introduced by Kahn and Maltsiniotis in https://webusers.imj-prg.fr/~georges.maltsiniotis/ps/bkgmdef.pdf
The most technical part was to construct a derivability structure for the inclusion of bounded below complexes of injectives in K^+(C), which involved showing that any bounded below complex is quasi-isomorphic to a bounded below complex of injectives. The dual version (projective replacement of complexes) was in the LTE, but here I proved a more general statement which could be used to construct a model category structure on C+(C)C^+(C): what I proved are the two parts of the factorization axiom CM5 (with cofibrations = mono, and fibrations = epi with degreewise injective kernel).
If we know that derived functors of triangulated functors are triangulated under some suitable assumptions (I have some Lean3 code doing exactly that), then RFRF becomes a triangulated functor, which may ultimately be used in order to redefine the sequence of right derived functors RnF:CDR^n F : C ⥤ D. Then, it will be easy to show that we have long exact sequences for the RnFR^n F functors attached to any short exact sequence in C.

The main definition is at https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/pull/4197/files#diff-05aac5194a26085d7c2dd0468f679fdaa958ccc2f38af8b23e8783f09d91fb04R249-R251

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC