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Stream: lean4 dev
Topic: ElabTermM and saveState
Joachim Breitner (Nov 10 2023 at 12:43):
I want to store the state of my currentElabTermM
context and resume it later. If I write
let savedState ← saveState
restoreState savedState
that seems to be a proper no-op, as expected. But if I saveState
in two different places, and then restore them later, I get unknown free variable '
Is saveState
here not a good way of doing that?
(Sorry for begin rather vague, I should try to #mwe this issue.)
Joachim Breitner (Nov 10 2023 at 13:00):
Here is a #mwe that doesn’t quite reproduce the issue I am facing, but certainly demonstrates a misunderstanding on my side:
import Mathlib.Tactic.RunCmd
open Lean Elab Term Command Meta
set_option autoImplicit false
elab (name := demo) "demo" : command => liftTermElabM do
let expr ← elabTerm (← `(term|fun x => x)) none
let Expr.lam n d b c := expr | unreachable!
let (body,s) ← withoutModifyingState $ withLocalDecl n c d fun x => do
let b' := b.instantiate1 x
check b'
dbg_trace "Inside : {((← getLCtx).find? b'.fvarId!).isSome}"
pure (b', ← saveState)
-- let (_body,_s) ← withoutModifyingState $ withLocalDecl n c d fun x => do
-- let b' := b.instantiate1 x
-- check b'
-- pure (b', ← saveState)
-- variable is not available, this is expected:
dbg_trace "Outside 1: {((← getLCtx).find? body.fvarId!).isSome}"
check body -- shouldn't this fail, because the local decl is not available
restoreState s
-- variable still not available, this is unexpected
dbg_trace "Outside 2: {((← getLCtx).find? body.fvarId!).isSome}"
dbg_trace "{body}"
The b'
inside the withLocalDecl
is the FVar that was introduced by withLocalDecl
. It is in scope, as the dbg_trace
Outside, it is no longer part of the of the environment, as expected. (Oddly, check
doesn’t complain).
But after restoreSTate
is it still not part of the local context. Why?
Joachim Breitner (Nov 10 2023 at 13:02):
Ah, saveState
and restore
doesn’t actually touch the MetaM
! Does that mean that these states are not meant to be restored
in a different context?
Joachim Breitner (Nov 10 2023 at 13:07):
So this looks like it might work; I am not sure how kosher that is:
import Mathlib.Tactic.RunCmd
open Lean Elab Term Command Meta
set_option autoImplicit false
elab (name := demo) "demo" : command => liftTermElabM do
let expr ← elabTerm (← `(term|fun x => x)) none
let Expr.lam n d b c := expr | unreachable!
let (body,s,mc) ← withoutModifyingState $ withLocalDecl n c d fun x => do
let b' := b.instantiate1 x
check b'
dbg_trace "Inside : {((← getLCtx).find? b'.fvarId!).isSome}"
pure (b', ← saveState, ← readThe Meta.Context)
-- let (_body,_s) ← withoutModifyingState $ withLocalDecl n c d fun x => do
-- let b' := b.instantiate1 x
-- check b'
-- pure (b', ← saveState)
-- variable is not available, this is expected:
dbg_trace "Outside 1: {((← getLCtx).find? body.fvarId!).isSome}"
check body -- shouldn't this fail, because the local decl is not available
withTheReader Meta.Context (fun _ => mc) $ do
restoreState s
-- variable still not available, this is unexpected
dbg_trace "Outside 2: {((← getLCtx).find? body.fvarId!).isSome}"
dbg_trace "{body}"
Jannis Limperg (Nov 10 2023 at 13:45):
Looks okay to me, though not exactly idiomatic. I would save the LocalContext
in which body
is valid, rather than the MetaM.Context
Joachim Breitner (Nov 10 2023 at 14:24):
Hmm, make sense, but I’d be worried about breaking invariants, e.g. between lctx
and localInstances
structure Context where
config : Config := {}
/-- Local context -/
lctx : LocalContext := {}
/-- Local instances in `lctx`. -/
localInstances : LocalInstances := #[]
Jannis Limperg (Nov 10 2023 at 16:13):
Ah yes, you'll need the LocalInstances
as well. But withLCtx
would have told you this as well.
Jannis Limperg (Nov 10 2023 at 16:14):
Other than that, I don't think there are any invariants attached to LocalContext
; after all, withContext
is an ever-popular function.
Joachim Breitner (Nov 10 2023 at 16:16):
Thanks! Changed accordingly.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC