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Stream: std4

Topic: Changes to DiscrTree

Scott Morrison (Oct 23 2023 at 00:24):

We have some changes coming to the implementation of DiscrTree. std4#316 is the Std bump for this; I'd appreciate some skeptical eyes on this one!

Scott Morrison (Oct 23 2023 at 00:40):

@Jannis Limperg, I've made Aesop compile again at https://github.com/leanprover-community/aesop/pull/79. If you could give it a skeptical look, and then make any changes you'd like, that would be great!

Mario Carneiro (Oct 23 2023 at 02:04):

Oh, are we getting rid of the simpleReduce flag? What's the rationale?

Mario Carneiro (Oct 23 2023 at 02:05):

the changes themselves seem fine

Scott Morrison (Oct 23 2023 at 03:25):

Instead of the simpleReduce flag, all the DiscrTree functions now take WhnfCoreConfig argument. simpleReduce := false is {}, and simpleReduce := true is (I think?) { iota := false, proj := .no }.

Joachim Breitner (Oct 23 2023 at 06:41):

If you merge https://github.com/leanprover/std4/pull/285 first, then more (but not all) of the refactoring is contained to std4, as it moves some operations on DiscrTrees scattered throughout mathlib and Aesop to std4. But maybe that's too distracting at this point, and I can update my PR afterwards as well, of course.

Joachim Breitner (Oct 23 2023 at 06:43):

Whatever is most easiest. Maybe std4#316 could just move the operations to std since it's already touching all the code.

Scott Morrison (Oct 23 2023 at 07:37):

I don't particularly mind the ordering these happen in, but I would prefer to keep the migration and update steps in separate PRs.

Joachim Breitner (Oct 23 2023 at 07:49):

Fair enough, then better just go ahead with your update, and I'll continue with the migration afterwards.

Jannis Limperg (Oct 23 2023 at 11:33):

@Scott Morrison Thanks for fixing up Aesop! I've reviewed the PR and made some trivial changes.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC