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Stream: std4

Topic: SetNotation naming conventions

Michael George (Dec 30 2022 at 15:50):

In Classes.SetNotation, there are classes named HasSubset and HasSSubset, and there are also classes named Union and Inter (and others). Is there a reason for the different naming convention (i.e. why not HasUnion or HasInter, or why not Subset and SSubset)?

François G. Dorais (Dec 31 2022 at 17:17):

It's to avoid name conflicts. For example:

def DecidableSet (α) := α  Bool

namespace DecidableSet

-- This is `Prop` valued so it starts with an upper case letter
def Subset (a b : DecidableSet α) : Prop :=  x, a x  b x
instance : HasSubset (DecidableSet α) where
  Subset := Subset

-- This takes values in a type so it starts with a lower case letter
def inter (a b : DecidableSet α) :  DecidableSet α := fun x => a x && b x
instance : Inter (DecidableSet α) where
  inter := inter

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC