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Stream: std4

Topic: Trythis code action title

Patrick Massot (Dec 15 2023 at 17:27):

When creating a Try this widget, you can provide a header to replace the default "Try this". However this header is hard-wired in the action provider. I guess this is an oversight. Is there any hidden deep reason for this? Or should I try to fix it and PR it to std$?

Scott Morrison (Dec 16 2023 at 00:07):

PR please!

Kyle Miller (Dec 16 2023 at 00:36):

Speaking of TryThis, I know that the says tactic uses the "try this" header. Maybe if the Suggestion's message data were wrapped in docs#Lean.MessageData.tagged then it could more reliably extract the suggestion. Maybe this instance could insert that tagging: https://github.com/leanprover/std4/blob/c4aef3c27c6df946c46ac52564c84c86e2ccd2cc/Std/Tactic/TryThis.lean#L160

I don't really know what tagging is used for, but I noticed that docs#Lean.Elab.Term.reportUnsolvedGoals tags the message.

Thomas Murrills (Dec 16 2023 at 06:32):

The reason I (deliberately) left it as Try this: in (just) the code action was because code actions are best as one-liners and we’re visually short on space there, and (imo) there’s value in communicating the nature of the action itself in a brief, direct, and standard way. Having only “Try this:” before the replacement syntax was (I figured) a sufficiently basic, familiar, and to-the-point way to communicate “replace the squiggled text with the given text” in as little space as possible. If someone includes a long header or other non-replacement text in their suggestion, it shouldn’t obstruct the user’s view of what the code action will do in the lightbulb menu. (Also, I didn’t want to make that PR any bigger than it was by including even more knobs to fiddle with.)

Note that we also can’t simply use the header argument itself: you don’t want each individual code action to say “Try these: <replacement>” in the addSuggestions case.

But! If we want flexibility here (and we probably do, after all) we could add a field to Suggestion like codeActionString : Option (Suggestion → String) := none. Then you can include whatever aspects of the suggestion you want in whatever way you want to, or you can just use the default.

(Actually I need to check this makes sense; maybe we don’t want to format the syntax twice, or maybe we don’t have access to the suggestion when needed, etc. Maybe we just want to offer codeAction : Option (String → String) or simply codeActionPrefix : Option String or something, or even just a uniform prefix that gets passed as a prop instead of as a suggestion field (even though each suggestion gets its own code action).)

(There’s also the question of whether we agree with this default behavior I’ve adopted in the first place, though.)

Patrick Massot (Dec 16 2023 at 15:59):

It all make sense for expert usage, but the context of my question was teaching in another language than English.

Thomas Murrills (Dec 16 2023 at 21:11):


Thomas Murrills (Dec 16 2023 at 21:19):

Makes sense! My perspective was admittedly limited to the considerations above when thinking about the behavior initially. :)

In the PR I add a field toCodeActionTitle? : Option (String → String) to Suggestion which can be applied to the pretty-printed suggestion text (in general, this could also be used to, for example, dependently include the number of remaining goals resulting from a tactic execution: "Try this: (⊢ 3) <tactic replacement>" or "Try this: :tada: <tactic replacement>") and a convenient argument codeActionPrefix? : Option String := none for addSuggestions which is used as a prefix to the suggestion text by default (if toCodeActionTitle? is not provided).

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC