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Stream: homology
Topic: Derived functors
Joël Riou (Oct 10 2023 at 22:57):
Given an additive functor F : C ⥤ D
between abelian categories (such that C
has enough injectives), I have just finished defining F.rightDerivedFunctorPlus : DerivedCategory.Plus C ⥤ DerivedCategory.Plus D
, which is the total right derived functor of the extension of F
to the bounded below homotopy categories. In order to deal with the construction of total right derived functors, I have used the formalism of derivability structures introduced by Kahn and Maltsiniotis in https://webusers.imj-prg.fr/~georges.maltsiniotis/ps/bkgmdef.pdf
The most technical part was to construct a derivability structure for the inclusion of bounded below complexes of injectives in K^+(C)
, which involved showing that any bounded below complex is quasi-isomorphic to a bounded below complex of injectives. The dual version (projective replacement of complexes) was in the LTE, but here I proved a more general statement which could be used to construct a model category structure on : what I proved are the two parts of the factorization axiom CM5 (with cofibrations = mono, and fibrations = epi with degreewise injective kernel).
If we know that derived functors of triangulated functors are triangulated under some suitable assumptions (I have some Lean3 code doing exactly that), then becomes a triangulated functor, which may ultimately be used in order to redefine the sequence of right derived functors . Then, it will be easy to show that we have long exact sequences for the functors attached to any short exact sequence in C
The main definition is at https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/pull/4197/files#diff-05aac5194a26085d7c2dd0468f679fdaa958ccc2f38af8b23e8783f09d91fb04R249-R251
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC