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Stream: std4

Topic: tail recursion

Mario Carneiro (Nov 28 2023 at 00:51):

@Scott Morrison said:

:light_bulb: Interesting. I wish we had an annotation to require / check tail-recursiveness...

You mean like this?

import Lean
open Lean

partial def visitBody (f : IR.FunId) : IR.FnBody  StateM (NameSet × Bool) Unit
  | .vdecl x _ e b => do
    let tailcall := match b with | .ret (.var y) => x == y | _ => false
    match e with
    | .fap c _ =>
      if tailcall && c == f then modify fun (s, _) => (s, true)
      else modify fun (s, b) => (s.insert c, b)
    | .pap c _ => modify fun (s, b) => (s.insert c, b)
    | _ => pure ()
    visitBody f b
  | .jdecl _ _ v b => do visitBody f v; visitBody f b
  | .case _ _ _ cs => for c in cs do visitBody f c.body
  | e => if e.isTerminal then pure () else visitBody f e.body

elab "#ir_stats " decl:ident : command => do
  let name := decl.getId
  let some decl := (IR.declMapExt.getState ( getEnv)).find? name
    | throwError "IR declaration {name} not found"
  match decl with
  | .extern .. => logInfo m!"{name} is external"
  | .fdecl (f := f) (body := b) .. =>
    let (_, calls, tailRec) := (visitBody f b).run ({}, false)
    if !calls.isEmpty then
      logInfo m!"{name} calls (recursively) {calls.toList}"
    if tailRec then
      logInfo m!"{name} is tail-recursive"
    else if calls.contains f then
      logInfo m!"{name} is properly recursive"
      logInfo m!"{name} is not recursive"

@[specialize] def map {α β} (f : α  β) : List α  List β
  | []    => []
  | a::as => f a :: map f as

@[inline] def mapTR {α β} (f : α  β) (as : List α) : List β :=
  loop as []
  @[specialize] loop : List α  List β  List β
  | [],    bs => bs.reverse
  | a::as, bs => loop as (f a :: bs)

#ir_stats map._rarg -- map._rarg is properly recursive
#ir_stats mapTR.loop._rarg -- mapTR.loop._rarg is tail-recursive

Scott Morrison (Nov 28 2023 at 03:27):


Perhaps the name should just be #check_recursive?

Scott Morrison (Nov 28 2023 at 03:27):

Could this go in Lean.Util.Recursion?

Scott Morrison (Nov 28 2023 at 03:28):

Would it make sense to allow leaving off the ._rarg?

Mario Carneiro (Nov 28 2023 at 03:32):

The idea behind this interface was more to give general information about IR declarations, kind of like #print but for IR decls instead of regular decls. For checking for bounded stack space, I was thinking of a more all-in-one solution that traverses the whole dag of function declarations starting at the one you specify, and reports if any of them is properly recursive (or mutually recursive). That way you don't have to put the _rarg. That would also presumably work better as an attribute like you originally suggested.

There is a limitation though: we can only inspect the definitions of declarations in the same file - the IR for other files is not available, only the signatures, so we have to treat any calls to upstream functions as opaque.

Mario Carneiro (Nov 28 2023 at 03:34):

I didn't show it above but the reason #ir_stats prints the direct calls is so that you can be lead to inspect the _rarg function, I didn't just guess those names above

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC